Vulkan Renderer - support to openFrameworks by Tim Gfrerer | Digital #MediaArt(s) Numérique(s) |

Vulkan is a next generation graphics API, and set to succeed OpenGL and GLES. It’s a much more explicit API. It is a fundamental shift in rendering, and it allows a level of control and performance previously only possible on games consoles. With its sister standard SPIR-V it can revolutionise drawing, shading and compute.

It was released on February 16 this year, and there is already fairly solid driver support from most manufacturers.

  • In terms of programming, it’s like switching from JavaScript to C++: potentially faster, more explicit — and there's a chance you end up with undefined behaviour.

  • In terms of motoring, it's like trading in a Toyota for an unlimited supply of Ferrari car parts. You could build something to put the A-Team to shame, but it might take a really long time to hit the road.

  • In terms of child’s play, its like moving from Duplo to Lego. You can build things with much more attention to detail, but you might miss how quickly you could have built a simple wall with cruder bricks.