600,000 Macs compromised by Flashback botnet | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... | Scoop.it
Apple users will be suffering a crisis of faith, as it was revealed its faith-based security system failed to prevent over 600,000 Macs around the world from being compromised by the Flashback Trojan.


Apple has now released a patch that should squash the vulnerability. Whether or not Apple users will rush to protect their machines is another matter. Earlier this week, Sophos' Graham Cluley urged users to be vigilant. There had been a "flood of Mac malware activity" against users in mid-2011, with a steady stream since.

Users were encouraged to consider that many cyber attacks are not specifically technical, but rely on social engineering and human folly.

Apple fans would be "foolhardy" not to protect their Macs with anti-virus software and to keep it updated, Cluley said.


===> "Especially as there are free Mac anti-virus options available, you really have nothing to lose". <===


                       ===> NOBODY IS PERFECT!!! <===


Read more: http://news.techeye.net/security/600000-macs-compromised-by-flashback-botnet#ixzz1rAgKQUW6