More Mac malware attacking minority groups in China | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... |
A targeted Mac malware attack strikes a minority group in China, exploiting an old Microsoft Word vulnerability.


Although many Mac users might clutch onto the hope that their operating system will ask for an administrator's username and password before installing any software, you won't see any such message pop-up with an attack like this as it is a userland Trojan and you will not be prompted for administrator credentials.


Once again, Mac users need to remember to not be complacent about the security of their computers. Although there is much less malware for Mac than there is for Windows, that is going to be no compensation if you happen to be targeted by an attack like this.


Mac users, just like Windows users, need to pay attention to the latest security patches and ensure that their software is kept properly up-to-date.

If you're not already doing so, run anti-virus software on your Macs.


If you're a home user, there really is no excuse at all as we offer a free anti-virus for Mac consumers.