Create Stunning Circular Infographics: Circos | Amazing Science |

Circos is a software package conceived and created by Martin Krzywinski to visualize large amounts of data in a circular layout.  


Circos is ideal for creating publication-quality infographics and illustrations with a high data-to-ink ratio, richly layered data and pleasant symmetries. 


See some examples of Circus generated infographics: 


See a tour of Circos feature: 


Download the software: 

(You will need Perl to run Circos. Perl is an interpretive language, like Python or Ruby. It is available for nearly every operating system and if you're on UNIX or Mac OS X, you very likely already have it installed. Perl 5.8.x, or newer, is recommended.)


Check out the tutorials: 

Via Robin Good, Frederic Emam-Zade Gerardino