Food and Drug Administration: FDA Accelerated Approval (Phase 4) of Genervon's GM6 for Use In ALS | #ALS AWARENESS #LouGehrigsDisease #PARKINSONS |

My name is Nick, I am 54-years old and in October 2011, I was diagnosed with ALS. Today, I am in a wheelchair and cannot walk or stand. My arms grow weaker almost every day and my breathing is starting to be affected. I used to be very active but now I can only leave my home when I have someone with me who's strong enough to lift me into my wheelchair once I'm done scooting down to the bottom of the stairs on my butt. It can feel like I'm a 100-year old man who can't do things for himself anymore. At 54, I should still be a vibrant part of my community, but this disease is kicking me where it hurts.
Through the enthusiasm generated by the Ice Bucket Challenge, many people now know that ALS is a degenerative neurological disease that currently affects over 30,000 Americans, and as it stands the disease is always fatal. Most people with ALS are given only 2-5 years to live. When I was diagnosed, I was devastated - it took me months to accept it. Although I am now resolved, I have not lost hope.
Currently, there is only one drug available to treat ALS (riluzole).........

To view trial results, please see "Genervon Announces ALS and PD Phase 2a Trial Results" and "Genervon Announces ALS Compassionate Use Results" at the link below.