Phil Timp's voice is weak but his smile can still brighten a room | Book: Moments That Took My Breath Away | #ALS AWARENESS #LouGehrigsDisease #PARKINSONS |
Two years after being diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease, it has robbed the use of Timp's legs, his right arm and now attacks his diaphragm and his ability to breathe, eat and speak.


With his voice fading, a new book - Moments That Took My Breath Away - speaks for him, telling others of his journey with this disease and episodes good and bad with daughter's Beth's Rett Syndrome, a severe neurological disorder of the brain.

"The book is something I started writing before I got my diagnosis and it was about our life with Beth. When I got the diagnosis, I had to reformat the whole story and add another huge mountain to climb," Timp said last week. "It's been very inspiring to many people who've already read it. I've gotten amazing responses from many people."