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Monolingual & multilingual resources & terminology for translators & interpreters... (
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(TOOL)-(BLOG) - When a Project Manager Becomes a Bottleneck | Roman Mironov

(TOOL)-(BLOG) - When a Project Manager Becomes a Bottleneck | Roman Mironov | Glossarissimo! |

"Although a translation project manager is not the one who does the actual job in the translation process, the errors he/she makes can become a major bottleneck, making it impossible to deliver high quality of translation or turning what was initially a lucrative project into something that takes money out of a translation agency’s pocket. Read this post to get a grasp on some of the critical pitfalls that await a ..."

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(BLOG)-(ES)-(EN) - Escribe una frase ingeniosa (en inglés o español) para estas pin ups y gana un lote de productos vinatge |

(BLOG)-(ES)-(EN) - Escribe una frase ingeniosa (en inglés o español) para estas pin ups y gana un lote de productos vinatge | | Glossarissimo! |

"Este blog ha cumplido un año estos días y quiero celebrarlo con vosotros con un pequeño concurso. Al fin y al cabo, sois los que me leéis y comentáis. Sin lectores esto no sería más que un cúmulo de letras vagando por la red.


A lo que iba… Como ya sabréis, hace un tiempo creé el microblog Pin Up Translator en el que las protagonistas son unas muchachas muy saladas que comentan con ironía el día a día de un traductor. Pues bien, ¿qué os pareceríacrear una pin up y poder ganar este ..."

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(BLOG)-(IT) - I nuovi ecosistemi | Terminologia etc.

(BLOG)-(IT) - I nuovi ecosistemi | Terminologia etc. | Glossarissimo! |

"Ultimamente è quasi impossibile leggere di informatica, telefonia o tecnologie correlate senza incontrare la parola ecosistema. Qualche esempio, ciascuno con decine di migliaia di occorrenze: l’ecosistema di Android / di Apple / di Windows / di Google / di Twitter / dei tablet / degli smartphone / del cloud computing / di app / di applicazioni…

L’uso italiano riflette quello inglese: in campo informatico si ..."

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(BLOG) - International Mother Language Day | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(BLOG) - International Mother Language Day | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | Glossarissimo! |

"In 1999, UNESCO decided to launch an International Mother Language Day (IMLD) to be observed throughout the world each year on 21 February. 

This celebration is designed to promote linguistic diversity and multilingual education, to highlight greater awareness of the importance of mother tongue education. 


Multilingualism is a source of strength and opportunity for humanity. It embodies our cultural diversity and encourages the exchange of views, the renewal of ideas and the broadening of our capacity to imagine.    

Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General


Linguistic and cultural diversity represent universal values that strengthen the unity and cohesion of societies. That is why UNESCO’s Director-General, in launching IMLD 2013, will reinforce the importance of this core message and specifically highlight this year’s theme of access to books and digital media in local languages.

UNESCO’s Member States worldwide are key actors in the promotion of mother tongues through their national institutions and associations. The media, schools, universities and cultural associations play an active part in promoting the IMLD goals.


Using the slogan “Books for Mother tongue education”, IMLD 2013 aims to remind key stakeholders in education that in order ..."

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(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the Week is “mother tongue” | TermCoord

(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the Week is “mother tongue” | TermCoord | Glossarissimo! |
This week we have chosen "Mother Tongue" since today it is the International Mother Language Day. Read more You can check all the IATE terms of the week here We invite you to suggest the equivalent...
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(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the Week is “food chain” | TermCoord

(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the Week is “food chain” | TermCoord | Glossarissimo! |
This week we have chosen “food chain” as it was one of the hottest issues on news (in relation with horsemeat) this week. Read more.
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(TOOL) - The Ergonomic Translator (2) | Caroline Devitt

(TOOL) - The Ergonomic Translator (2) | Caroline Devitt | Glossarissimo! |
You may remember that back in 2011 I wrote quite a long post about ergonomics – you can still access it at Now, a year and a half later, I’d like to follow up with a few...
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(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the week is “EORTC – European Organisation for Research and Treatment of cancer” | TermCoord

(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the week is “EORTC – European Organisation for Research and Treatment of cancer” | TermCoord | Glossarissimo! |
This week we have chosen “EORTC – European Organisation for Research and Treatment of cancer” since it was the World Cancer Day last Monday.
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Luddite? Luddite my iPhone! | Aurora Humarán - IAPTI

Luddite? Luddite my iPhone! | Aurora Humarán - IAPTI | Glossarissimo! |

"In order to consolidate concepts useful to the business of some software vendors and some agencies, a translator who opposes machine translation is branded a "luddite."

Machine translation per se should probably not to be criticized. Although I don't use it and I don't think I ever will (whether because of my own personal 'style' as a translator or because of the type of documents I normally work with), I know some colleagues who have their Systran licenses and others who are already using open source MT (never on-line MT, of course, since, as we all ..."

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Come divento traduttore? | Tra di noi

Come divento traduttore? | Tra di noi | Glossarissimo! |

"Conosco una lingua straniera. Posso diventare traduttore?


Questa domanda è apparsa in varie forme sulla pagina in facebook, ma appare da sempre anche nelle mailing list per traduttori. E’ una delle molte domande che si pongono coloro che studiano lingue quando devono decidere che strada percorrere.


Sono costretta a rispondere a questa domanda in base alla mia esperienza personale. Ventisei anni di lavoro di cui undici come freelance traduttrice non sono pochi, ma non bastano a nessuno per dare risposte univoche o valide per tutti.


Rispondo quindi a modo mio, con pensieri miei, che ho maturato soprattutto nell’arco degli ultimi dieci anni, sia traducendo come freelance, sia ..."

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(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the week is “cloud computing” | Termcoord

(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the week is “cloud computing” | Termcoord | Glossarissimo! |
This week we have chosen the term “cloud computing” since on Monday 28th of January Europe marked it as the annual data protection day against threats like cloud computing. Read more You can check ...
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Pharma looks to emerging markets for growth; medical translators should look to therapeutics | ForeignExchange Translations

Pharma looks to emerging markets for growth; medical translators should look to therapeutics | ForeignExchange Translations | Glossarissimo! |

"The other day, we wrote about how rising drug costspresent a challenge to the global economy - possibly even to medical translation professionals. The article was based on The Global Use of Medicines: Outlook Through 2016 [PDF], a 2012 report from the ..."

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Una mano di greenwash | Terminologia etc.

Una mano di greenwash | Terminologia etc. | Glossarissimo! |

"Ho trovato molto interessanti le osservazioni di Giovanna Cosenza sull’evoluzione dellinguaggio con cui i media, le imprese e le istituzioni parlano di temi legati all’ambiente:

Negli ultimi decenni abbiamo assistito a una evoluzione continua delle parole usate per identificare i temi ambientali: dal termine “paesaggio” si è passati ai generici “natura” e “ambiente”, e grande successo ha ..."

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(TOOL) - Updated list of recommended books on terminology | TermCoord

(TOOL) - Updated list of recommended books on terminology | TermCoord | Glossarissimo! |

"New Books On Terminology Take a look at our updated list of recommended books on terminology!"

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(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the week is “renewable energy” | TermCoord

(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the week is “renewable energy” | TermCoord | Glossarissimo! |
This week we have chosen “renewable energy” since the Industry, Research and Energy Committee of the EP will debate about it, voting on the 24th January for the Energy Roadmap 2015.
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(TOOL) - IATE updated | Writer’s toolbox

(TOOL) - IATE updated | Writer’s toolbox | Glossarissimo! |

"IATE, the terminology database of all EU institutions, has been updated including terminological data from the following European agencies: EU-OSHA, EEA, EMA, CEDEFOP, Europol, Eurofound, ETF, EMCDDA, FRA, CPVO, OHIM, ERA, EMSA, CEPOL, ECDC and FRONTEX.


This important tool, opened to the public in 2006, is addressed not only to translators working for the European Union institutions, but also to freelance translators who need to ..."

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(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the week is “credit rating agency” | TermCoord

(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the week is “credit rating agency” | TermCoord | Glossarissimo! |
This week we have chosen “credit rating agency” since on Wednesday 16th of January new rules about credit rating agencies were approved by the European Parliament.
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New Year, new IATE! | TermCoord

New Year, new IATE! | TermCoord | Glossarissimo! |
With new updates from several EU bodies IATE, the terminology database of all EU institutions, has been updated including terminological data from the following European agencies: EU-OSHA, EEA, EMA, CEDEFOP, Europol, Eurofound, ETF, EMCDDA, FRA, CPVO,...
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Lesson 50: 2013 – The Year of Translators

Lesson 50: 2013 – The Year of Translators | Glossarissimo! |
January is the best month to plan new strategies, implement radical changes, or enforce our resolutions. I don’t remember where, but I encountered this question: Is 2013 going to be the best year in your life?
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(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the Year | TermCoord

(MULTI) - The IATE Term of the Year | TermCoord | Glossarissimo! |
For the past year, TermCoord has published the IATE term of the week according to what was going on around the world.  Out of ten terms, the public was given the possibility to vote on the IATE term of the … Continue reading →...
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Chi ha aperto la porta che doveva restare chiusa? | Tradinoi

Chi ha aperto la porta che doveva restare chiusa? | Tradinoi | Glossarissimo! |

"Il traduttore cura la traduzione per il cliente di un’agenzia.


Il revisore interno del cliente, revisionando, corregge qualche termine tecnico e introduce diversi errori linguistici in un testo che non ne conteneva.


Il traduttore accetta i termini tecnici, ma fa notare gli errori linguistici all’agenzia.


Risposta dell’agenzia: il cliente “lo vuole così”.


Solitamente io rispondo: il vostro cliente è competente sul suo terreno, io sul mio. Il cliente si deve ..."

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Terminology e-Training opportunities | Termcoord

Terminology e-Training opportunities | Termcoord | Glossarissimo! |
Free Online Terminology tutorials eCoLoTrain, a project supported by the Leonardo da Vinci programme and created by several actors in cooperation: (Cursos de terminología en línea...
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(TOOL) - Translating for the manufacturing sector | ATA Science & Technology Division

(TOOL) - Translating for the manufacturing sector | ATA Science & Technology Division | Glossarissimo! |

"I was intrigued by a comment I read in Nataly Kelly’s recent Forbes piece: “Likewise, the majority of the world’s translators (who deal with written words) do not translate books. The largest amount of work in this field comes from the manufacturing sector.”


The largest amount? I wanted to know more! I bet other scientific and technical translators would, too! I contacted Nataly, who works for market research firm Common Sense Advisory, with a view to writing something relevant for ..."

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Vote for IATE Term of the Year

Vote for IATE Term of the Year | Glossarissimo! |
The end of the year is coming. TermCoord is carrying out a survey in order to choose the IATE term of the year. Click here to participate!
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(MULTI) - The IATE term of the week is “money laundering” | TermCoord

(MULTI) - The IATE term of the week is “money laundering” | TermCoord | Glossarissimo! |
This week we have chosen the term “money laundering” since it is one of the most important battles of the EU.
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Curated by Stefano KaliFire
Monolingual & Multilingual Resources & Terminology 4 Translators & Interpreters