Bob Harper Says If You Do These 4 Things, You're Guaranteed to Lose Weight — and Keep It Off! | AIHCP Magazine, Articles & Discussions |
Celebrity trainer, author, and The Biggest Loser star Bob Harper has been helping celebrity clients and TV contestants lose weight for decades, but recently he's made some powerful changes to his approach, both personally and professionally. Chiefly among those, he shifted from a Paleo diet to a carb-friendly, plant-based lifestyle, and outlined an exceptionally balanced new weight-loss plan in his book The Super Carb Diet: Shed Pounds, Build Strength, Eat Real Food. 1. Never Underestimate the Power of Water Drink up, friends! It may seem painfully simple — and that's because it is. "I think that we talk about being hungry, but a lot of times people are dehydrated, too," Bob told POPSUGAR. He