AIHCP Magazine, Articles & Discussions
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AIHCP Magazine, Articles & Discussions
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. Blog magazine containing articles and more.
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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
October 21, 2013 12:50 PM!

Yourwellness Magazine Explains Perils of Adult ADHD

London, UK (PRWEB UK) 21 October 2013 In Scotland, the number of drugs prescribed to treat adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has more than doubled in the past four years, The Scotsman reported October 6th.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

#howadultADHDaffectsyou #whatisadultADHD #HowtotreatAdultADHD  Learn to identify adult ADHD and what your treatment options are.

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
October 15, 2013 3:55 PM!

90% Of Adults With ADHD Are Undiagnosed. More Than 70 Canadian ADHD Awareness Week Activities October 14-20 In 23 BC Cities

90% Of Adults With ADHD Are Undiagnosed. More Than 70 Canadian ADHD Awareness Week Activities October 14-20 In 23 BC Cities | AIHCP Magazine, Articles & Discussions |
Ignoring and stigmatizing ADHD is very costly to taxpayers and families., , , , 90% of adults with ADHD are undiagnosed and untreated., , , , Dr.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

#adultswithADHD #howcanItellifIhaveADHD #HowtotreatAdultADHD  New study shows that 90% of adults with ADHD go undiagnosed.   

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