Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme
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Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme
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Stopper l'islamisation & le fascisme gauchiste

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migrant soudanais soupçonné d’avoir commis 2 agressions sexuelles sur 2 adolescentes de 14 ans

migrant soudanais soupçonné d’avoir commis 2 agressions sexuelles sur 2 adolescentes de 14 ans | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |
Un migrant de nationalité soudanaise, arrivé récemment en France, a été interpellé par les services de police, ce mercredi matin, à Sin-le-Noble (Douaisis). Il est soupçonné d’y avoir commis deux agressions sexuelles, la semaine dernière. S
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The religion of peace - La fameuse religion de 'paix' qui tue tous les jours sur cette planète...

The religion of peace - La fameuse religion de 'paix' qui tue tous les jours sur cette planète... | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

Document posté sur 'Islam : danger planétaire' ,

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Document "Etat des lieux de la France actuelle concernant un danger planétaire - Version 17" à ( Format PDF : )
islam : doctrine de haine, de soumission et d'extermination que les fascistes gauchistes nazislamo-collabos s'acharnent à appeler la 'religion d'amour, de tolérance et de paix' ^_^
Caterin Victor's curator insight, November 20, 2014 2:44 PM

La fameuse "religion" soutenue par Obama et d`autres imbecils, c`est pas une religion.  C`est une tuerie en masse, compose par des criminels, qui s`appelle  "L`Islam", et laquelle on doite se debarrasser,  d`urgence  comme  de la  Cholera, car elle est pire que l`Ebola.!! avant que les fous detruise le monde entiere.!!

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infowars link: Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack

Militants tell AP reporter they mishandled Saudi-supplied chemical weapons, causing accident Paul Joseph Watson August 30, 2013 Syrian rebels in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta have admitted to Associated Press correspondent Dale Gavlak...
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La déclaration islamique des droits de l'homme en Islam

La Déclaration du Caire, des droits de l’Homme en islam a été adoptée par l’Organisation de la Coopération Islamique, ce n’était pas son nom à l’époque, l’Organisation de la Coopération Islamique a changé de nom récemment. Elle a adopté cette déclaration en 1990. L'Organisation de la coopération islamique (OCI ; en arabe : منظمة التعاون الإسلامي, ) est une organisation intergouvernementale créée le 25 septembre 1969 sous le nom d'Organisation de la conférence islamique qui regroupe 57 États membres. Cette organisation dont le siège est situé à Djeddah, en Arabie saoudite, possède une délégation permanente aux Nations unies. L'Organisation de la coopération islamique, qui a changé de nom et d'emblème le 28 juin 2011, est la seule organisation au niveau supra-étatique et international qui soit à caractère religieux

Via Borissovna59
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Egyptian Islamists: Cut Off Tongues for Criticizing Islam

Egyptian Islamists: Cut Off Tongues for Criticizing Islam | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

A professor of Islamic exegesis at Cairo's preeminent Islamic university, Al Ahzar, Dr. Abdullah Badr, recently proclaimed on Egyptian television that a new day has arrived: apparently from now on, there will be absolutely no more toleration for anyone who speaks against Islam—including people who speak against the implementation of Sharia law and its seventh century punishments.

Badr is currently on trial for possibly libeling and defaming a female Egyptian artist, Elham Shahin, whom he called, among other disparagements, a "whore." An unrepentant Badr appeared again on TV, and made the following oath:


I have sworn to Allah, that any dog—for that is how Allah described them, for they are like dogs that are constantly panting—that any dog who mocks the Sharia, or mocks Islam, or blames it, we will cut out his tongue. I say this without hesitation: We will cut out his tongue! That's it. The time of transgressing against Islam, and speaking insolence, has passed—it is over. Today, the People of Lies [code for secular people] defend their falsehoods with great zeal; so shall we defend Islam with all our might—no matter what it costs, no matter what it costs! Let the whole world burn, but Islam not be mocked.


None of this is figurative. Days after Dr. Badr made these pronouncements, on October 30, a roaming band of Salafis in Suez attacked, severely beat and tried to cut the hand off a young Egyptian grocery store worker because he prevented one of their gang from using the store bathroom without permission. The bearded Salafi had said: "I do not ask for permission."

The assaulted youth's brother, angered at what had happened, then "insulted the men." Accordingly, Suez's new roaming band of Sharia enforcers, who call themselves the "Authority for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice," after Saudi Arabia's "morality police," claimed that he had insulted Islam and ordered that the man's tongue be cut out. This is the same group that earlier stabbed to death a young Egyptian man for walking in public with his fiancée.

The father of the two boys, a longtime local, gave more detail, including how he had never seen the Salafi group, who "spoke in formal/Quranic Arabic;" also, in this video, the father explains how one of the Salafis, "a short man," kept screaming at the top of his voice that his son "has insulted the religion! His tongue must be severed as soon as possible!"


With help from others, the youth managed to escape Sharia justice.

Not all attempts of tongue-cutting have failed, nor is this matter limited to the Salafis of Egypt. On May 3, 2011, a poet in Yemen had his tongue cut out by "unknown assailants," supposedly for writing a poem in praise of the Yemeni dictator Ali Abdallah Saleh, who opposes the Islamist uprising there.


The prophet Muhammad regularly had poets who offended him assassinated, including one woman slaughtered while suckling her baby in her house at night.


Also, in April 2011, in "moderate" Bahrain, a muezzin (prayer leader) was attacked, beaten, tortured—including with boiling oil—and had his tongue cut, reportedly to Islam's war cry, "Allahu Akbar!" in a wave of violence by Bahrain's opposition forces. In the non-Muslim world, Muslims are also hacking at tongues. In Australia,


A Muslim man was recently sentenced to eight-and-a-half years' jail time "for severing a woman's tongue." Among other things, he invaded the apartment of a non-Muslim woman he was formerly involved with and "smashed an empty bottle over the 20-year-old's head several times, fracturing her eye socket. Tahir then dragged a knife across her face, cutting her mouth and severing her tongue, the court heard."


Why so much violence against the tongue? For the same reason that Dr. Badr would rather see the whole world set on fire rather than Islam insulted: the tongue—which utters words and free speech—is fundamental to exposing and combating the things of Islam, whether formal Sharia law or whether the violent, supremacist culture born of it. As the Sheikh of Islam himself, Ibn Taymiyya, once wrote, "Waging war verbally against Islam may be worse than waging war physically."

Via Borissovna59
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Stop Persecuting Christians

Stop Persecuting Christians | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

Be a part of this page for making our voices heard against persecution of Christians all around the world.

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 »Nous serons progressivement conquis par l’islam et les musulmans » (màj)

 »Nous serons progressivement conquis par l’islam et les musulmans » (màj) | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |
Addendum 17/11/11 Alexander Gaisch lynché médiatiquement par la gauche autrichienne Le parti socialiste (SPÖ) et le parti de l’écologie (Die Grünen...

Alexander Gaisch, chef de la police de Graz (Autriche), s’alarme du danger que représente l’islam et son expansion.

Les mosquées sont-elles une menace ? Y voyez-vous un danger potentiel ?

Alexander Gaisch : A priori, les musulmans de Graz veulent vivre tranquillement. Néanmoins, des mouvements islamistes manifestent régulièrement sur la place de la ville en montrant un drapeau du djihad (guerre sainte islamique).

Quelle est l’envergure du mouvement ?

A. G. : Ce sont 17 associations plus ou moins extrémistes de turques, de tchétchènes d’afghans où des musulmans prônent un islam radical dans des rassemblements.

A Graz, y a-t-il aussi des musulmans prêcheurs de haine appelant à la radicalisation ?

A. G. : Oui. Il y a quelques temps, un incendie criminel s’est déclaré dans le quartier d’Idlhofgasse, attentat financé par le terrorisme. Je ne peux pas le prouver mais je suis quasiment certain que cela provient du terrorisme.


Pourquoi la construction de mosquées est problématique ?

A. G. : Le financement doit être transparent. Les musulmans bosniaques indiquent un coût de 12 millions d’euros pour le financement de leur mosquée dans le quartier de Herrgottwiesgasse. Cela ne peut pas être exclusivement financé par une association. Nous soupçonnons une aide étrangère provenant de l’Arabie Saoudite. C’est de cette façon que des mosquées ont été construites en Bosnie avec tous les problèmes que cela pose aujourd’hui. Et le scénario est en train de se reproduire à Graz.

Ils ne nous combattront pas avec des armes mais nous conquerrons progressivement. D’abord par la démographie puis par leur infiltration dans la société civile. »

Une mosquée peut prêcher la radicalisation ?

A. G. : Ce n’est pas comme cela que les musulmans s’y prendront. Ils ne nous combattront pas avec des armes mais nous conquerrons progressivement. D’abord par la démographie puis par leur infiltration dans la société civile. Ils demanderont la construction de mosquées, puis de centres culturels puis de centres sociaux où ils occuperont des postes importants. Et c’est comme cela que la société deviendra progressivement musulmane.

Sauf que l’islam est un système politico-religieux qui n’a rien à voir avec notre civilisation.

Mais les religions fonctionnent en apportant leur aide à la société ?

A. G. : C’est vrai, les musulmans n’ont rien inventé. Sauf que l’islam est un système politico-religieux qui n’a rien à voir avec notre civilisation. Et si nous nous y opposons pas, notre démocratie est en danger.

Pourquoi ?

A. G. : Parce que petit à petit, les musulmans obtiendront des représentations politiques dans les conseils municipaux et au parlement et que leurs lois remplaceront progressivement les nôtres.

Mais le fait que les citoyens puissent s’exprimer est le jeu de la démocratie ?

A. G. : Oui. Néanmoins, nous devons être bien conscients que si nous l’acceptons aujourd’hui nous ne pourrons plus revenir en arrière d’ici 5 ou 10 ans.

La construction de mosquées pourrait être empêchée ?

A. G. : Légalement ce n’est pas possible. Les politiciens peuvent juste vérifier que leur financement ne provient pas de l’étranger.

Kleine Zeitung via Révoltes en Europe

Kleine Zeitung wikipedia Deutchland

Merci à Stormisbrewing

Via Borissovna59
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Jasna Samic, écrivaine : « L’islam radical met la Bosnie en danger » - Rue89

Jasna Samic, écrivaine : « L’islam radical met la Bosnie en danger » - Rue89 | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

Publié le 24 novembre 2012 par Robin


Née à Sarajevo, l’écrivaine Jasna Samic partage sa vie entre la France et la Bosnie depuis presque quarante ans. Elle constate, depuis quelques années, l’émergence d’un islam radical dans une Bosnie qui n’a toujours pas guéri des séquelles de la guerre de 1992-1995.


[...] Ça ne se voit pas immédiatement. C’est insidieux, ce sont des gens qu’on rencontre. Et puis j’ai connu quelques jeunes, et j’ai réalisé qu’ils appartenaient, idéologiquement et même peut-être en tant que membres, à cette organisation semi-clandestine qu’est la Jeunesse musulmane, influencée par les talibans, les wahhabites, les salafistes…

J’ai aussi fait des recherches, j’ai écouté et enquêté : ces gens-là n’hésitent pas à proférer des menaces de mort s’ils se sentent touchés, si leur Allah est menacé. [...]

Un certain islam radical se développe. C’est financé par l’Arabie saoudite, de riches Arabes qui n’aiment pas l’Occident. Ils ont leurs émissaires, des centres religieux, des mosquées qui ne ressemblent absolument plus à celles de l’époque ottomane et où ils tiennent leurs discours. Des prédicateurs viennent prêcher un islam radical, plutôt dans la nouvelle ville, pas dans le centre de Sarajevo. Ils ciblent principalement la jeunesse, mais pas seulement.

Il est difficile de dire s’il y a un « risque terroriste », mais ce qui est sûr c’est qu’il y a beaucoup de barbus, de femmes voilées, tout de noir vêtues, vêtues comme des Saoudiennes. [...]


« L’ambassadeur de France,Roland Gilles, constate l’existence de vrais réseaux liés à Al Qaeda depuis au moins cinq ans. Et il y a de plus en plus de menaces islamistes à Sarajevo et dans les zones contrôlées par les Bosniaques ».


« L’Iran, les pays du Golfe et l’Arabie saoudite financent la construction de nouvelles mosquées en Bosnie. Ce phénomène n’est pas encore en prise directe avec la population. Mais il progresse. Comme il n’y a pas d’Etat central, dès qu’arrivent des problèmes sociaux ou des catastrophes naturelles, ce sont ces mosquées qui sont là pour aider les gens. L’argent coule à flots. »

Via Borissovna59
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Elie Semoun : « Comme j’ai pas envie de me faire égorger, je ne vais pas faire des sketchs sur les Arabes, les islamistes, etc. »

Elie Semoun : « Comme j’ai pas envie de me faire égorger, je ne vais pas faire des sketchs sur les Arabes, les islamistes, etc. » | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |
Via Dernière Gerbe RTL, Dimanche 18 novembre 2012
Elie Semoun : « Comme j’ai pas envie de me faire égorger, je ne vais pas faire des sketchs sur les Arabes, les islamistes, etc. »

Via Borissovna59
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Rescooped by Charles Martel MoiEtMoi from Race & Crime UK!

Another Muslim jailed for sex assault on 8 year old girl

Another Muslim jailed for sex assault on 8 year old girl | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

A “VERY religious man” who sexually assaulted an eight-year-old girl while teaching her the Koran has been jailed, four years after going on the run.

Mohammed Rafique came to the UK from Pakistan as an illegal immigrant eight years ago, Oxford Crown Court heard yesterday.

The 55-year-old had been trusted by the girl’s family to teach her to read the Islamic holy book every night at their house in Cowley.

But during the incident in June 2008, he stripped the girl and sexually assaulted her.

He fled after the attack and appeared on Crimestoppers “most wanted” list for of years before he was caught this July.

Rafique pleaded guilty to one count of sexually assaulting a child under the age of 13 at the crown court yesterday.

An alternative charge of attempted rape was dropped.

Judge Hall jailed him for four years and told him it was “disgraceful behaviour and a thorough breach of trust”.

The court heard Rafique left a wife and five children in Pakistan to come to Britain in 2004. Prosecutor Jonathan Stone said he was “considered by the family, and indeed locally, to be a learned religious man”.

He said on June 24, 2008, Rafique grabbed the girl tightly by her arms, pulled down her trousers and underwear and forced her on to a bed. The defendant’s semen was later found in the girl’s underwear.

Mr Stone said the victim ran screaming from the room and immediately told her mother.

Reading from the case notes, Judge Julian Hallsaid: “There was a bit of a ruckus with various members of the community turning up.

“When the policing arrived I think the defendant was bleeding.”

Mr Stone said: “‘Head’ and ‘radiator’ were referred to in the statement.

“Mr Rafique refused to leave and told the parents ‘It’s your children, they don’t respect anyone’.”

The defendant initially told police he had hit the girl for not reading the Koran but denied any sexual contact.

Peter De Feu, defending, said his client is a “very religious man” who paid an agent to smuggle him into Britain.

Rafique, of no fixed address, will automatically be considered for deportation.

Det Sgt Sarah-Jayne Beedall, who led the investigation, said: “The victim has been very brave in speaking to police about her ordeal and I hope that the result today will go some way to giving her some closure.

“Rafique has tried to evade justice for some time since leaving the Oxford area while on bail. We believe he has been in various locations around the country until he was traced in Cardiff earlier this year following an appeal on Crimewatch.

“Rafique portrayed himself as a community leader during his time in Oxford and took advantage of his position of trust to attack a young girl.”


Via Nationalist Media Network
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Allah kills another child

Allah kills another child | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

Child bride, 13, dies of internal injuries four days after arranged marriage in Yemen


A 13-year-old Yemeni girl died of internal injuries four days after a family-arranged marriage to a man almost twice her age, a human rights group said.
Ilham Mahdi al Assi died last Friday in a hospital in Yemen's Hajja province, the Shaqaeq Arab Forum for Human Rights said, quoting a medical report.
She was married the previous Monday in a traditional arrangement known as a 'swap marriage', in which the brother of the bride also married the sister of the groom, it said.
Sigrid Kaag, regional director for UNICEF, said in a statement that the United Nations child agency was 'dismayed by the death of yet another child bride in Yemen'.
'Elham is a martyr of abuse of children's lives in Yemen and a clear example of what is justified by the lack of limits on the age of marriage,' SAF said in a statement.
A medical report from al-Thawra hospital said she suffered a tear to her genitals and severe bleeding.
The Yemeni rights group said the girl was married off in an agreement between two men to marry each other's sisters to avoid having to pay expensive bride-prices.
The practice of marrying young girls is widespread in Yemen and drew the attention of international rights groups seeking to pressure the government to outlaw child marriages.
Legislation that would make it illegal for those under the age of 17 to marry is in serious peril after strong opposition from some of Yemen's most influential Islamic leaders.
The group said that was a common arrangement in the deeply impoverished country.
Yemen's gripping poverty plays a role in hindering efforts to stamp out the practice, as poor families find themselves unable to say no to bride-prices in the hundreds of dollars for their daughters.
More than a quarter of Yemen's females marry before age 15, according to a report last year by the Social Affairs Ministry.
Tribal custom also plays a role, including the belief that a young bride can be shaped into an obedient wife, bear more children and be kept away from temptation.
Last month, a group of the country's highest Islamic authorities declared those supporting a ban on child marriages to be apostates.
A February 2009 law set the minimum age for marriage at 17, but it was repealed and sent back to parliament's constitutional committee for review after some politicians called it un-Islamic. The committee is expected to make a final decision on the legislation this month.
Some of the clerics who signed the decree against a ban sit on the committee.
Further imperilling the effort is the weak government's reluctance to confront the clerics and other conservative tribal officials, whose support is essential to their fragile hold on power.
The issue of Yemen's child brides got widespread attention three years ago when an eight-year-old girl boldly went by herself to a courtroom and demanded a judge dissolve her marriage to a man in his 30s.
She eventually won a divorce, and legislators began looking at ways to curb the practice.
In September, a 12-year-old Yemeni child-bride died after struggling for three days in labour to give birth, a local human rights organisation said.
Yemen once set 15 as the minimum age for marriage, but parliament annulled that law in the 1990s, saying parents should decide when a daughter marries.

Via Nationalist Media Network
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Rescooped by Charles Martel MoiEtMoi from Race & Crime UK!

Two Muslim illegal alien paedo scum get a slap on the wrist for raping a 13-year-old girl

Two Muslim illegal alien paedo scum get a slap on the wrist for raping a 13-year-old girl | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

Over thirty of the South Wales National Front and supporters took to the streets of Swansea to make the public aware of the Muslim rapists’ case that happened this week in Swansea Crown Court that was hidden from them.


Two Muslim men who had both been living in this country illegally were sentenced on Monday to the weakest sentence imaginable for the rape of a 13 year old child. There has been no media coverage of this case at all.

The Judge was very concerned about the welfare of the child rapists because they had travelled so far to go to court to be sentenced, in fact only from Stoke, just up the motorway. One had been serving time in HMP Stoke for another crime committed. He was outraged at why they were treated like this and the case resulted in a disgusting 14 months sentence to run concurrent with the previous sentence ~ he basically got off with it as no extra time was imposed.

The crowds continued to grow as onlookers eagerly watched and support was given by a lot of the passers by and we were able to get the news out to the public with ease for over 45 mines before the police turned up. Two police officers came first followed by another eight. They then brought in other officers who were armed with tasers. There was one arrest and police tried to confiscate the banners and posters but we got to keep most of them which will be used again at a later date.

The outcome of the day was a great result. The message was put across to the public that the South Wales National front will not tolerate paedophiles in our country, ever, and where the media will hide these cases not to cause a public stir we will expose them as we find out about them. There are many Muslim rapists cases that the public are not told about, and we can be expected to be out again sometime very soon, exposing every one of them.

Via Nationalist Media Network
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16 killed as Islamic gunmen attack Mozambique police

16 killed as Islamic gunmen attack Mozambique police | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |
Suspected Islamists attacked a string of police stations in a small town in northern Mozambique killing two policemen but 14 of the gunmen were slain
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La Source arabe : Al Kindi, Al Fârâbi, Avicenne, Al Ghazali, Averroès

France Culture - Chemins De La Connaissance par Raphaël Enthoven avec le Professeur Ali Benmakhlouf du 23 au 27 juin 2008 : 1 : Al Kindi (801-873) 2 : Al Fâr...
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La position diplomatique américaine quant à la question syrienne vue à travers le prisme du mot-concept d'islamérique prend tout son sens. Ce concept est né sous la Plume de Jean-Pierre Péroncel Hu...
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Women Raped, Assaulted at Anti-Morsi Protests | #1 News Site on the Threat of Radical Islam

Women Raped, Assaulted at Anti-Morsi Protests | #1 News Site on the Threat of Radical Islam | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

Protesters have taken to the streets of Cairo, again, demonstrating against Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi’spower grab, but lest they all be portrayed as peace-loving citizens by the media, the following incidents should dispel that myth.


A mob of around 300 male protesters near Tahrir Square attacked women Sunday afternoon, ripped off their clothes, sexually assaulted them and chased them through the crowd, according to the state-run Al-Ahram newspaper.


The women eventually were rescued by other protesters and sought refuge in a field hospital set up near the square.


On Friday during the demonstration, numerous incidents of sexual assault were reported. One in particular, a doctor described the “mass rape” of a woman who was brutally assaulted on the street near a Pizza Hut.


Women protesters using Twitter and Facebook, including female journalists, reported being groped and harassed while at the protest in the square. has reported many times about the problem of sexual harassment as well as rape on the streets of Egypt. See: Brutal Sexual Assaults Mark Celebration of Morsi’s Victory where 60 Minutes’ Journalists Laura Logan tells of the horrific attack she survived in Tahrir Square and more reportshere, here and here.

Via Borissovna59
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Rescooped by Charles Martel MoiEtMoi from Race & Crime UK!

Yet another Shropshire Muslim jailed over sex with schoolgirl.

Yet another Shropshire Muslim jailed over sex with schoolgirl. | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

By Karl Foulkes - An ex-taxi driver and fast food worker who paid to have sex with a Shropshire schoolgirl has been sentenced for a paltry two and a half years imprisonment at Wolverhampton Crown Court.


Mohammed Islam Choudhrey was thought to have paid over £600 to the teenager in the course of a just a few months.

He had admitted a charge of paying for the sexual services of a child between January and December, 2009.

Judge Michael Challinor told Choudhrey that he had ‘cynically used the young girl for sexual purposes’.

He stated Choudhrey’s actions had been relentless and the harm to the Telford teenager was enormous.

Incredibly Judge Challinor believed that Choudhrey was not part of the usual filthy Muslim predatory gang and that he had actually been KIND to the victim !

The judge said “But the offence is serious and the age difference makes you dangerous to young girls who must be protected,”

Choudhrey, of Solway Drive, Sutton Hill, Telford, was made the subject of a Sex Offences Protection Order for the next seven years.

The judge directed that a second accusation of paying the girl for sex should lie on the file.
Miss Deborah Gould, prosecuting, said that Choudhrey’s plea portrayed a prolonged course of conduct over a period of several months.

She said that Choudhrey met the vulnerable girl, when she was 16 and he would shower her with food, alcohol and cannabis and that the teenager had already been heavily abused by two other men who were manipulating her and using her as a prostitute.
Choudhrey then became a client, paying £50 each time.

Defence for Choudhrey, Mr Denis Desmond said his client had not corrupted the girl and had treated her well and gave her gifts. The money came at later dates.

He said Choudhrey had been oblivious that the other men were getting the cash from the girl.

Mr Desmond said that as a consequence of the case Choudhrey had been disowned by his family and ostracised by the local Muslim community.

Via Nationalist Media Network
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Rescooped by Charles Martel MoiEtMoi from L'islam et ses dangers!

Droits des femmes encore bafoués en Arabie Saoudite...

Droits des femmes encore bafoués en Arabie Saoudite... | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

Les femmes doivent sans cesse se battre pour obtenir les mêmes droits que les hommes : elles sont toujours et encore, dans certains pays, considérées comme des créatures inférieures dont les devoirs sont nombreux mais les droits limités. En Arabie Saoudite, les femmes ne sont même pas autorisées à conduire un véhicule...

"Une militante saoudienne a indiqué, lundi, avoir introduit un recours auprès d'un tribunal pour demander l'annulation par le ministère de l'Intérieur d'une décision administrative interdisant aux femmes de conduire. Il s'agit de la troisième femme à attaquer cette année le ministère de l'Intérieur en justice."

L'Arabie saoudite est le seul pays au monde où les femmes n'ont pas le droit de conduire. La femme se trouve donc réduite à utiliser un chauffeur si elle en a les moyens ou à se faire véhiculer par son mari ou un homme de sa famille chargé de la surveiller.

Les femmes sont aussi tenues de porter le voile et ne peuvent voyager sans être accompagnées de leur mari ou d'un proche. On le voit, leur liberté n'existe pas : elles vivent sous la dépendance totale des hommes et n'ont même pas le droit élémentaire de se déplacer comme elles le désirent.

Peut-on envisager un tel statut pour des êtres humains au XXIème siècle ? La femme est l'esclave de son mari et n'a plus de libre arbitre ! Rappelons que les femmes viennent d'obtenir le droit de vote dans ce pays pour les prochaines élections en 2015 mais il reste bien du chemin à parcourir pour que ces femmes parviennent enfin à une émancipation et une libération qu'elles réclament à corps et à cri...

L'esclavage semble, dans ce pays, ne pas avoir été aboli : une femme devrait être libre de ses mouvements, de ses actions puisque ces droits sont accordés aux hommes !

Décidément, le combat des femmes semble à peine commencer car même si dans notre pays la femme a acquis des droits de haute lutte, elle n'est pas encore à égalité de droits avec les hommes, et des siècles de dépendance, d'asservissement pèsent encore sur les épaules des femmes dans bien des pays.

Que de souffrances pour ces femmes saoudiennes qui vivent presque comme au Moyen Age, sans autonomie, sans liberté, sous la coupe de leur mari !

Quelle longue route il leur faudra encore parcourir pour grignoter quelques libertés et gagner tout simplement le droit de vivre ! Accablées sous le poids des interdits de la religion, elles sont sans cesse soumises à un contrôle, une autorité comme si elles étaient d'éternelles mineures, infantilisées à jamais.

Source : Le Point

Via Borissovna59
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Rescooped by Charles Martel MoiEtMoi from L'islam et ses dangers!

À la guerre comme à la guerre:11.11.2011 : Des cochons enterrés sur le terrain d'une mosquée

À la guerre comme à la guerre:11.11.2011 : Des cochons enterrés sur le terrain d'une mosquée | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

Lorsqu’il s’agit de provoquer la communauté musulmane, certains ne manquent pas d’imagination. Ainsi, vendredi  11.11.2011, des « inconnus » ont enterré un cadavre de porc et quatre têtes de cochon sur un terrain dédié à la construction d’une mosquée à Granges en Suisse. 
L’acte islamophobe ne s’est pas arrêté là puisque 120 litres de sang de cochon ont également été déversés sur le terrain comme l’indique une lettre des « inconnus », envoyée à plusieurs journaux locaux. 

Un acte très provocateur destiné à vérifier si « les promoteurs de la mosquée sont aussi croyants qu'ils le prétendent, on ne pourra plus les prendre au sérieux s'ils acceptent de faire construire la mosquée sur un sol profané ». 

Le porte-parole du controversé Conseil Central Islamique Suisse (CCIS), Abdel Azziz Qaasim: « Nous avons juste à attendre la prochaine pluie ou chute de neige pour qu’elle nettoie le sol », a-t-il déclaré. Le CCIS n’a pas manqué l’occasion de pointer du doigt l’augmentation des actes islamophobes en Suisse depuis la votation sur les minarets. 

Une enquête a été ouverte par la police locale pour retrouver les « inconnus ». Les autorités ont déjà évoqué une absence de lien manifeste entre l’acte et l’ancien propriétaire du terrain. Celui-ci avait déjà perdu un procès avec la communauté musulmane alors qu’il accusait celle-ci de ne pas l’avoir informé de la construction d’une mosquée sur le terrain. Le propriétaire, militant d’extrême droite, l’ayant vendu à la communauté musulmane assurait ne pas avoir été prévenu que le terrain serait destiné à la construction d’une mosquée, mais il a perdu le procès.   Publié le 14.11.2011 à 19h46      "Probiert doch mal Schweineköpfe!"
Auf dem Bauplatz einer Moschee im Schweizer Kanton Solothurn ist der Kadaver eines Schweins gefunden worden.
Unbekannte wollten den Platz “verunreinigen”.
Die Idee kommt von Spanien(L'idée est venue d'Espagne) : ;

Wir helfen gerne und haben Schweine zum vergraben gerne…….Ohren auf,wo soll eine Moschee gebaut werden, etwas Mut und mit Würde ein ehrenvolles Schwein begraben.


Uns Christen stört das nicht. Im Gegenteil, wir lieben Tiere.Moslems nicht. Sie hassen Tiere.


Übrigens nicht nur Schweine sondern auch Hunde.Ist ja auch verständlich, gell?


Schließlich sind Schweine und Hunde viel zu intelligent um an so einen Kinderschänder zu glauben…….oder?

Via Borissovna59
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Rescooped by Charles Martel MoiEtMoi from L'islam et ses dangers!

Le plus grand hôpital public de France ne donne plus que des repas « sans porc » à ses employés | Riposte Laique

Le plus grand hôpital public de France ne donne plus que des repas « sans porc » à ses employés | Riposte Laique | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

Depuis que la direction de l’Hôpital public Pitié Salpetrière à négocié avec une nouvelle société de restauration, il n y desormais plus de porc « même en option » pour le personnel de Garde et de Nuit qui ont droit à un repas/collation.Bernard Bayle

Via Borissovna59
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Rescooped by Charles Martel MoiEtMoi from Race & Crime UK!

Islamist terrorism is beginning to demolish political correctness

Islamist terrorism is beginning to demolish political correctness | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

“The simple fact is that Islamic fundamentalists are irreconcilable. To them the US will remain the Great Satan.” This was, of course, a comment on the murder of the US ambassador to Libya.

I wonder if, in the midst of all this horror, we might begin to see signs of hope? I mean, might we at last be beginning to escape the mealy-mouthed world of all that has for long remained unsayable. Perhaps there are, after all, limits to political correctness. I dare to breathe the hope that maybe western societies will not die the death of a thousand euphemisms. I thought I detected signs of this dawning sanity just after 9/11. We were shocked into reality then. And we were geared for war. People expected it. There was a creepy silence in the streets of the City of London. Weekday attendances at our lunchtime Eucharists doubled and tripled. There were reassuring signs of seriousness. Then, within a few weeks, under a barrage of media propaganda telling us that 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam, euphemistic orthodoxy and the fatal disease of appeasement returned.
It has been with us ever since. The Ministry of Truth operated by the Guardianistas and the BBC have delighted in what they call “The Arab Spring,” as if this heralded the advent of “democracy” all across North Africa and the Middle East. As we now learn from events in Egypt, Yemen, Syria, the Sinai – and most recently in Libya – this was always a delusion, a perversion of reality flying in the face of the facts.
The fact is that a resurgent, militant anti-western Islamic fundamentalism is the gravest threat to civilisation. This is bad news of course. But the good news – as evinced in today’s editorial column – is that finally we are being allowed to name this peril for what it is.
Militant fanaticism wherever and whenever it arises has to be resisted and put down. It was defeated at the Battle of Tours in AD 732. At the siege of Malta in 1565. At Lepanto in 1571. It is not so many centuries since the barbarians were at the gates of Vienna. And without our resistance they will soon be there again.
Don’t take my word for all this. As long ago as the 1820s, Samuel Taylor Coleridge described the scene as:

That erection of a temporal monarch under the pretence of a spiritual authority, which was not possible in Christendom but by the extinction or entrancement of the spirit of Christianity: this was effected in full by Mahomet, to the establishment of the most extensive and complete despotism that ever warred against civilisation and the interests of humanity.

Do I learn from this morning’s editorial that we are at last being allowed to recognise and state this truth? If so, then however dark the hour, there are grounds for hope.


Via Nationalist Media Network
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Rescooped by Charles Martel MoiEtMoi from Race & Crime UK!

Sick Muslim housemaid caught on camera raping one-year-old boy

Sick Muslim housemaid caught on camera raping one-year-old boy | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |

She sat on top of baby and stifled his cries with pillow.


An Asian housemaid in Abu Dhabi waited for her Arab employer and his wife to go out before laying their one-year-old boy naked on the bed, took her clothes off and raped him, unaware of the hidden cameras installed in the house.

The film showed the maid and the baby both naked as she sat on top of him, ignoring his cries because of pain.

Annoyed by his non-stop cries, the maid then beat the baby and placed a pillow on his face to stifle his noise as she continued abusing him.

She was arrested in the capital.

The prosecutor accused the maid of raping the baby and endangering his life. When she was shown the film, she confessed to her crime.

Quoted by the semi-official daily Alittihad, a prosecution source said the maid faces up to 15 years in jail in line with the federal law meting out such punishment against crimes involving rape of people under 14 years.

“The UAE deals firmly with any thing that endangers children and harms them physically and psychologically..…under the law, the parents bear the responsibility to protect their children against such dangers,” the source said.

“The prosecution office is very much worried about the growing phenomenon of families relying heavily on maids to look after their children…the UAE law considers that parents leaving their child alone with a maid amounts to an act of endangering others’ life…this crime is punishable under law.”

Via Nationalist Media Network
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Rescooped by Charles Martel MoiEtMoi from Truth Revealed!

Surat 5 51Al-Mā’idah (The Table Spread) – سورة المائدة Muslims are commanded to not be peaceful with Christians and Jews

Surat 5 51Al-Mā’idah (The Table Spread) – سورة المائدة   Muslims are commanded to not be peaceful with Christians and Jews | Stopper le fascisme gauchiste & le nazislamisme |
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoola tattakhithoo alyahooda wannasaraawliyaa baAAduhum awliyao baAAdinwaman yatawallahum minkum fa-innahu minhum inna Allaha layahdee alqawma aththalimeen


Sahih International
O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.


Muhsin Khan
O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya’ (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya’ to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya’, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust).


O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.


Yusuf Ali
O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.


O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.

Via Master OfUniverse
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