A Grand Idea To Revitalize A City, Using Living Art | actions de concertation citoyenne | Scoop.it


David Lagé believes that East Buffalo needs a bit of TLC. The Brooklyn-based architect established Terrainsvagues as a type of think-tank for discussions around the plight of vacant plots that have popped up in cities grappling with their less-than-bustling, post-industrial realities.
For Art Farms, its first initiative, Lagé teamed up with co-curator Andrea Salvini to revitalize the upstate Rust Belt region from the earth up.

Lagé and Salvini believe that the element of engagement will deepen a connection between residents and new local cooperatives establishing community gardens at vacant lots. They enlisted five local artists to create free-standing sculptures for three established locales: Wilson Street Urban Farm, Cold Spring Farm, and Michigan Street Farm with a single stipulation: Their site-specific works must somehow, someway support agricultural activity...

Via Lauren Moss, Jandira Feijó