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Rescooped by association concert urbain from Content Creation, Curation, Management!

You SHOULD KNOW these - A List of Useful Educational Websites

You SHOULD KNOW these - A List of Useful Educational Websites | actions de concertation citoyenne |
Imgur is home to the web's most popular image content, curated in real time by a dedicated community through commenting, voting and sharing.

Via Dr. Susan Bainbridge, Rui Guimarães Lima, massimo facchinetti
Martin Karlsson's curator insight, May 14, 2014 6:36 AM

So much fun. 

Wilko Dijkhuis's curator insight, May 27, 2014 1:45 AM

Nice list to have

Lori Onofri's curator insight, November 25, 2016 5:35 PM
Facebook, twitter, 
Rescooped by association concert urbain from Metatrame!

20 uses of virtual worlds in education

20 uses of virtual worlds in education | actions de concertation citoyenne |

"You probably never thought you could attend a virtual lecture, discussion, exam, or lab in 3D.  In fact, this is already possible.  Virtual worlds have clear advantages over traditional classroom settings..."

Via Ana Cristina Pratas, gawlab
Ana Cristina Pratas's comment, February 14, 2013 11:50 PM
Thank you Danie! It's really great to receive such feedback :-)
Fouad Bendris's comment, February 22, 2013 6:52 AM
... And pretty soon - virtual Diplomas ;-)
gawlab's comment, February 22, 2013 10:39 AM
@Fouad Bendris, Dou you think virtual is a synonym of irreal ? -;)
Rescooped by association concert urbain from Antenne citoyenne!

Enseigner l'identité numérique

Enseigner l'identité numérique | actions de concertation citoyenne |

De nombreux travaux ont été publiés en ligne sur la problématique de l'identité numérique. Infobourg, site web d’information consacré à l’éducation et en particulier à l’intégration des technologies dans les cours du primaire au secondaire, propose en ligne un recensement synthétique des principales ressources dans ce domaine : articles, billets, vidéos, applications pédagogiques...


Via Frédéric DEBAILLEUL, Bibzar, veroni, Sandrine Pache, Patrick Genoud
Aurelie-IN's curator insight, January 28, 2013 5:45 AM

Identité numérique

France Lafleur's curator insight, January 29, 2013 6:24 PM

L'identité numérique et son apprentissage implique de multiples problématiques et heureusement autant de ressources.

Rescooped by association concert urbain from Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age!

Every Platform Tells a Story: Transmedia has the power to make any topic more vivid and personal

Every Platform Tells a Story: Transmedia has the power to make any topic more vivid and personal | actions de concertation citoyenne |

Peter Gutierrez: "When Andy Plemmons, a progressive media specialist at David C. Barrow Elementary in Athens, GA, was asked to help create a set of interdisciplinary lessons for fifth graders to learn about September 11, 2001, he naturally took a transmedia approach."

Via The Digital Rocking Chair
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Rescooped by association concert urbain from Alive and Learning!

50 FREE Animation TOOLS And Resources For Digital Learners

50 FREE Animation TOOLS And Resources For Digital Learners | actions de concertation citoyenne |

A purple monster with wild curls spiraling out of control explains the economics of oil production in the Sudan to students in Los Angeles, Sydney, Berlin, Jerusalem, and Riyadh.

That is education and animation working together to teach students everywhere, everything they ever wanted to know. Educators need only utilize the tools available, most of them for free.

Some of the animation links catalogued here will give educators very basic tools and histories of animation while others have the animation already created and set in motion, it’s just a matter of sharing it with students.

Educators need to decide which tool is best for them. If you want to create your own animation from scratch, then you want to go to sites such as Animwork. If you want to select from animation that’s already set up for you then perhaps Explainia makes more sense.

One of the easiest ways to animate, however, isn’t with your own camera and modeling clay, it’s with your links to sites that hand you everything within their own forums.

Use the first part of this list for creating original animation or using animation tools to create lessons. Use the second part to select animated lessons that are already completed and set to share.

Via Yuly Asencion, Jenn Alevy, Gust MEES, Virginia Pavlovich
Aleixandre Dumas's curator insight, February 6, 2014 7:22 AM

Bueno para  las presentaciones de clase

Janet Shivell's curator insight, April 25, 2014 10:44 AM

Check out these 50 Free Animation Tools And Resources For Digital Learners

Kathleen Boyd's curator insight, March 26, 2016 9:43 PM

A great listing of valuable tools.

Learn more:

Rescooped by association concert urbain from Antenne citoyenne!

Enseigner l'identité numérique

Enseigner l'identité numérique | actions de concertation citoyenne |

De nombreux travaux ont été publiés en ligne sur la problématique de l'identité numérique. Infobourg, site web d’information consacré à l’éducation et en particulier à l’intégration des technologies dans les cours du primaire au secondaire, propose en ligne un recensement synthétique des principales ressources dans ce domaine : articles, billets, vidéos, applications pédagogiques...


Via Frédéric DEBAILLEUL, Bibzar, veroni, Sandrine Pache, Patrick Genoud
Aurelie-IN's curator insight, January 28, 2013 5:45 AM

Identité numérique

France Lafleur's curator insight, January 29, 2013 6:24 PM

L'identité numérique et son apprentissage implique de multiples problématiques et heureusement autant de ressources.

Rescooped by association concert urbain from Pralines!

Culture et pratiques numériques juvéniles : Quels usages pour quelles compétences ?

Culture et pratiques numériques juvéniles : Quels usages pour quelles compétences ? | actions de concertation citoyenne |
Cet article porte sur la culture et les pratiques numériques des adolescents.

Via gawlab
association concert urbain's insight:


Cet article porte sur la culture et les pratiques numériques des adolescents. Des recherches quantitatives et qualitatives montrent que les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) sont omniprésentes dans la vie quotidienne des jeunes. Communément, ces derniers sont perçus par leurs aînés comme des experts des technologies. Nous proposons de mettre en perspective les travaux existants sur le sujet. D’une manière générale, les recherches montrent que les adolescents entretiennent un rapport particulier - communicationnel, communautaire, ludique et consumériste - aux TIC et que les compétences mises en œuvre apparaissent difficilement conciliables avec l’usage raisonné prescrit par l’institution scolaire.

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Rescooped by association concert urbain from Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age!

Interview with Jérémy Pouilloux: Why Teach Transmedia?

Interview with Jérémy Pouilloux: Why Teach Transmedia? | actions de concertation citoyenne |

Jérémy Pouilloux: "Transmedia Immersive University is a project that is taking transmedia to France’s universities; an initiative I launched last year. The aim behind TIU is to encourage students to write transmedia material by supervising the production of their projects and then broadcasting these projects as part of a public event."


Via The Digital Rocking Chair
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