Curating People is As Important as Curating Content - Here's Why | A New Society, a new education! |

This is one of those gems that I love to share. It was written by Gideon Rosenblatt in response to an earlier article written by Eli Pariser, "The Filter Bubble", which is about the way algorithms (based on our personal searches) affect the results that are returned to us, as a result, we're not seeing the whole picture.


"Computer algorithms aren't the only thing contributing to the 'Internet Filter Bubble."


**In the world of the information networker, curating content is only half the game. The other half is curating the curators.


**In that power to choose our connections, rests our ultimate power to reshape our information filter bubbles and radically improve our perception of reality.


**Who we choose to connect with in our social networks deeply affects our ability to see a diversity of information.  


My takeaway from this is that whereas technology may restrict the results returned to us by search engines, the other, and perhaps more important half of the equation is controlled by us!  It is well documented that we are more likely to influenced by our circle of friends and associates than by anything else that we may find (or that may find us!). 


By effectively curating our circles of influence, we increase the value of this ever important means of discovery and therefore of our entire online experience. 


**This in turn can make us far more effective and informative curators, when we widen our own circles.


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read the full article: []

Via janlgordon, k3hamilton