Musings of a (New) Education Insurgent | I hereby declare myself an education rebel | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |
SHIFT PARADIGM | by Mark E. Weston The system of schooling to which I have dedicated my life seems incapable of educating all students to high levels of learning

Taking those lessons to heart, I hereby declare myself an education rebel who will no longer work to save the educational system for which I’ve long toiled.

Further, I vow to work to create, nurture, and give voice to an educational alternative that employs proven educational practices—real and individualized differentiated instruction, real and serious engagement of parents, ubiquitous access to information for all, and consistent and relevant feedback about performance—that will produce aptitude-defying-levels of learning among all students. I will work for new paradigm schools and technological tools.

I make this declaration knowing full well that being a rebel will be lots of work because lots of vested interests will work just as hard to maintain the dysfunctional status quo.

Join me in this space for regular updates about the education revolution. Your comments, suggestions, feedback and constructive criticism are welcome!