In the New Wild West, a Computer May Be More Dangerous Than a Gun | ICT | CyberSecurity | Awareness | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |

We’re at the Wild West stage of the Internet: the pioneers have come and gone, the big operators are building their mines and ranches, and now comes the plague of carpetbaggers. Just as children once grew up surrounded by guns, but somehow managed to survive, our children now are growing up in the mine-strewn trench warfare landscape of the Internet. It can in fact be navigated with some degree of safety, but not by the incautious.

It falls to us – whether we are teachers, parents or security engineers – to bring up the next generation with some hope of survival. The challenge is to simultaneously encourage exploration and enforce security, or if that’s not available, at least some degree of safety. Our culture weathered the frontier era more or less successfully, so I’m inclined to believe we can deal with the threats of the Internet. The challenge is to do it with minimal damage.

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