The digital transformation of learning: Social, informal, self-service, and enjoyable | #SocialLEARNing | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |

To get a sense of the changes in the digital learning space, I reached out to a well-known expert in online education, Megan Torrance, founder of TorranceLearning:

I see organizations making a move to a more ubiquitous, and at the same time democratized, learning environment. The information to do the job exists within or alongside the work itself, not tucked away in a byzantine course catalog many clicks away.

Contributions from peers, internal experts, external sources and leaders complement the formal instruction provided by the learning & development teams, and the organization's body of knowledge is constantly refreshed. Universal search tools surface learning objects from a variety of locations all in one place. Usage and ratings data are stored centrally - not siloed in many separate tools -- and the employee has a comprehensive record of his or her own learning and insights.


The learning function in this new environment provides structure, foundational curricula and the tools by which the organization's conversation can take place. When change, or even crisis, happens, the organization already has the learning and social pathways by which to take fast action, communicate broadly, and gather important information for decision-making.


From this we can clearly see that learning is shift to be integrated much more into the flow of work and situated as a capability within the modern digital workplace.


Social learning is a vital trend in the gig economy era for organizations that wish to maintain their institutional knowledge, be globally competitive, and sustainable. The bottom line is that with various data showing that up to 80% of all learning is informal, social learning now appears to be positioned as a major component of the future of workplace education. In other words, the digital learning organization will be the sustainable digital organization.


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