Social Emotional Learning and the Future of Education | #ModernEDU #SEL  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |

Despite widespread access to education in most parts of the world, today’s children have massive variability in their skills. This reflects the context and environment in which children grow up, and in many cases, school may be the only place where any deficiencies in a child’s entire self-development can be addressed before they become an active member of society.

According to The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), social and emotional skills are the abilities that regulate one’s thoughts, emotions and behavior. These skills differ from cognitive abilities because they impact how people manage their emotions, perceive themselves and engage with others, rather than indicating their raw ability to process information.

In practice, social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, demonstrate empathy for others, maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Developing these core life skills through SEL is crucially important to a child’s development as it directly correlates to how socially, academically and professionally skilled that child will be as an adult.

The OECD conducted a study on skills for social progress and the power of social and emotional skills; detailing the impact of developing those skills and highlights an underlying societal issue educators and world leaders need to prioritize.

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