LEARNing To LEARN For MY Professional Development | I Did It MY Way | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

I Am An Autodidact, A Self-Directed LEARNer, How Can I LEARN Best For MY Professional Development? . A neglected part in EDUcation is certainly THE ===> #Autodidact #SelfDirected #LEARNer <===! This was since centuries the case AND STILL is the case, a pity as NEW research shows THAT individual learning and teaching individually (Personalized LEARNing) is BETTER to get BEST results!

Let us first have a look on WHAT is NEW in EDUcation below, please. WE are taking a look on ===> EDUcation 4.0 <===

Did YOU know that Leaonardo da Vinci is BEST known ===> Autodidact <===?

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