21st Century Learning and Teaching
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21st Century Learning and Teaching
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Current selected tag: 'Human intelligence '. Clear
Scooped by Gust MEES
February 18, 2014 12:29 PM

Cosmopolitanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Cosmopolitanism is the ideology that all human ethnic groups belong to a single community based on a shared morality. A person who adheres to the idea of cosmopolitanism in any of its forms is called a cosmopolitan or cosmopolite. The word derives from Greek κοσμοπολίτης, cosmopolites, i.e.

Gust MEES's insight:

With the internet WE go, slowly but surely to it: as WE work on "Collaboration" and as WE "meet" online as well; WE get used to each others "Culture", "Mentality", "Social", #"Behavior", and much more...  More human?

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Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)...
November 23, 2012 4:06 PM

Human intelligence 'peaked thousands of years ago and we've been on an intellectual and emotional decline ever since'

Human intelligence 'peaked thousands of years ago and we've been on an intellectual and emotional decline ever since' | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Is the human species doomed to intellectual decline? Will our intelligence ebb away in centuries to come leaving our descendants incapable of using the technology their ancestors invented? In short: will Homo be left without his sapiens?
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