A Class Full of Geniuses |  Having students do ICT Tech Support as part of their classwork | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

The solution was to create a student Help Desk as part of a graded, half-year elective. Students could opt to take the course, called Student Technology Integration, twice. The course description was the following: “The Student Technology Integration course is a hands-on study of technology integration in an educational context. Students will be required to assess problem sets throughout the day and define the best approach to addressing or solving the problem. In addition to solving problems for students and teachers, students will be required to complete and maintain several running projects that address problems or solutions in educational technology integration.

The course also asks students to have a prior understanding of Apple OS, Microsoft Windows OS, Chrome OS and iOS. This course seeks students who are self-motivated learners and use inquiry to drive their exploration and experiments in order to reach greater discovery. It is the one course where failing is an option on occasion.”

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