2 New Skills Needed For Today: Discard and Disregard | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

I’ve enjoyed getting to know (via my twitter PLN) and interact with a couple of individuals who are diligent curators of all information related to educational technology:


Nour Alkhalidy (@MissNoor28)
Gust Mees (@knolinfos) http://www.scoop.it/u/webwizard


Most recently (pic above) I mentioned to Gust that I thought two important new skills were to “disregard and discard”. He asked me to explain further…here goes.


The increase of social media, the explosion of Web2.0 technologies and their inclusion in search engine returns means you get more than “web sites” and tens of thousands of returns for any search.
A current Google search for “Mobile Learning” (in quotes) brings back 3,710,000 returns.


Even refining the search to “mobile learning instructional design” returns 548,000 returns.


Gust MEES (@knolinfos): stay tuned, I am preparing a new blog "Learning 2 Learn in 21st Century-The Practice", coming soon... That blog will be part also to my blog "How-To prepare for giving a quality course" 





Read more, Kevin explains it very well...: