Often Asked Questions: Are WE Becoming Too Paranoid About Cyber-Security? | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
. . Are WE Becoming Too Paranoid About Cyber-Security? This is a question I get asked very often, and I got remembered again by my online friend Doug PETERSON ===> @dougpete <=== about it on ...

Shouldn’t WE Have A bit Of Paranoia Anyway!?

A good question back, isn’t it? My direct answer to this would be, YES! A healthy paranoia attitude, why!? Let us try to go a bit for Deep-THINKing if YOU permit  Let us ALSO try to make a comparison between the Real-World and the Virtual-World (the internet). WHEN YOU take the time to compare both worlds YOU would find out that there really few differences, apart that the internet is technology driven and that WE connect global on instantly actions