Adding Security to the Internet of Everything | Internet of Things | CyberSecurity | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |
Don’t panic just yet: but in a few years, your fridge could become a target for cybercriminals. As the number of devices in the Internet of Everything grows, so does the likelihood that connecting these devices and networking them together could increase the number and type of attack vectors we will see in the future. And that means we need to think differently about IT security and the levels of protection needed for this new, connected world. Protecting all of IoE interactions is crucial in enabling people and organizations to benefit from these advances.

The IoE builds on the foundation of the Internet of Things, or IoT. By comparison, the IoT refers to the networked connection of physical objects (doesn’t include the “people” and “process” components of IoE). IoT is a single technology transition, while IoE is a superset that includes IoT.

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