25 Practices That Foster Lifelong Learning | MindSetSHIFT | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

"I don't divide the world into the weak and the strong, or the successes and the failures... I divide the world into learners and nonlearners." --Benjamin Barber, sociologist.

So how do you cultivate a growth mindset if it doesn’t come naturally? And how do you hold onto it if you’ve got it already? Below are 25 recommendations to guide you in the right direction.

1. Begin with the end in mind.2. Accept responsibility for your own learning.3. View challenges as opportunities for growth.4. Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner.5. Create your own learning toolbox.6. Use technology to your advantage.7. Teach/mentor others.8. Play.9. Look at the science.10. Try new things on a frequent basis.11. Learn from those who have a strong growth mindset.

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