Nations to work on curbing climate change despite Trump | #Research | 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)... |
Researchers say extreme weather like the events of recent months — including hurricanes in the Caribbean, heatwaves in Europe and flooding in south Asia — are going to become more frequent as a result of climate change. To prevent catastrophic consequences, they say countries must make concerted efforts to shift the global economy away from fossil fuels and to adjust to some inevitable impacts, such as rising sea levels.

“This COP is more important than most people realize,” Andrew Steer, head of the World Resources Institute, a Washington-based environmental think tank, said.

Steer said a growing number of commitments from governments, as well as from major companies and cities around the world was “broadly encouraging.” He noted the falling cost of renewable energy — a key technology required to help power-hungry economies kick the carbon habit.

Most of the 195 countries coming to Bonn — where the U.N. climate agency is located — appear willing to continue hammering out the details needed to make the Paris 2015 accord work, German Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks said ahead of the two-week talks.


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