Nanotech Battery Breakthrough Promises 30 Second Smartphone Charging | 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)... |
VideoSmartphones are some of the most useful devices we own. However, their battery life leaves a lot to be desired. Even the most power frugal devices need to be charged daily during heavy use - something that many of us have found out to our cost. However, it's not just capacity [...]

Imagine, then, being able to charge your smartphone in 30 seconds? This could revolutionize how we use out treasured devices and could mean that their limited battery life isn’t quite as limiting as it is today. Simply find a power socket at home or work if you’re running low, and 30 seconds later you’re ready for that long commute on the train or day trip by the sea or in the mountains. Hopefully we won’t have too long to wait.

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