France’s National Assembly just voted for the legalization of Edward Snowden-style whistleblowing | 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)... |

If American whistleblower Edward Snowden were French, he would have had a good chance of remaining a free man — despite having leaked thousands of classified intelligence documents.

Whereas both Democratic and Republican U.S. lawmakers have repeatedly emphasized that Snowden and other similar whistleblowers should face punishment, French members of parliament took the oppositestance Thursday. The French National Assembly passed an amendment that legalizes the leak of information by intelligence employees if they want to expose an abuse of power by their own authorities.

"The Snowden case has demonstrated the need to create conditions so that agents can denounce abuses by the intelligence services," Jean-Jacques Urvoas, the amendment's author, was quoted as saying by French radio station France Inter.