Virology News
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Virology News
Topical news snippets about viruses that affect people.  And other things. Like Led Zeppelin. And zombies B-)
Curated by Ed Rybicki
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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
May 21, 2013 3:55 AM!

Viruses in the gut protect from infection

Viruses in the gut protect from infection | Virology News |
Phages in mucus aid immune system by killing invading bacteria.

...animal mucus — whether from humans, fish or corals — is loaded with bacteria-killing viruses called phages. These protect their hosts from infection by destroying incoming bacteria. In return, the phages are exposed to a steady torrent of microbes in which to reproduce.

Ed Rybicki's insight:

Amazing stuff - that animals can co-opt bacterial viruses as part of their innate immune systems!  Thanks to Joann Passmore for pointing this out.

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
April 20, 2013 9:52 AM!

HPV Vaccine in Australia Already Appears to Be Working

HPV Vaccine in Australia Already Appears to Be Working | Virology News |
Some good vaccine news for a change: A vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) appears to be working. HPV causes genital warts, and can lead to cervical cancer in women.
Ed Rybicki's insight:

As we knew it would...B-)

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