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Video Breakthroughs
Monitoring innovations in post-production, head-end, streaming, OTT, second-screen, UHDTV, multiscreen strategies & tools
Curated by Nicolas Weil
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Rescooped by Nicolas Weil from DASH-pulse
April 8, 2014 2:26 AM!

Microsoft, Adobe, and DASH: The State of the Union

Microsoft, Adobe, and DASH: The State of the Union | Video Breakthroughs |

With the rise of MPEG-DASH and the NAB-related announcements from both Microsoft and Adobe on the topic, we sat down with both companies to discuss the status of DASH support as well as their legacy ABR protocols, Smooth Streaming and HDS.


In late 2012, Microsoft release the specification “DASH Content Protection using Microsoft PlayReady,” which explained how to use PlayReady with Common Encryption and MPEG-DASH. In June 2013, Windows Azure Media Servicesadded the support for MPEG-DASH as a new Dynamic Packaging output. At IBC 2013, Microsoft officially announced a new PlayReady version supporting HTML5, Encrypted Media Extensions, as well as new SDKs for iOS and Android. Their recent NAB 2014 announcements show how much work has been done under the hood to support DASH on the maximum number of platforms. We put a few questions to the Windows Azure Media Services team—namely senior digital media architect Kilroy Hughes, principal program manager lead John Deutscher, program manager for dynamic packaging Nick Drouin and program manager for client SDKs Cenk Dingiloglu. Here’s what they told us.

Via DASH Industry Forum
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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
February 26, 2013 3:12 PM!

The State of Streaming Media Protocols 2013

The State of Streaming Media Protocols 2013 | Video Breakthroughs |

It's all about DASH: Adoption is moving at a rapid pace, as industry insiders see a strong need to get DASH implemented in the field in the coming year.


The Pantos spec, as it is known in the industry, is a series of working drafts for HLS submitted by two Apple employees as an information draft for the Internet Engineering Task Force. As of the time of this article, the Pantos spec is currently at informational version 10.


Much has changed between the early versions and the most recent v10 draft, but one constant remains: HLS is based on the MPEG-2 Transport Streams (M2TS), has been in use for almost 2 decades, and is deployed widely for varied broadcast and physical media delivery solutions.


In that time frame, however, little has changed for basic M2TS transport stream capabilities. For instance, M2TS still lacks an integrated solution for digital rights management (DRM). As such, all HLS versions cannot use "plain vanilla" M2TS, and even the modified M2TS used by Apple lacks timed-text or closed-captioning features found in more recent fragmented elementary stream streaming formats.


Yet Apple has been making strides in addressing the shortcomings of both M2TS and the early versions of HLS: In recent drafts, the HLS informational draft allows for the use of elementary streams, which are segmented at the time of demand rather than beforehand. This use of elementary streams means that one Achilles' heel of HLS -- the need to store thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of small segments of long-form streaming content -- is now eliminated.


Google, with its Android mobile operating system platform, has adopted HLS for Android OS 4. Some enterprising companies have even gone back and created HLS playback for earlier versions of Android OS-based devices.


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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
August 28, 2012 5:51 AM!

DVEO Launches Streaming Appliance for Multiple Channel Scheduled Continuous HLS/HDS/Smooth Streaming [PR]

DVEO Launches Streaming Appliance for Multiple Channel Scheduled Continuous HLS/HDS/Smooth Streaming [PR] | Video Breakthroughs |

DVEO, the broadcast division of Computer Modules, Inc. (CMI), is now shipping their new continuous streamer and VOD (video-on-demand) media server. The Infinity Streamer™ streams multiple HLS video files, plus audio files, from the on board .5 TB drive, with scheduled playlists. DVEO will demonstrate the new system at the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC) in Amsterdam, September 7-11, at Stand 2.A54.


The Infinity Streamer is a streaming server for stored content. Input can be individual files or multiple files. File types supported are H.264 ts, flv, H.264 ps, .mov, VC-1 (.wmv), mkv, and others. The Infinity Streamer also supports loopable playback. The system has been tested to be compatible with the latest Adobe®, Wowza®, and Real Helix™ servers, and many CDNs.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
March 1, 2012 10:47 AM!

How to Produce for Adaptive Streaming

How to Produce for Adaptive Streaming | Video Breakthroughs |

The term adaptive streaming refers to technologies that encode multiple instances of a live or on-demand stream and switch adaptively among those streams to deliver the optimal experience to each viewer, taking into account both delivery bandwidth and playback horsepower. Producing for adaptive streaming involves two discrete analyses: how to choose the optimal number of streams and their configurations and how to customize the encoding parameters of the various streams to operate within each adaptive streaming technology. This article will explore both analyses.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
August 8, 2011 10:57 AM!

Interesting new product from Harmonic : ProMedia Origin, HTTP streaming video server used as origin [PDF]

Interesting new product from Harmonic : ProMedia Origin, HTTP streaming video server used as origin [PDF] | Video Breakthroughs |

- Ingests transcoded, segmented and encrypted output from ProMedia Live, ProMedia Carbon and ProStream 4000

- Enables progressive download or adaptive streaming (using Apple HTTP Live Streaming, Microsoft Smooth Streaming, Adobe RTMP and  HTTP Dynamic Streaming to downstream caches or CDNs)

- External API for asset management and offline content transcoding workflow integrated with external content management systems

- Integration with Omneon MediaGrid network-attached storage


Read the PDF here :

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
July 19, 2011 7:46 PM!

Streaming Video Technologies Panorama, part 2 : Server-Side Stream Repackaging

Streaming Video Technologies Panorama, part 2 : Server-Side Stream Repackaging | Video Breakthroughs |
There are basically two ways to sustain the extensive growth of video formats that you must, as a media distributor, serve to your different clients’ target devices : the most common answer is to choose the best in breed most-powerful encoders to prepare all the target formats during the content preparation time (see Panorama article N°1 on this topic), but you can adopt a different approach saying that you want to prepare your contents once and have the distribution part of the overall workflow take care of the repackaging and protection of the contents on the fly.

Server-side repackaging of the streams consists eventually in :
- choosing languages in audio and subtitle tracks available in the original mux (optional)
- transcoding/transrating the video content in different sizes/bitrates from a high quality video file (optional)
- applying a DRM compatible with the output format (optional)
- generating the manifest file corresponding to the target adaptive streaming technology (mandatory)
- remuxing and chunking the video data according to the output protocol requirements (mandatory)

Historically, repackaging was pushed as a quick solution for broadcasters to add iOS streams on top of existing Smooth or Flash streams. In a wider OTT/Adaptive Bitrate perspective, this alternative approach means : less files to manage in the main production workflow, less storage, less bandwidth to populate the origin servers, smaller time to contents’ online availability and easier support for new formats – shortly said, an agile path.

Potentially a risky one, but quite attractive…

Let's examine the available options on the market, to do it on your own platform or in the cloud !
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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
April 16, 2013 3:59 PM!

Bridgetech introduces digital media (HLS, HDS, HSS) monitoring on the iPhone

Bridgetech introduces digital media (HLS, HDS, HSS) monitoring on the iPhone | Video Breakthroughs |

Bridge Technologies has launched PocketProbe, an iPhone app that enables objective analysis of real network performance of streaming media, in a simple to use, easy to understand tool that technical staff can carry anywhere.


PocketProbe contains the same OTT Engine found in the company’s VB1, VB2 and 10G VB3 series digital media monitoring probes, enabling confidence validation and analysis of http variable bit-rate streams from any location. 

PocketProbe is available in two versions: the free application can validate five HLS streams in round-robin mode, provide analysis and manifest consistency alarms, play back media in the various profile bit-rates, and graphically display the actual chunk download patterns and bit-rates. The full version also offers the ability to validate HDS and SmoothStream manifest files and store twenty-five streams with all profiles.

Nicolas Weil's insight:

Wicked ! Only DASH is missing :-(

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
October 30, 2012 9:41 AM!

Packaging adaptive bitrate VOD content on the fly

Packaging adaptive bitrate VOD content on the fly | Video Breakthroughs |

The actual OTT market uses Adaptive Bit Rate video format over HTTP (Smooth Streaming, HTTP Dynamic Streaming, HTTP Live Streaming and MPEG-DASH soon) to deliver the content. Although it excludes the DRMs system which is a big topic in itself, here is an overview of the different formats available for each platform and of the different solutions (self-hosted, CDN, Cloud) to handle it.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
June 20, 2012 8:50 AM!

SPB TV's "3D Video on 3 Screens" solution supports all ABR streaming protocols [PR]

SPB TV's "3D Video on 3 Screens" solution supports all ABR streaming protocols [PR] | Video Breakthroughs |

SPB TV Solution empowers 3D and regular 2D video formats encoding and streaming in multiple quality options, from mobile to HD, to provide the brightest user experience on a small phone as well as on a big modern TV. Due to anaglyph and side-by-side technology support, 3D video can be delivered to both 3D-enabled and usual screens.


SPB TV pays great attention to the stability and quality of the video playback in any network capabilities, so its solutions support all major technologies of adaptive streaming: RTSP, Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), Microsoft Smooth Streaming, Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming, as well as MPEG-DASH - a new unified adaptive bitrate standard developed by ISO.

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
November 2, 2011 5:40 PM!

SeaWell Networks' Spectrum : Intelligent Adaptive Video Delivery [MARKETING VIDEO]

Find product page here :

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Scooped by Nicolas Weil
July 21, 2011 4:38 PM!

Comparing Adaptive HTTP Streaming Technology From DASH, Apple, Microsoft and Adobe

Comparing Adaptive HTTP Streaming Technology From DASH, Apple, Microsoft and Adobe | Video Breakthroughs |
On today's webinar about Adaptive Streaming & HTTP Delivery, RealNetworks shared the below slide featuring a nice chart that breaks out some of the differences and features from Apple, Microsoft and Adobe.
Access to the webinar here :
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