Metaglossia: The Translation World
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Metaglossia: The Translation World
News about translation, interpreting, intercultural communication, terminology and lexicography - as it happens
Curated by Charles Tiayon
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English Finnish Talking Electronic Dictionary

Unsurpassed Translation

With a massive 510,000 entry English<-> Finnish Translating Dictionary, an easy to use 39 language translating Picture Dictionary, and complete English explanatory ...!
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About Translation: “The Voice of Interpreters and Translators”

When the new ATA tagline (“The Voice of Interpreters and Translators”) was unveiled during the annual meeting of all voting members, I wrote in my notebook “consider me underwhelmed”.!
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About Translation: Xbench presentation

To download my presentation on ApSIC's Xbench terminology and translation QA tool, please click the following link:

ApSIC Xbench, a tool for terminology and QA (ppt)

If your company would like a personalized presentation, drafted to help you set up your own QA workflow, or if your would like me to create an online or on-site seminar to teach you how best to use Xbench, please contact me: I'll be happy to help!!
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Dates: 18-29 June 2012
Venue: Translation Studies Graduate Programme, University of Edinburgh (U.K.)

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Recrutement de traducteurs et interprètes: la fonction publique camerounaise présélectionne – Par Charles Tiayon

Dans le cadre du recrutement spécial de 25.000 (vingt-cinq mille) jeunes diplômés par la Fonction publique, le gouvernement du Cameroun vient de publier une liste de candidats présélectionnés...!
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DAILY JOBS IN KENYA: A JOBS DATABASE: Writer / Translator (English and Kiswahili) Vacancy - Bridge International Academies

The role entails translating documents and other material from one language to another: Ability to reads material and rewrite material in specified language or languages, following established rules pertaining to factors, such as word meanings, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

In addition, observe established corporate terminology and in-house usage and identify new terminology for more effective communication.!
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Video Editing Software Explained | Software Support Experts

,Digital filming equipment has become much more affordable over the years, and i&...!
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You Get More Than a Proofreader When You Hire an Editor

Nearly every business shares written products with the public. Whether in the form of advertisements, blog posts, email newsletters or brochures, your company’s image depends on the written word. As you probably already know, it is vital to your organization’s success that your copy is free of errors, is clearly written, speaks to the audience and conveys your organization’s message.

Keeping your copy clean, updated and in line with marketing goals can be tough. It is time consuming and can take in-house focus off of projects that need attention. What is the solution? Outsource your editing.!
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Bíblia da Mulher Ultrapassa a Marca de 1 Milhão de Exemplares - Notícias Cristãs |

A Bíblia da Mulher atingiu, este ano, a marca de mais de 1 milhão de exemplares distribuídos, com novos recursos, formato e cores de capa ainda mais atraentes.!
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Siri a challenge to Google search: Eric Schmidt

The voice-activated Siri assistant on Apple's iPhone 4S is a direct challenge to Google's search engine, chairman Eric Schmidt said.
"Apple has launched an entirely new approach to search technology with Siri, its voice-activated search and task-completion service built into the iPhone 4S," Schmidt acknowledged in a written response to lawmakers released Friday by the Senate antitrust subcommittee.!
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Aplicaciones de traducción de idiomas para Android | Subinet

Si dispones de un teléfono con Android y quieres aprender lenguas extranjeras a continuación, puedes convertir tu teléfono Android en un traductor. Se puede...!
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Lo divino en la comedia humana : : Diario El Litoral - Santa Fe - Argentina : :

Lo divino en la comedia humana, En su voluminoso y olvidado libro sobre Balzac, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada se detiene a estudiar en un capítulo la importancia de la herencia y el azar en la Comedia humana y señala, justamente, que Ursule Mirouët...!
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NTT Docomo to offer mobile phone translator : National : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri)

NTT Docomo Inc. will provide a two-way, speech translation service between Japanese and English, and Japanese and Korean, for cell phone users on a trial basis starting Wednesday.

Translated spoken words or sentences will be sent to the phone user two seconds after the firm's voice recognition system registers the speaker's voice, the company announced Friday.

It will be the first automated conversation translation service in the world available on a standard cell phone.!
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Canarias - Noticias - Información - Revista TARA - El diccionario “Tesoro Léxico Canario-Americano” editado por la Casa de Colón recibe el premio de investigación 2011 de la RAE

El diccionario ‘Tesoro Léxico Canario-Americano’, cuyos autores son los catedráticos Cristóbal Corrales y Dolores Corbella, acaba de recibir el premio de investigación filológica 2011 que concede cada año la Real Academia Española (RAE) de la Lengua. Se trata de la primera vez que filólogos canarios reciben este prestigioso galardón. El acta del jurado, presidido por el director de la RAE, José Manuel Blecua, considera este libro “una aportación muy valiosa para el conocimiento de las interrelaciones del español atlántico”. Su candidatura fue presentada por los académicos Gregorio Salvador, Francisco Rodríguez Adrados y Salvador Gutiérrez Ordóñez.

La publicación -editada en 2010 por el Cabildo de Gran Canaria, a través de la Casa de Colón- supone el compendio de intensos años de trabajo de ambos investigadores, orientado al estudio de los léxicos empleados en Canarias y América, para, a través de ellos, fijar la huella de las relaciones experimentadas entre ambas orillas tras cinco siglos de Historia compartida.!
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Urdu dictionary board: at a loss for words | Metropolitan | DAWN.COM

Different events were organised in Karachi last year to celebrate the completion of the 22-volume Urdu Lughat (dictionary) with fanfare, claiming that 52 years of hard work had come to fruition.

Ever since its inception in 1958, the Urdu Dictionary Board has been headed by many noted individuals and has had to experience ups and downs, mostly the latter, primarily because of the lack of attention towards the board of the government-led institutions. No different is the situation today.!
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Portec Traducciones Técnicas al Portugués: Nova política de prestação de serviços de tradução

Após um inconveniente com um cliente PDF resolvi mudar minha estratégia de negociação de prazos e pagamentos. Aqui eu falo sobre como negociar pagamento com o cliente direto.
O distinto me informou, após 10 dias de vencimento da fatura, que geralmente envio para 30 dias (ou seja, lá se iam 40 dias da entrega do serviço sem ver a cor do meu cheque), que, por engano, a fatura não havia sido ingressada na contabilidade da empresa e que, somente naquele momento havia sido ingressada no sistema, e o pagamento estaria disponível em aproximadamente 30 dias (quer dizer, 70 dias após terem recebido a tradução).
Deixe-me dizer-lhe uma coisa, maledetto cliente: seu pedido de mil desculpas não pagam as minhas contas. Suas esperanças de que este inconveniente não volte a ocorrer não me exime dos compromissos que tenho (contas a pagar, com datas de vencimento).!
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Need Help with Domestic Violence Issues in a Tongue You Know | Translation News

The Law on Domestic Violence has undergone a change, clauses remaining the same.!'s curator insight, July 8, 2019 4:29 PM
ELAGSE9-10W1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

I haven’t translated for two weeks — Catherine Translates

And things better change soon. I do not like this forced holiday at all and am hoping more translation requests come in soon. Because I miss working. Since the spring, jobs have been coming in at a steady pace.!
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Translation Guy » The Ultimate Translation Test 1: Multilingual Tests and Surveys

To business! Next few posts are snip and paste from a best practice White Paper on testing and survey translation, written because we see so much less-than-best practice. Testing and survey translation is tricky, and often clients and language service providers ignore the unique set of problems that occur in this challenging process.!
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The aim of translation is to communicate. So what’s with the alienation?

Essentially, our job in the language services industry is to facilitate international communication. We cross linguistic and cultural boundaries to help our clients get their own ideas across, or...!
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Another U.S. win for Anglocom - Anglocom

Anglocom is a leading supplier of English and French translation, copywriting, and copyediting services to businesses that value quality.!
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American Catholics prep for new Mass translation

Each Sunday for decades, Roman Catholic priests have offered the blessing —...!
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Google Updates Its Search Engine - Technology News - redOrbit

Google said on Thursday that it is updating its search engine to make 35 percent of searches more effective.!
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Se presenta la primera traducción al gallego de 'Desde Bohemia hasta el fin del mundo'

La directora de la S.A. de Xestión do Plan Xacobeo, Camino Triguero, ha presentado este sábado la primera traducción al gallego y al castellano de la obra 'Desde Bohemia hasta el fin del mundo', clásico de la literatura checa de finales del siglo...!
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Editorial: Translation may be worse

With nothing more urgent to do, the Oregon Geographic Names Board plans to consider requests to change the names of more than 30 places in six Eastern Oregon counties, names that now contain the word “squaw.”
The plan is to replace those names with Native American names. This is the latest chapter in a long story. For English speakers around the world, squaw used to be a perfectly ordinary Indian word. Then, the world became persuaded that it was a dirty word.

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