Metaglossia: The Translation World
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Metaglossia: The Translation World
News about translation, interpreting, intercultural communication, terminology and lexicography - as it happens
Curated by Charles Tiayon
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No disparen al traductor » Traducción - Traducción, interpretación, productividad y algo más…

Leyendo este artículo de la revista Slate sobre la creciente popularidad de Google Translate en los últimos años, no he podido evitar recordar alguno de los conceptos estudiados durante último año de carrera en lingüística computacional y pensar en la (aunque relativa, en mi opinión) amenaza que suponen los sistemas de traducción automática para los traductores.!
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«El catalán está mejor situado en Internet que otras lenguas» - Diario de Ibiza

El profesor y sociolingüista Isidor Marí, nacido en Ibiza en 1949, tiene un largo currículum profesional y personal al servicio de la enseñanza del catalán y la planificación lingüística.!
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Des humoristes créent leur dictionnaire , Honfleur 11/11/2011 -

Samedi à partir de 15 h, le Grenier à sel accueille une lecture publique, suivie d'une séance de dédicaces, pour le lancement officiel d'un dictionnaire co-écrit par trente humoristes.!
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Importance of grammar

Besides the traditional aspects of formal definitions, the functional purpose of words in context should also be emphasised when teaching grammar.!
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Aviation Terminology

One of the keys to being a good pilot is a strong working knowledge of aviation terminology.!
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Trends in Mobile & Social Applications

The global marketplace is booming for online games, social & mobile games and applications. We have been working with Danica Brinton of LocLabs --a heralded "rock star" in the social/mobile sp...!
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SDL raises Alterian bid, prompting talks

LONDON (Reuters) - British translation software firm SDL has raised the price it is willing to pay for Alterian , paving the way for the smaller software company to enter talks.Alterian...!
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Content Translation in Drupal 7 | Evolving Web

Multilingual websites are complicated, due to the wide variety of ways to convey multilingual content to users. Each multilingual website seems to come with a different set of requirements for how content translation is handled. In this post, I'll take a look at approaches to translating content in Drupal 7 and the new possibilities that the Entity Translation module provides.!
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Internet sites go global with free language translations

I do business in several foreign countries. I would like to have my Internet site appeal to foreign buyers. I would also like to sharpen my foreign language skills in my correspondence and on the phone. Do you have any suggestions?

Elaine: Many sites that wish to appeal to customers worldwide have added translation capabilities to their sites. It is relatively inexpensive to add. It changes the content from one language to another with merely a click of a mouse on the foreign flag icon for which language you wish to view the site.!
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With new translation, confusion in the pews

As a lay member of Dover's Holy Cross Church, Sandy Winfrey knows there will be grumbling over the new wording of the Mass, and it will feel strange to Catholic worshippers when said during the first Sunday of Advent, Nov.!
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Top 8 Best Practices for eLearning Localization

It is a common misconception that training localization is easy to do, and as such it is often an afterthought in training projects. "Oh, we can just translate the course in a few days, no proble...!
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Advantages of a Multilingual Website…

Why you should have multilingual website. Have you ever think of it's advantage.

You are a business owner and your have your website in English. It does pretty well and your online business goes...!
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Entre nubes, multitudes y descubrimientos… nos han cambiado hasta el nombre

Entre nubes, multitudes y descubrimientos... nos han cambiado hasta el nombre
Cristina Márquez Arroyo

Nos guste o no, están cambiándonos el escenario. Nos han dejado unos pocos de los antigu...!
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Using Corpora and Concordance lists to solve linguistic problems

In this blog I will compare and contrast the differences between active learning of a language, via language corpora and concordance lists, and passive rote learning, using my course Spanish gramma...!
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Parallel Stories by Peter Nádas – review

The Germans have a lot to answer for in Hungary. Perhaps because of historical guilt (Jewish writers such as Konrád, Nádas, Kertész and Dalos have all been especial recipients of largesse) or perhaps because Hungarians are almost the last students of the German language, Germany almost single-handedly keeps Hungarian literature in business. And the Germans, it seems to me, have encouraged the Teutonic notion that anything entertaining or exciting must be lightweight or pulp. Serious writing has to be … serious, and hard work. If you're not straining, it ain't literature. László Krasznahorkai and Peter Nádas seem to be particular exponents of this attitude.!
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Daily Maverick :: Neville Alexander - a linguistic revolutionary

He’s been a Robben Island prisoner and more recently one of South Africa’s most eminent educationists. He’s also a linguistic revolutionary.  KHADIJA PATEL lent Neville Alexander an ear. - Alexander is a vocal proponent of multilingualism in education. He acknowledges that his views on language are construed by some as the “idle musings of an out-of-touch eccentric”, but he believes the dominant opinions of multilingualism in education in South Africa suffer from the disposition to see everything through the prism of English. He is quick to clarify that it would be “silly” to be anti-English, but believes the role of South Africa’s African languages must be enhanced to ensure no South African is robbed of democracy.!
Daniella Broomberg's curator insight, October 6, 2013 8:04 AM

An interesting contrast to the opinion of Prof Jansen. The question of which (if any) national medium of instruction is needed in education. Prof Jansen believes English should be promoted to level the playing field. Neville Alexander disagrees.


Alexander believes that low levels of productivity and efficiency can be attributed to the way in which people are forced to communicate in languages they do not understand. Alexander believes South African's are in the habit of "seeing everything through the prism of English." I agree with this, but I am uncertain of how multilingual education will rectify English as a gloabal medium of communication.


Alexander believes that we are imprisoned by "neo-apartheid" language policies. In order to rectify this, he believes that English cannot be the de facto official language. He believes children should be taught African languages from a primary level of education in order to enhance South Africa's African languages.


The question on my mind, as communicated by Prof Jansen, is whether or not the language of instruction is as pertinent as the quality of teaching?

Steph's Journalism Group 2013's curator insight, October 6, 2013 8:59 AM
Daniella Broomberg's insight:

An interesting contrast to the opinion of Prof Jansen. The question of which (if any) national medium of instruction is needed in education. Prof Jansen believes English should be promoted to level the playing field. Neville Alexander disagrees.


Alexander believes that low levels of productivity and efficiency can be attributed to the way in which people are forced to communicate in languages they do not understand. Alexander believes South African's are in the habit of "seeing everything through the prism of English." I agree with this, but I am uncertain of how multilingual education will rectify English as a gloabal medium of communication.


Alexander believes that we are imprisoned by "neo-apartheid" language policies. In order to rectify this, he believes that English cannot be the de facto official language. He believes children should be taught African languages from a primary level of education in order to enhance South Africa's African languages.


The question on my mind, as communicated by Prof Jansen, is whether or not the language of instruction is as pertinent as the quality of teaching?

'The Lexicographer and the Sovereign': Preface to an Agamben Dictionary (Jessica Whyte) -

Introductory Chapter to The Agamben Dictionary (EUP, 2010) Co-authored with Alex Murray...!
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CFP: L’extraterritorialité des langues, littératures et civilisations : bilans et perspectives / Extraterritoriality of languages, literatures and civilizations: assessments and prospects; Raumges...

As a legal concept that appeared in the 19th century and originated in international law, extraterritoriality (or exterritoriality) initially established the principle according to which a person is not necessarily subject to the laws of the territory on which he or she is located. However, as George Steiner has shown (Extraterritorial, Papers on Literature and the Language Revolution, 1971), the concept can be enlarged and transposed within the cultural field. Applied to languages, literatures and civilizations, it suggests that, under the effects of the political upheavals of the 20th century and of contemporary globalization, the political territory has lost its old unifying and defining powers in cultural matters.!
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Ceremony held for 42nd Literature Translation Award winners

The Korea Times awarded prizes to winners of its 42nd Modern Korean Literature Translation Awards at a ceremony held at Seoul Plaza Hotel, Wednesday.

Attending the awards ceremony were, among others, President-Publisher Park Moo-jong of the Korea Times, Park Je-yeong, chief operating officer of the Korea Exchange Bank, which sponsors the annual translation contest, and judges including Brother Anthony.!
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CFP: L’extraterritorialité des langues, littératures et civilisations : bilans et perspectives / Extraterritoriality of languages, literatures and civilizations: assessments and prospects; Raumges...

Notion juridique née au XIXe siècle et relevant du droit international public, l’extraterritorialité (ou l’exterritorialité) instaure d’abord le principe selon lequel une personne n’est pas forcément soumise aux lois du territoire sur lequel elle se trouve. Or, comme l’avait montré George Steiner (Extraterritorial, Papers on Literature and the Language Revolution, 1971), la notion peut être élargie et transposée dans le domaine culturel. Appliquée aux langues, littératures et civilisations, elle avance que, sous l’effet des bouleversements politiques du XXe siècle et de la mondialisation contemporaine, le territoire politique a perdu son ancienne puissance d’unification et de définition en matière culturelle.!
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Google Translate adds Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Bengali, Gujarati to IPhone App | MF Monitor

Google Translate has added five more Indian languages to its iPhone app -- Telugu, Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati, and Kannada -- making the treasure trove of its...!
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Google’s Timeline Search Option is History

As Google pushes fresh search results, a helpful Google search tool for historical searches quietly vanished earlier this month. Google has confirmed tha...!
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Tradición o traducción

Teatro Cánovas. Fecha: 11 de noviembre. Compañía: Excéntrica Producciones. Versión y dirección: Juan José Villanueva. Reparto: Ignasi Vidal, Gregor Acuña, Lilian Caro, Pilar Crespo, Celia Vioque y Antonio Salazar. Aforo: Unas 50 personas.

Resulta paradójico el modo en que Don Juan sigue constituyendo un argumento arquetípico en el teatro contemporáneo; si en otros personajes clásicos resulta más sencillo buscar resquicios que signifiquen en la actualidad (la regla es sencilla: basta con dejar que hablen por sí solos), el burlador presenta dificultades añadidas para su traducción. El problema fundamental es que...!
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Con algo de ironía, empiezo a pensar que una ventaja de los libros escritos en otro idioma es que se puede leer varias veces el mismo título, pero disfrutar, con cada traducción, de una obra...!
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El poeta en el mundo · ELPAÍ

Leer poesía traducida es aceptar que uno está perdiéndose en el mejor de los casos entre la cuarta parte y la mitad de lo que hay en el original. Leer poesía traducida de una lengua que uno ignora por completo es saltar al vacío. Poesía, argumentan algunos derrotistas, es precisamente aquello que se pierde al ser traducido.

Hay poetas, poemas, que resisten bien la traducción. Antonio Machado y Federico García Lorca, que nunca faltan en las secciones de poesía de las buenas librerías americanas, se leen con una claridad magnífica en inglés. Una buena parte de la gran poesía americana, su naturalidad expansiva, viaja bien al español: incluso la solemnidad visionaria de Wallace Stevens, o el fraseo fingidamente coloquial de William Carl...!
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