Metaglossia: The Translation World
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Metaglossia: The Translation World
News about translation, interpreting, intercultural communication, terminology and lexicography - as it happens
Curated by Charles Tiayon
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Fluent English-Austrian Interpreter (Anywhere (via Skype)) | Side Job Central

Approximately One hour job - must be fluent in Austrian languages. Need interpretation to and from English for approximately one hour session. Pay Rate: $25 USD per hour.!
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How many words do you know? | Word Dynamo by

I've just received my Word Score, an estimate of the total number of words I know. How many words do you know?!
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Now, We Have a Long List of Movies

4 days ago, I posted an article on the movies about translation and interpreting. On Linkedin and Facebook, I got many responses and now, we have a long list of movies and full of new thoughts! Eve...!
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Read my lips: When Chinese is too Chinese for me

How do you read Chinese when you only speak it?

Consider my situation:

I can't read or write Chinese (or, pedantically, Standard Written Chinese) — regardless of the characters are in Sim...!
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Tips for Translators: Delivery

You have completed your translation assignment and now it is ready to be delivered. If you are fortunate enough to have clients within your area, you could deliver the assignment personally. But outside of this scenario, you need to clarify with the client how they want their work delivered. The terms of delivery can change due to external factors, i.e., a labor strike, technology failure or natural disaster or as a result of a request by client.!
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Tips for Translators: Payment Arrangements

Now that the assignment has been completed, you know you will be paid for your work, but the question is WHEN? Some agency contracts state payment will made in 30 days, for other agencies you may have to wait 45 to 60 days. It is rare to find an agency that issues payment in less than 30 days with the average being closer to 40 days.!
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Language Blog Translation Times: Interpreting Marketplace Study Available for Free

Many of our readers might be familiar with the Common Sense Advisory, the only research firm that studies the translation, interpreting and localization market. Every year, they produce a myriad of in-depth reports and studies about our industry. Their clients are language service providers and companies of all sizes around the world -- and naturally, not freelancers who do not have the need for formal marketing research. However, the data is highly interesting, but also a tad on the expensive side for individual translators and interpreters. That's why we were very excited to hear that Common Sense Advisory had teamed up with InterpretAmerica, a national forum for the interpreting profession run by Katharine Allen and Barry Slaughter Olsen, and had been commissioned to do the first-ever study on interpreting in the North American market. The entire 88-page report is available for free on the InterpretAmerica website.!
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XJTLU Conference - Corpus 2012 on "Corpus linguistics: technologies for language research, teaching and learning"

Conference theme

Corpus linguistics: technologies for language research, teaching and learning


Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University (XJTLU), Suzhou, China

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: 1 March 2012

Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2012

Conference dates: 28-30 June 2012!
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Special Education Dictionary

The most common abbreviations and foreign words about the topic special education explained.!
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Web site de los servicios de traducción del top 10 de Alexa - Blog de GTS

Aquí está la lista superior 10:
International de SDL
Guía de la traducción
Servicios de traducción los E.E.U.U.
Soluciones aplicadas de la lengua!
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Carlos Hugo Aparicio, en francés | El Tribuno Salta

Tras leer la obra, la escritora intuyó que estaba ante una figura de la literatura argentina contemporánea.El autor de Trenes del Sur asistió a la conferencia de la profesora, realizada en la Alianza Francesa.!
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Le chinois, c'est l'avenir -

Le collège Saint-Thomas d'Aquin propose une option chinois dès la classe de quatrième. «J'ai hésité entre le foot et le chinois, mais ma mère m'a dit que le foot ne menait à rien, alors que le...!
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The Inbound Marketer’s Link Building SEO Glossary | Business 2 Community

We recently received inquiries on some of the terminology in the 15 Effective Link Building Techniques for SEO blog post.!
Yoho Marketing's curator insight, February 9, 2019 8:15 AM
Inbound Link Building Guide

Looking Up Words In A Book Not So Strange Yet : NPR

"Smoot" is one of 10,000 new words featured in the fifth edition of The American Heritage Dictionary, out this month. In an era when every definition is just a click away, why publish an enormous book of words?!
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The ‘linguistic famine’ in Kenyan households is diluting our culture - Opinion |

The Nation recently featured the story of a 16-year-old Kenyan girl who last year was...!
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Linguistic nuances could save Suarez - The Irish Times - Mon, Nov 14, 2011

PATRICE EVRA has been informed that he may have difficulty proving he was the victim of racial abuse from Luis Suarez, because of a counter-argument that certain variations of the N-word are not deemed offensive where the Liverpool player grew up,... Suarez has categorically denied racially abusing the Senegal-born France player and the FA’s investigators are having to consider the different context with which words that would be considered offensive in England are commonly used in Uruguay and other Spanish-speaking countries.

“Negrito”, for example, could have shocking connotations for someone without full knowledge of the nuances of the language. But the counter-argument is that this is one of several derivations that are used in many countries, with no derogatory meaning – often in the same way someone could be called “pal” or “mate”.!
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Afghan interpreter denied Canadian visa

Sayed Shah Sharifi has been rejected by immigration officials who questioned his decision to go public with his complaints about a bogged-down system.!
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Cuomo Paying Attention to Minority Groups

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has been lavishing attention on minority communities amid signs of impatience and a perceived lack of attention to their concerns. In his 11-minute speech here on Friday, Mr. Cuomo cited several achievements of his first months in office: doubling the state’s goal for participation by businesses owned by members of minority groups and women in state contracting; suspending the state’s participation in a controversial federal immigration enforcement plan; closing some prisons and juvenile justice centers and directing state agencies to provide free interpretation and translation services in six foreign languages.!
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Harris Sherline: Curses! Crying Foul Over Foul Language -

Profanity has been around for centuries, but whatever happened to being discreet about it?!
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"Intercultural Communication: Building a Global Community" Sag e | 2011 | ISBN: 8132106342 | 256 pages |

In Intercultural Communication, the authors draw on their deep intercultural experience to show us how to build successful communication bridges across diverse cultures. The book explores various theoretical positions on global communication ethics and norms by providing an overview of the contemporary socio-cultural situation and seeking ways in which common ground may be found between these different positions. The authors raise points of critical reflection on intercultural events and issues in various areas of communication including health, work, environment and education. The book also covers a range of issues, from the interactions of various cultures to the expansion of social organizations and the growing global infrastructure.!
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Cameroun/Sam Mbende: Les projets structurants sont un leurre

Le quotidien camerounais Mutations a reçu lundi dernier, 7 novembre 2011, comme cela est devenu courant depuis quelques mois, son invité de la rédaction... L'ARTISTE SAM MBENDE PARLE DE TRADUCTION EN PASSANT...... D'après lui, "Vous devez savoir qu’une traduction n’est jamais fidèle aux propos exacts." Lire l'entretien (Questions 12 et 13)!
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Audio Bibles Make Bible Translation So Simple Now | Articles Observer

So many persons who choose up the Bible to read through it only end up placing it down in disappointment only minutes later.!
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