Bunch Translate: Semantic vs. Communicative Translation | Metaglossia: The Translation World | Scoop.it

I tend to think of translation theory as not divorced from translation practice. It is the same as if you learn how to play chess or golf. How can you separate the theory from the practice ?

So when I blog about theory, to me that is also practical. I like to do so to help myself understand it better, and hopefully, someone else might read it and gain from my blog too.

One of the big conflicts or splits in translation is between being faithful to the source text and author, and being loyal to the reader and situation.

Which is right ? Which side do you as a translator tend to come down on ? (remember: you can't be both at once).

There are those who believe that we translators should be faithful to the author and source and "what is on the page". This is certainly true if we are translating the Bible (but even then, there are exceptions), but is it always true in every instance ?