Operation Phobos
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Operation Phobos
1 Thessalonians 4:4 (BSB)
Curated by The Swarm
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Scooped by The Swarm
July 31, 2020 10:13 PM

Immigrant children are vanishing under Trump. That should scare you - AZCentral.com

Immigrant children are vanishing under Trump. That should scare you - AZCentral.com | Operation Phobos | Scoop.it

Opinion: You may not care about deported asylum seekers, even kids, but Trump will eventually come after you if you let him disregard U.S. laws.

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Scooped by The Swarm
February 20, 2020 10:49 PM

Children Detained in America's Prisons are Charged for Underwear, Food, Books, Even Family Visits. This Has to Stop | Opinion | Newsweek.com

Children Detained in America's Prisons are Charged for Underwear, Food, Books, Even Family Visits. This Has to Stop | Opinion | Newsweek.com | Operation Phobos | Scoop.it

If you're a young American in prison, underwear will cost you $3.25 a pair and a bra, $13.50. A 25-minute video visit from your family costs $7.50. In some places, even reading an ebook will cost you—five cents per minute.

The Swarm's insight:


I'm not an expert on the subject of sin, but whoever is responsible for this despicable fleecing of these poor children is probably going straight to Hell.




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