Rockflower is excited to report significant progress in the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) project, which is aimed at transforming rice farming in the Oti Region of Ghana. The project is being undertaken in collaboration with One Africa Research Development and Extension Programme (OARDEP).
Since the project's inception, OARDEP has successfully increased the number of participating farmers to 141, with an emphasis on including women and girls, who now make up 85% of the participants. This expansion is critical in a region where 87% of the population engages in agricultural, predominantly rice cultivation. The project now encompasses five communities—Bala, Mate, Avegeme, Todome, and Abrani.
Agricultural Extension Agents (AEAs) in the northern sector have attended a two-day training workshop during July to enhance their capacity on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technology. The training, organised by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (CSIR-SARI), formed part of the Scaling up of Climate Resilient Rice Production in West Africa (RICOWAS Project). In Ghana, the project is being carried out in the Northern, North East, Upper East, Savannah, Volta, Oti, Western North and the Ashanti Regions.
SRI-Rice's insight:
[Togo also held an SRI trainer event during July]. The 13-country $14 million RICWAS Project in West Africa, which is funded by the Adaptation Fund and supported by Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel Sahara and Sahel Observatory, held the initial region-wide SRI training effort in Cote d'Ivoire, last April. Togo and several other countries have subsequently held national training-of-trainer and extension efforts in mid-2024..
French language System of Rice Intensification (SRI) video from World Bank-funded PRéCA (Projet de Résilience et Compétitivité Agricoles -- Agriculture Resilience and Competitiveness Project) in Burkina Faso
Video: La plaine rizicole de Karfiguéla s'est transformée grâce au projet « Eau, CLÉ du Développement Durable » (ECDD). Autrefois désespérée en raison du changement climatique et de pratiques agricoles inefficaces, cette région prospère à nouveau. Le projet ECDD a expérimenté avec succès des pratiques agroécologiques sur une superficie de 500 m². Des agriculteurs témoignent de l'impact positif sur leurs rendements et la qualité de leurs cultures. Le projet, mis en œuvre par l’Organisation néerlandaise de développement (SNV) et l’ONG World Waternet.
SRI-Rice's insight:
English: The rice-growing plain of Karfiguéla has been transformed thanks to the “Water, Key to Sustainable Development” (ECDD) project which successfully experimented with agroecological practices, including SRI. Farmers testify to the positive impact on their yields and the quality of their crops. The project, implemented by the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) and the NGO World Waternet.
This study undertook to identify a ‘best-bet’ version of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) for conditions in northwestern Nigeria, considering what is feasible for farmer use. Two years of experimental data from 260 farmer-managed rice plots evaluating four of the SRI practices in Zamfara State were analyzed. The variables evaluated were seedling age at transplanting, plant density, irrigation schedule, and fertilizer application. Farm budget analysis showed that the best-bet SRI practices most productive given the natural environment and farming system were transplanting 11-day-old seedlings at 25 cm × 25 cm spacing, with alternate wetting-and-drying of fields, as well as providing full compost plus some inorganic fertilization.
Net economic returns were found to be highest with best-bet SRI practices and ranged from USD 1450–2120 ha−1. While rice production was profitable under both SRI and more conventional management, the return on investment was at least 40% higher with SRI practices than with the other practices evaluated. Based on our data and analysis, we recommend that the Nigerian government and its development partners prioritize and expand the testing and promotion of SRI in the northwest and other regions of the country. This initiative can significantly enhance farmers’ incomes and, ultimately, bolster food security.
In Saint Louis, northern Senegal, farmers have had to buy extra rice to feed their families for as long as anyone can remember. “Normally, people can only live off the rice they grow for a few months,” according to Abdoulaye Sy, director at the government’s National Agricultural and Rural Advisory Agency (ANCAR). The rest of the time, people buy rice from wholesalers, hoisting 20-kilogram (44-pound) burlap sacks onto communal minibuses or horse-drawn carts for the long ride home.
But since officials at ANCAR introduced a new method for growing rice, called the “system of rice intensification” (SRI), yields have more than doubled. For the first time, according to ANCAR, families can live off their own crop and make money from the
A la demande de la coopérative Gouantina en début de campagne, la DreamTeam Douna piloté par Albert COMPAORE met en place un champ école de riziculture intensive dans l'optique de mieux enseigner les bonnes pratiques culturales de production de riz. La coopérative Gouantina est une coopérative composée de 65 femmes productrice de riz. Pour le champ école l'agent à terrain Albert à mis deux parcelles de 200m2. Sur la première parcelle les bonnes techniques de production du riz en système de riziculture intensive (SRI) ont été mise en place...
SRI-Rice's insight:
At the request of the Gouantina cooperative (made up of 65 women who produce rice) the "DreamTeam Douna" of the NGO PlantVillage set up a SRI field school for SRI. On a plot of 200m2 the traditional practice yielded 20kg (exptrapolated to 2t/ha) while the SRI plot yielded 35kg (extrapolated to 3.5t/ha). As they saw the profitability associated with SRI methods, the women in the cooperative decided to adopt the methods.
...Between July and August, 2022, The World Food Program (WFP) and FAO Identified and trained 150 farmers in 15 villages in Gabú, Bafatá and Quinara regions on the principles of the System of Rice Intensification technique (SRI). This technique allows smallholder farmers to increase rice crop productivity while decreasing the quantity of water, seeds and chemicals used. Previously tested in Guinea-Bissau by local agronomists, SRI led to a four-fold increase in yields compared to traditional techniques. Through this pilot, funded by the SDG Joint Fund, WFP and FAO wish to further test SRI with local communities to appraise its potential for rice production in the country.
SRI-Rice's insight:
This is the first report we've had from Guinea-Bissau, so we were very glad to hear of the four-fold increase in yield!
Africa-Press – Liberia. A recipient of UNDP’s agricultural grants has launched commercial seed rice, which is expected to increase local rice production and reduce reliance on rice imports. The Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP) received a grant to produce climate smart agriculture seed rice in Montserrado and Lofa counties using a methodology known as System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Speaking at the launch, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative for Programme Violet Baffour stressed the need to scale up support to small farmers and cooperatives as part of efforts to eliminate extreme poverty, and end hunger and malnutrition in Liberia.
The Adaptation Fund (AF) has just approved the “Scaling up Climate Resilient Rice Production in West Africa” (RICOWAS) project, during the thirty-seventh board meeting, held on October 19-21, 2021.
With a four-year implementation period, RICOWAS is the largest regional project funded by the AF in Africa with a total amount of $ 14 million and affecting thirteen ECOWAS countries; namely Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo. The project focuses on scaling-up SRI in combination with agro-ecozone specific Sustainable Land and Water Management (SLWM) practices, which is being coined as Climate-Resilient Rice Production (CRRP). The overall purpose of the project is to improve climate resilience and increase the productivity of the rice system of smallholder rice farmers in West Africa by adopting a climate-resilient rice production approach.
SRI increases yield and profitability in West African rice farming, especially when locally adapted. Farmers adjust SRI to fit lowland rice farming, where water cannot be controlled and to address labour constraints. Additional labour for transplanting (instead of broadcasting) – coinciding with an existing labour bottleneck – constrains SRI adoption. SRI is mainly practised by marginal and accumulating farmers and to a lesser extent by medium farmers. Accumulating farmers invest in agriculture, farm profit-oriented and overcome labour constraints by hiring. Thus, they can practise SRI on larger scale and their absolute benefits are higher. Nevertheless, they rely on hired labour to do so, which strengthens workers' bargaining position. Consequently, SRI benefits all: accumulating farmers who employ as well as marginal farmers and hired labourers. Contrary to findings from Asia, SRI seems to be relatively pro-poor in West Africa.
Rice farmers in Jigawa state have received climate-smart training on a system of rice intensification (SRI), a new approach to rice production that increases crop productivity and reduces methane emissions by at least 22 per cent to a maximum of 64 per cent. The training was part of a tripartite partnership between the Foreign and Common Wealth Development Office (FCDO) of the British Government through its intervention on investment promotion under the LINKS Project, the Jigawa state government, and a leading commodity trading firm Silvex International Limited.
Stakeholders in the agricultural sector of Liberia have validated a climate-resilient rice production project (CRRP) that is expected to benefit about 13,620 smallholder rice farmers in five of the fifteen counties.
According to the Executive Director of the Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP), Mr. Robert Bimba, the project seeks to improve the resilience to climate change and increase productivity of smallholder rice farmers throughout West African using a more climate-adapted production approach, the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). The project is to be implemented by CHAP in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and partners in five counties (Lofa, Bong, Nimba, Bomi, and Grand Gedeh). The Climate Resilient Rice Production Project in West AFRICA (RICOWAS) is funded by Adaption Fund.
The Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP), under the National Executing Entity (NEE-CHAP), is spearheading the Scaling up of Climate Resilient Rice Production Project organized by the Rice Production Improvement Consortium of West Africa (RICOWAS) in Liberia. In Liberia, RICOWAS targets 13,620 farmers across 2,641 hectares in six project zones. Training sessions, including a TOT in Montserrado County and five other project zones, focus on SRI and CRRP, aiming to strengthen the skills of extension service providers and farmers
The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is an environmentally sustainable farming method which has enabled growers from the Kapunga Village in Tanzania’s Mbarali district to boost their income and nutrition. Under the Capacity Building Related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements project in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Countries-Phase III (ACP MEAs 3) funded by the EU, the FAO project aims to support local farmers by training them in adopting SRI.
The initiative encourages smallholders to participate in Farmer Field Schools (FFSs), offering them group plots of land and SARO 5 seeds to practice SRI. ACP MEAs 3 helps farmers transition to more resilient and productive agrifood systems by offering training and capacity building in ecosystem-based practices that promote the sustainable resource management, protect the environment, and improve food security.
The regional training of trainers’ workshop on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Climate-Resilient Rice Production (CRRP) took place in Grand-Lahou on Friday, April 5th, 2024. Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra, OSS Executive Secretary, expressed his gratitude towards the authorities of Côte d’Ivoire for hosting the event, highlighting National Rural Development Support Agency (ANADER) and its excellent agricultural mechanization training center in Grand-Lahou. He also thanked Dr. Erika Styger and Dr. Karim Traore for training of the future Master Trainers who will play a significant role in the RICOWAS project. [See also French version.]
SRI-Rice's insight:
The first regional RICOWAS training of trainers workshop was hosted by ANADER in Côte d’Ivoire. It included 45 experts from 13 West African countries belonging to the regional Scaling up Climate Resilient Rice Production in West Africa (RICOWAS) project, a four-year, $14 million effort funded by the Adaptation Fund to apply principles of SRI and Climate-Resilient Rice Production (CRRP). RICOWAS is overseen by the Sahara and Sahel Observator (OSS).
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research - Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (CSIR-SARI) has trained Agricultural Extension Agents (AEAs) and farmers on System of Rice Intensification (SRI) activities under the RICOWAS scaling up climate resilient rice production in West Africa project. Dr Issah Sugri, Senior Research Scientist at CSIR-SARI and Project Monitor, said the four-year RICOWAS project, was funded by Adaptation Fund supported by Observatoire Du Sahara Et Du Sahel Sahara and Sahel Observatory. The project, implemented by CSIR-SARI, is to strengthen human and institutional capacity in climate-resilient rice production (CRRP) and also to assist farmers to scale-up CRRP...
SRI-Rice's insight:
The USD 14 million RICOWAS project will be operating in 13 countries in West Africa during the next four years. We also found articles recently on the RICOWAS efforts getting going in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
The UK LINKS programme (Powering Economic Growth in Northern Nigeria), which began in 2021, is a £12m UK government-funded programme designed to support development of a vibrant, inclusive, and diversified economy in three northern Nigeria States of Kano, Kaduna and Jigawa. The aim was for farmers to increase yields and become more resilient in the face of climate change while reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in the country. As a result of the work with the System of Rice Intensification, 45,000 farmers were trained over four seasons, and over 26,000 farmers in Kano, Kaduna, and Jigawa are now actively using SRI. On average yields were doubled, costs were lowered, farmer income were six times highter, and GHG emissions were reduced by 40%.
The official launch of the RICOWAS project « Scaling up climate-resilient rice production in West Africa », took place on January 18, 2023 in Bamako, Mali. The project is financed by the Adaptation Fund (AF) and implemented by the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) with the collaboration of the Regional Center of Specialization on Rice, hosted by the Institute of Rural Economy of Mali (CRS-Riz/IER), the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (WECARD) and the Cornell University, for a 14M USD budget over a 4-year period. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a major component of the project.
The Community of Hope Agriculture (CHAP) in Liberia has extended operations in neighboring Mano River countries (Sierra Leone and Guinea). Together with Guinean partners, a new CHAP project, entitled "FEED La Guinea," has kicked off with SRI trial plots on two hectares in Kalako, Guinea, with over 100 smallholder farmers coming together to learn SRI methods. The first rice was transplanted July 15, 2022. The vision of feeding Guinea with home-grown rice is resonating with key stakeholders. Most of the farming groups are women-dominated and eager to learn more about SRI for the first time. To ensure that what farmers produce is bought in a timely manner, CHAP is working on launching the “I love Guinea Rice” and “Feed la Guinea” campaigns to get a buy-in from consumers for local home-grown rice.
More and more rice farmers in Africa are turning to the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). This technique is beneficial to them because it reduces production costs and provides higher yields. The benefits of this technique have allowed producers such as Marcel Yao Kouakou to become known as a model rice producer in Côte d'Ivoire. In 2013, he was awarded the Excellence Prize for best national producer in irrigated rice production in Cote d'Ivoire and in 2015, he was awarded the second Knight of the Order of Agricultural Merit medal at the "Salon de l'Agriculture et des Ressources Animales."
La Côte d’Ivoire s’engage à réduire ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 30,41 % d’ici à 2030, selon son ministre de l’Environnement et du développement durable, Jean-Luc Assi. M. Assi a fait cette déclaration, mercredi à Glasgow (Ecosse), lors d’un panel de haut niveau portant sur la présentation des nouvelles ambitions des pays dans un contexte de révision générale des contributions déterminées au niveau national (CDN)...
...Les commerces, les transports et les industries figurent également sur cette liste de même que la promotion de pratiques agricoles intelligentes face au climat, la mise œuvre à grande échelle du système de riziculture intensif (SRI), la mise en œuvre de décharges modernes et de centres de valorisation et d’enfouissement technique avec récupération de méthane, sont également au nombre des actions prévues par l'Etat ivoirien.
SRI-Rice's insight:
Côte d'Ivoire is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 30.41% by 2030, according to its Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Jean-Luc Assi. ...Commerce, transport and industries are also on this list as well as the promotion of climate-smart agricultural practices, the large-scale implementation of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), the implementation of modern landfills and recovery and technical landfill centers with methane recovery are also among the actions planned by the Ivorian State.
This is a presentation about the SRI efforts by the LINKS program, Catalysing Economic Growth for Northern Nigeria. It was authored by Tetra Tech International Development, who is implementing SRI activities in Jigawa and Kano States in order to raise farmer incomes by increasing yields while reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, seed utilization, and water consumption in a commercially and environmentally sustainable manner.
An understanding of how the System of Rice Intensification method of the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP) has influenced sustainable solutions to smallholder paddy farmers’ challenges of poor yield and marketing in Kindia Prefecture, Guinea informed this study. Causal research design was used, involving a survey of 126 beneficiaries and 78 non-beneficiaries of WAAPP. Data were collected mainly on the farmers’ enterprise characteristics: improvement in productivity, sales, and income from paddy.
WAAPP- and non-WAAPP-participating farmers had >10 years of farming experience. Most WAAPP farmers (67.5%) achieved higher sales and income from paddy than in the past. The productivity of the WAAPP farmers was higher and significantly different from that of the non-WAAPP farmers. Farmers’ opinion of market prospects after waapp intervention and their age significantly influenced their change in productivity. The WAAPP increased paddy production.
Some studies consider the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method of rice production as more profitable than the conventional method. Others, however, claim that there is no significant difference in yields between the two methods. The study was designed to identify which of the two methods of rice production is more profitable in Ghana. Two-stage sampling technique was used to select 220 farmers, comprising 110 farmers under each of the two methods of rice production which are predominant in Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipality and Sekyere East District of the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The study revealed that, while farmers under the SRI method obtain GH¢60.68 for every GH¢100.00 sale of rice, farmers under the conventional method obtained GH¢44.04 per every GH¢100.00. The study concludes that SRI, though a little more costly, is more profitable resulting from a higher yield brought on by the adoption of best agronomic practices associated with the method. Based on the empirical results, the authors recommend the promotion of the System of Rice Intensification in Ghana through awareness creation, extension services and training.
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