Substance Abuse
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onto Substance Abuse
February 23, 4:40 PM!

Coping and Understanding Mental Health and Addiction –

Coping and Understanding Mental Health and Addiction – | Substance Abuse |
The Nassau County PBA reported that suicide rates are a staggering 60% higher among law enforcement than the general population.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Coping and Understanding Mental Health and Addiction. Becoming an addiction coaching is an excellent way to help those suffering from drug addiction. If you're interested we offer a Substance Abuse Certification program. - 


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Substance Abuse
Articles, news, education on substance and drug abuse, including counseling and treatment efforts.
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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
September 5, 4:57 PM!

Shining a Light on Addiction Awareness

Throughout September, The Tablet will be writing and reporting on National Recovery Month to help raise awareness and understanding of mental and substance use disorders. The goal of the observation is to reduce stigma, promote education, and provide support to individuals and families affected by addiction.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Shining a Light on Addiction Awareness. If you're an addiction consultant and would like to learn more about substance abuse counseling then please consider reviewing our online substance abuse certification program - 

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
September 4, 1:22 PM!

From Pride to pain, addiction and overdose are silently killing us

From Pride to pain, addiction and overdose are silently killing us | Substance Abuse |
​As we approach National Overdose Awareness Day, let's reflect on the impact of substance abuse within the community and how we can support each other in finding acceptance.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

From Pride to pain, addiction and overdose are silently killing us


The killer of addiction

Please also review AIHCP's Substance Abuse Practitioner Program

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 30, 4:27 PM!

Increasing Our Knowledge of Addiction and Substance Use Disorders

Increasing Our Knowledge of Addiction and Substance Use Disorders | Substance Abuse |
Learn more about cannabis use and social media addiction in this month's Special Report!
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Increasing Our Knowledge of Addiction and Substance Use Disorders


Addiction and substance abuse

Please also review AIHCP's Substance Abuse Practitioner Program

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 29, 5:14 PM!

Psychedelics: A new hope for substance abuse treatment

Psychedelics: A new hope for substance abuse treatment | Substance Abuse |
Study explores the history and current state of psychedelic research for treating substance abuse disorders, highlighting challenges like restrictive policies, lack of funding, and the need for recognition of traditional and modern therapeutic practices.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Psychedelics: A new hope for substance abuse treatment. Do any substance abuse counselors or addiction coaches want to give their opinion of this type of treatment?

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 28, 4:41 PM!

Parental stress is a significant public health issue, surgeon general says in new advisory

Parental stress is a significant public health issue, surgeon general says in new advisory | Substance Abuse |
Parents in the United States are overwhelmed and burned out with the “dizzying pace” of the world, and it’s a public health concern, according to a surgeon general’s advisory released Wednesday that calls for shifts in policy and cultural norms.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Parental stress is a significant public health issue, surgeon general says in new advisory


Parental stress

Please also review AIHCP's Stress Management Certification



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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 28, 4:36 PM!

How exercise influences addiction recovery is focus of UB research - UBNow: News and views for UB faculty and staff - University at Buffalo

How exercise influences addiction recovery is focus of UB research - UBNow: News and views for UB faculty and staff - University at Buffalo | Substance Abuse |
Neuroscientist Panayotis “Peter” K. Thanos discusses the potential of exercise as a treatment for substance use disorders.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

How exercise influences addiction recovery is focus of UB research - UBNow: News and views for UB faculty and staff - University at Buffalo


Exercise and how it can help with substance abuse and addiction

Please also review AIHCP's Substance Abuse Practitioner Certification

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 27, 4:57 PM!

Evidence-Based Treatment for Addiction: Institutional Barriers

Low adoption of evidence-based treatment practices for addiction and substance use is primarily attributed to institutional barriers.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Evidence-Based Treatment for Addiction: Institutional Barriers. Are any of the substance abuse counselors here that can give their thoughts? 

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 21, 4:54 PM!

Air Force Pilot Turned Addiction Counselor Changes Lives

It’s much simpler to just look down on addicts as vermin. I think I used to do that. It was a cheap way to improve my standing­. Now I know better.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Air Force Pilot Turned Addiction Counselor Changes Lives

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 16, 4:08 PM!

Navigating triggers and cravings in addiction recovery | News

Navigating triggers and cravings in addiction recovery | News | Substance Abuse |
Developing healthy strategies can increase the chances of maintaining long-term recovery
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Navigating triggers and cravings in addiction recovery | News


Navigating triggers

Please also review AIHCP's Substance Abuse Practitioner program

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 16, 9:31 AM!

Less Than 5% of People With a Substance Use Disorder Get Treatment

Less Than 5% of People With a Substance Use Disorder Get Treatment | Substance Abuse |
A new federal report found that 48.5 million Americans aged 12 and up had a substance use disorder (SUD) in 2023. Only 4.5% of this group received
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Less Than 5% of People With a Substance Use Disorder Get Treatment. This is tragic. There is a calling for compassionate substance abuse counselors to help treat addictions. However, this number might not be as large as it should be because you cannot help those who are not ready to receive it. 

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 14, 5:02 PM!

What To Consider When Choosing An Addiction Treatment Rehab — KHTS Radio — Santa Clarita Radio - Santa Clarita News

What To Consider When Choosing An Addiction Treatment Rehab — KHTS Radio — Santa Clarita Radio - Santa Clarita News | Substance Abuse |
Choosing the right rehabilitation center is a vital step toward recovery for individuals dealing with addiction or other health issues that require intensive therapy.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

What To Consider When Choosing An Addiction Treatment Rehab. Are there any additional points substance abuse counselors would like to add? If you're in the addiction coaching field, please feel free to share!

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 8, 3:09 PM!

Staging an Intervention

Staging an Intervention | Substance Abuse |
Staging an intervention for a loved one who is struggling with substance use shows you care deeply and want to help them.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Staging an Intervention. It's never easy but it is one of the best ways to show someone you love them and fully support their substance abuse recovery. If you're a substance abuse coach please share some of your experiences with us. 

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 6, 12:03 PM!

Uncovering the links between sleep struggles, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts in teens with depression

Uncovering the links between sleep struggles, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts in teens with depression | Substance Abuse |
Rebecca Robbins, Ph.D., of the Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders at Brigham and Women's Hospital, is the senior author of a paper published in Psychiatry Research, titled "Exploring sleep difficulties, alcohol, illicit drugs, and suicidal ideation among adolescents with a history of depression."
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Uncovering the links between sleep struggles, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts in teens with depression. Interested in learning more about addiction coaching? Please visit our online substance abuse practitioner program for more information! 

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
September 4, 4:45 PM!

The Impact of Drugs on the Teenage Brain

The Impact of Drugs on the Teenage Brain | Substance Abuse |
Most publications on the effects of drugs on the teenage brain are written by scientists for scientists. Here is an overview of this research from a teenager's perspective.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

The Impact of Drugs on the Teenage Brain. Are you a Substance Abuse Counselor? Do you help teens with drug addictions? If so, we'd love to hear your addiction coaching advice you might have. 

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
September 3, 4:33 PM!

Cure Addiction Now Forum Addresses Latest Advances in Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD) Research

/PRNewswire/ -- Cure Addiction Now (CAN) will be hosting its semi-annual "CAN Forum & Webinar" at 9:30 am PST on Saturday, September 7, 2024, at th
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Cure Addiction Now Forum Addresses Latest Advances in Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD) Research. #addictioncounseling 

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 30, 4:01 PM!

Drug Use Isn’t All or Only an Individual Choice

Drug Use Isn’t All or Only an Individual Choice | Substance Abuse |
Economic and political dynamics shape individuals' choices about drugs and alcohol. Attempts to redress these issues that ignore these dimensions may make the problems worse.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Drug Use Isn’t All or Only an Individual Choice. There are various aspects to substance abuse that need to be taken into account. Have any of the addiction counselors here come across any of these issues. 

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 28, 4:51 PM!

Early Detection and Emergency Management of Opioid intoxication: Approach to Primary Health Care - PAHO/WHO | Pan American Health Organization

Early Detection and Emergency Management of Opioid intoxication: Approach to Primary Health Care - PAHO/WHO | Pan American Health Organization | Substance Abuse |
Join us on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 11:00 A.M. (Washington DC, or EDT) for the webinar “Early Detection and Emergency Management of Opioid Intoxication: Approach to Primary Health Care”.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Early Detection and Emergency Management of Opioid intoxication: Approach to Primary Health Care. 

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 28, 4:38 PM!

Addressing the gender gap in substance abuse treatment

Addressing the gender gap in substance abuse treatment | Substance Abuse |
Woman with opioid use disorder and who are also involved with the criminal legal system face unique challenges and stigmas that may keep them from seeking substance use treatment and harm reduction tools that could prevent overdose deaths, according to new research led by a team from Penn State.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Addressing the gender gap in substance abuse treatment



Gender gaps

Please also review AIHCP's Substance Abuse Practitioner Certification

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 28, 12:51 PM!

Fighting the stigma of addiction with science

Fighting the stigma of addiction with science | Substance Abuse |
MOSAIC scholar Kasey Girven’s mother wanted her to become a physician, but she realized she could also help her community with research.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Fighting the stigma of addiction with science


Addiction stigma

Please also review AIHCP's Substance Abuse Practitoner program

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 22, 4:05 PM!

How To Stay Sober In College

How To Stay Sober In College | Substance Abuse |
Staying sober in college can be difficult given it's reputation for drug and alcohol abuse. However, it doesn't mean it's impossible.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

How To Stay Sober In College. A lot of young adults turn to alcohol and recreational drugs in college. As substance abuse counselors it is important to prepare students and highlight the dangers of addiction and substance abuse early. 

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 20, 4:42 PM!

The importance of language when talking about substance abuse

The importance of language when talking about substance abuse | Substance Abuse |
Tricia Otto’s son, Calvin, will forever be 29 years old. That’s because he lost his life to fentanyl poisoning at [...]
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

The importance of language when talking about substance abuse. Knowing how to relate your substance abuse coaching advice to someone is a very important step in helping them battle their addictions. What are some of the techniques you use to make sure your addiction counseling advice is heard and understood?

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 16, 4:07 PM!

Less Than 5% of People With a Substance Use Disorder Get Treatment

Less Than 5% of People With a Substance Use Disorder Get Treatment | Substance Abuse |
A new federal report found that 48.5 million Americans aged 12 and up had a substance use disorder (SUD) in 2023. Only 4.5% of this group received
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

Less Than 5% of People With a Substance Use Disorder Get Treatment


Please also review AIHCP's Substance Abuse Practitioner Program

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 15, 1:09 PM!

How to help employees deal with substance abuse and addiction problems

How to help employees deal with substance abuse and addiction problems | Substance Abuse |
Bosses need to address a substance abuse health care gap to support workers
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

How to help employees deal with substance abuse and addiction problems


Substance abuse and helping employees

Please also review AIHCP's Substance Abuse Practitioner Program

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 13, 4:57 PM!

From meth addict to substance abuse counselor: UH provides a pathway, support

From meth addict to substance abuse counselor: UH provides a pathway, support | Substance Abuse |
Edmond Pulu Jr. is getting hands-on experience in substance disorder counseling.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

From meth addict to substance abuse counselor: UH provides a pathway, support. It is also good to see someone who struggled with addiction turn their life around and become an addiction counselor. They know first hand what it's like and can offer a substance abuse perspective that other mental health counselors simply cannot. 

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Scooped by American Institute Health Care Professionals
August 7, 11:16 AM!

‘Hope Not Handcuffs’ program helps those beat addiction or substance abuse

‘Hope Not Handcuffs’ program helps those beat addiction or substance abuse | Substance Abuse |
The Owosso Police Department is joining a growing list of agencies welcoming, not arresting, people who need help battling addiction or substance abuse.
American Institute Health Care Professionals's insight:

‘Hope Not Handcuffs’ program helps those beat addiction or substance abuse. Being put "in the system" is not an effective way to deal with addiction and substance abuse. We need addiction coaching not incarceration. 

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