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ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
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Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 31, 2016 10:49 AM

Millions of Dropbox users are being advised to change their passwords | #Awareness #CyberSecurity #digcit 

Millions of Dropbox users are being advised to change their passwords | #Awareness #CyberSecurity #digcit  | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Yes, hackers did manage to steal millions of account credentials back in 2012.
Make sure you have protected your account, and enabled two-step verification.


At the time, security commentators such as Brian Krebs, Troy Hunt and myselfurged internet users to be wary of the claims - as they had not been verified.

After all, it seemed possible that the data had been collected from heavily-reported mega breaches at Tumblr, LinkedIn and MySpace.


Now, however, Dropbox has confirmed to the media that a 5GB archive of files, containing the email addresses and hashed passwords for some 68,680,741 accounts, is genuine.


Learn more / En savoir plus / Mehr erfahren:




Gust MEES's insight:
Yes, hackers did manage to steal millions of account credentials back in 2012.
Make sure you have protected your account, and enabled two-step verification.


At the time, security commentators such as Brian Krebs, Troy Hunt and myselfurged internet users to be wary of the claims - as they had not been verified.

After all, it seemed possible that the data had been collected from heavily-reported mega breaches at Tumblr, LinkedIn and MySpace.


Now, however, Dropbox has confirmed to the media that a 5GB archive of files, containing the email addresses and hashed passwords for some 68,680,741 accounts, is genuine.


Learn more / En savoir plus / Mehr erfahren:




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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 8, 2014 8:31 AM

1,2 milliard de mots de passe piratés ? C’est hier qu’il fallait avoir peur

1,2 milliard de mots de passe piratés ? C’est hier qu’il fallait avoir peur | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

Vous n’avez certainement pas du passer à côté de “l’information”. Des pirates informatiques Russes auraient réussi « le casse du siècle » en récoltant 1,2 milliard de comptes utilisateurs (logins et mots de passe associés) ; et plus de 500 millions d’adresses e-mail, provenant de 420.000 sites Internet d’entreprises. L’exploit est ailleurs !

Article original appartenant à zataz.com : ZATAZ Magazine » 1,2 milliard de mots de passe piratés ? C’est hier qu’il fallait avoir peur http://www.zataz.com/12-milliard-de-mots-de-passe-pirates-cest-hier-quil-fallait-avoir-peur/#ixzz39nrNnn62 
Follow us: @zataz on Twitter

Gust MEES's insight:

Vous n’avez certainement pas du passer à côté de “l’information”. Des pirates informatiques Russes auraient réussi « le casse du siècle » en récoltant 1,2 milliard de comptes utilisateurs (logins et mots de passe associés) ; et plus de 500 millions d’adresses e-mail, provenant de 420.000 sites Internet d’entreprises. L’exploit est ailleurs !

Article original appartenant à zataz.com : ZATAZ Magazine » 1,2 milliard de mots de passe piratés ? C’est hier qu’il fallait avoir peur http://www.zataz.com/12-milliard-de-mots-de-passe-pirates-cest-hier-quil-fallait-avoir-peur/#ixzz39nrNnn62 
Follow us: @zataz on Twitter

Sebastien Gioria's comment, August 8, 2014 10:30 AM
Je n'ai qu'une seule chose a dire ! c'est ridicule tout ce buzz ! quand on regarde, c'est peu rapporté a la masse totale de sites Oueb. Je ne dirais qu'une chose : relire ca, et on a la solution => http://www.advens.fr/blog/les-injections-sql-dans-les-applications-web-pourquoi-navancons-nous-pas
Scooped by Gust MEES
May 5, 2016 8:06 AM

Don’t do it! 5 ways to upgrade your passwords this #PasswordDay

Don’t do it! 5 ways to upgrade your passwords this #PasswordDay | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Password Day is a day for "taking our passwords to the next level" - here are five traditions the crooks really don't want us to start.


Gust MEES's insight:

Password Day is a day for "taking our passwords to the next level" - here are five traditions the crooks really don't want us to start.


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