Real Estate Articles Worth Reading
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Real Estate Articles Worth Reading for Real Estate. See real estate articles worth reading about buying and selling a home from many sources from around the internet including the blog.
Curated by Bill Gassett
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Scooped by Bill Gassett
August 22, 2016 4:03 PM!

Selling a Home With The Best Real Estate Marketing Tips

Selling a Home With The Best Real Estate Marketing Tips | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
What are the best real estate marketing tips for selling a home? See exceptional advice for picking a top Realtor who will market your home to the hilt.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Over the years while working as a real estate agent I have seen numerous sellers make the same mistakes over and over again that prevent them from selling their home.


There are two that I would consider being the most common culprits and also the most likely to derail any home sale. They are overpricing a home and choosing the wrong Realtor.


Doing these two things will more than likely cause failure in the process. You would think more homeowners would learn there lesson.


Some just don't understand that each real estate agent does different things to market their properties. No two agents are alike. The first step in having a successful home sale is to have one of these top producing agents in your corner.


The top local real estate agents are bound to have the best real estate marketing plans to get your home sold. Producers and exceptional marketing almost always go hand in hand. In the article you are going to see what it takes to get your home sold in a timely fashion for top dollar.


It is a fact that homes that are priced properly and have fantastic marketing go quicker and for more money than those that don't!


Some of the most important factors for selling a home beside the right agent and price are outstanding photography, descriptions worth reading, a video tour and a social media marketing plan.


The best agents understand we are in the digital age and this is the way to go. They spend time on doing these things well and not caving to outdated strategies like having an open house every Sunday until the home sells. Frankly that is stupid.


If you want to be in the dark ages with your home sale then by all means hire an agent who thinks this way. I know you won't get top dollar for your home.


Do yourself a favor and take a look at the best real estate marketing tips to sell your home. You will be glad you did.


I you enjoy the article please consider scooping it or sharing to your social media channels.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
January 25, 2016 3:55 PM!

Top Social Media Groups For Realtors

Top Social Media Groups For Realtors | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
See the best real estate social media groups for a Realtor to get more visibility for their blog. Facebook, Google+, Pinterest & Linkedin groups.
Bill Gassett's insight:

If you are a Realtor and also an avid blogger one of the best ways to get an incredible amount of traffic and become far more visible is to join the best social media groups for real estate.

In fact you don't have to be a real estate agent. If you are a mortgage broker, attorney, appraiser, home inspector or any other kind of contractor related to real estate these groups are just the thing you need to take your traffic to another level.

In the article you will see the best real estate social media groups for Pinterest, Linkedin, Facebook and Google Plus. For each of these social media platforms you will see the three best real estate groups that are perfect for Realtors to join.

If you have a limited amount of people following you in these places, real estate groups are the perfect solution as many of them have tens of thousands of members.

Keep in mind when joining any social media group that just dropping your links and not interacting with people will not get you nearly as far as building relationships.

The best social media marketers understand that in order to make your brand far more visible you need interaction and reciprocation with others.

The first step is joining these awesome social media groups for Realtors. Take a look at each one of them - you will be glad you did.

If you find the article helpful please consider scooping and sharing socially.

Bill Gassett's comment, January 26, 2016 4:16 PM
Thanks for sharing!
Braden O'Neill's curator insight, January 26, 2016 5:01 PM

Promoting your online content is crucial. It's perhaps the most important aspect of the content marketing game. But how do you do this? While it's great to post your content on each social network, it's even more advantageous to dive deeper. By this, I mean groups. These are concentrated communities of people who are looking for content on a specific topic. If you can provide advice within this niche, then you'll attract a much more valuable set of eyeballs. Google Plus has a surprisingly active user base, and their communities attract lots of engagement. 

Bill Gassett's comment, January 26, 2016 8:50 PM
Thanks for sharing @Braden O'Neill!
Scooped by Bill Gassett
December 31, 2015 7:06 PM!

Best Real Estate Blog Articles of 2015

Best Real Estate Blog Articles of 2015 | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
In 2015, there were tons of great real estate blog articles. In this article, you will find some can't miss real estate blog articles from the past year!
Bill Gassett's insight:

Do you enjoy reading about a wide variety of real estate topics? Every year @Kyle Hiscock

does an amazing job of compiling some of the very best real estate content found on the internet.

2015 was no different as Kyle has put together a compilation of so many great real estate topics.

The authors featured in this post are considered experts in their field. These are some of the top bloggers from around the country.

Whether you are looking to buy or sell a home or are a real estate agent that is looking to become better at social media marketing, there is something in this article for everyone.

Take a look and if you enjoy make sure you give it a scoop!

Kyle Hiscock's comment, January 6, 2016 12:46 PM
Thanks for the shares @Bill Gassett!
Bill Gassett's comment, January 6, 2016 12:50 PM
Sure thing @Kyle Hiscock!
Scooped by Bill Gassett
October 20, 2015 3:57 PM!

Real Estate Agents Show How to Get More Web Business

Real Estate Agents Show How to Get More Web Business | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
15 Successful REALTORS from different locations discuss how their real estate website helps their business.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Is your real estate website not performing as you would like it to? Most Realtor's who have a website or blog would love for it to turn into a lead generating machine!

Most real estate agents however, have no idea how to make that happen. There are of course some things that will really distinguish a good site over another. A pleasing design is one for sure. Everyone knows that exceptional content is also another way people will want to do business with a real estate agent.

If you are a Realtor and can provide useful information both on a national and local level you will be two steps ahead of the game. Consumers love to work with agents that are knowledgeable!

In his latest article @Andrew Fortune

has put together a master piece of great information designed to get a real estate agent more business from using the internet and their website. Andrew has assembled some of the top real estate experts in the country to share some of their best tips on how to garner more real estate web traffic.

Pictured above you will see all of these agent including myself. What I shared is how a blog can be integrated into a website and include both local information along with general real estate topics that buyers and sellers will enjoy.

Take a look at all of the fantastic tips and if you enjoy them please consider scooping the article!

Interealty Exchange's curator insight, October 24, 2015 2:20 AM


Bill Gassett's comment, October 24, 2015 9:38 PM
Thanks for the scoop @Interealty Exchange!
Bill Gassett's comment, October 24, 2015 9:39 PM
Thanks for sharing @Portugal Real Estate Homes!
Scooped by Bill Gassett
September 24, 2015 1:43 PM!

Top Google Plus Real Estate Articles September 2015

Top Google Plus Real Estate Articles September 2015 | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
The best Google+ real estate articles for September 2015. See some of the best real estate content found in the Google Plus real estate communities.
Bill Gassett's insight:

One of my favorite social networks for real estate is Google+. As far as social networks go there are not many places where you can get the kind of interaction with other like minded individuals in the industry.

When you share content on Google Plus the interaction can be incredible! One of the best places where this exchange of ideas and sharing of information takes place is in the Google+ real estate communities.

Each month we have been featuring some of the best content that is found in the Google+ real estate communities. This month was no different as six bloggers have been featured sharing some exceptional content.

This round-up for September 2015 was put together by Ryan Fitzgerald of @Raleigh Realty

Some of the best and brightest minds in the real estate industry have been featured including @Kyle Hiscock

@Kyle Hiscock@Anita Clark

@Paul Sian

@Paul Sian@Lynn Pineda

@Lynn Pineda@Debbie Drummond

Each of these real estate bloggers has shared a popular real estate topic to help either a buyer or a seller accomplish their goals.

Take a look and each of the articles and consider sharing the ones you enjoy socially!

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
June 30, 2015 3:15 PM!

Killer Blogging Advice For Real Estate Agents

Killer Blogging Advice For Real Estate Agents | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Learn blogging tips from real estate agent and social media pro Bill Gassett. How to create content that will attract prospects and build your business.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Are you considering starting your own real estate blog? Do you have a blog but it does not perform well at all? You are not alone. Just like anything else in life if you want something to perform really well you need to work at it. Real Estate blogging is no different!

The first thing you must do to be successful as a real estate blogger is to step up your game when it comes to the quality of your content. There are so many people publishing articles now that it is very easy to get lost in the shuffle.

The key is writing well enough that people enjoy what you have to say. Growing a following is extremely important when you are using a real estate blog for business. In the article you will see some of my best tips on not only what to write about but also how you can get found by the masses online.

Without a doubt you need a clear cut strategy in order to be successful. I talk in-depth about how you can use social media to your advantage. Driving serious traffic to your site should be a key consideration.

I will also show you specific examples of how to market your content well including how to use this platform as well as a few others including Storify.

If you read through the article you will notice numerous links that go to other articles I have written on how to use social media for your real estate business.

This is one you surely will not want to miss if you want to take your real estate blog to another level!

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
June 14, 2015 7:03 PM!

Top 5 Real Estate Blogs

Top 5 Real Estate Blogs | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Whether you've already started your real estate blog or you're thinking about creating one, read this post.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Here is a bit of a shameless plug. Maximum Real Estate Exposure has been mentioned again as one of the top real estate blogs to be reading. This time the mention comes from a company called Zurple. Thanks guys I always appreciate the kind words and am thrilled you think so highly of the blog.

For those who are not familiar with Maximum Real Estate Exposure, I blog about topics that are helpful to both sellers and buyers.

Many of the topics answer questions that are on the mind of consumers. I am never bashful about sharing my bold opinions of how I think things should work in real estate sales.

Take a look at my blog and the other four mentioned and see what you think!

Raleigh Realty's comment, June 15, 2015 8:30 PM
@Bill Gassett Bill, thanks so much for the tip! Keep them coming :)! That makes a lot of sense, and we appreciate you reaching out to help us. Keep up the great work friend!
Bill Gassett's comment, June 15, 2015 8:31 PM
You bet @Raleigh Realty always glad to help!
Raleigh Realty's curator insight, June 15, 2015 8:33 PM

Great list of top real estate blogs! Some of our personal favorites are on here. Be sure to check out the great content on these sites and if you find the information valuable let us know!

Scooped by Bill Gassett
June 13, 2015 4:26 PM!

Avoid These 11 Real Estate Technology Mistakes

Avoid These 11 Real Estate Technology Mistakes | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Digital etiquette: what is it and what does it mean for real estate professionals? With an ever-expanding world of tech tools and toys, it can feel
Bill Gassett's insight:

As a real estate agent you really need to be on your toes when it comes to right and wrong behavior on the internet. In order to be tech savvy there really is some proper etiquette that needs to be followed if you want to be successful especially when it comes to social media.

This is an excellent article from Point2 that details some of the many mistakes you need to avoid as a real estate agent when it comes to technology.

One of my favorites that are mentioned in the article and something I have written about numerous times is social media miscues that make you look like a dope as a Realtor.

The problem with many real estate agents is they use social media as an advertising vehicle and not a place to offer valuable information and form meaningful relationships with other. These are two big mistakes that often lead agents to have no real meaningful interaction on anything they do when it comes to social.

In fact the word "social" is essentially taken right out of the equation. This leads to failure. Take a look as Point2 shares ten more things that real estate agents should avoid doing online.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
May 27, 2015 12:06 PM!

Top Google Plus Real Estate Articles May 2015

Top Google Plus Real Estate Articles May 2015 | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
With so much great real estate content found daily on Google Plus, I think it’s important to recap and pull out those articles that really stood out. Every mo
Bill Gassett's insight:

Every month we recap some of the best real estate content that is discovered on the Google+ social network. These articles are typically found in some of the better real estate communities found on Google Plus.

This months summary was put together by @Andrew Fortune who has done an exceptional job of selecting some real gems.

Featured real estate authors include @Kyle Hiscock, @Lynn Pineda, @Anita Clark, @Karen Highland, @Debbie Drummond , @Xavier De Buck .

If you enjoy reading about real estate be sure to check out this round-up of great real estate content on many diverse topics.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
April 30, 2015 4:20 PM!

How to Get Your Real Estate Blogging Genius Noticed

How to Get Your Real Estate Blogging Genius Noticed | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Contributed by Karen Highland It seems like everyone has a real estate blog these days, as many real estate agents have joined the blogosphere over the last few years. ActiveRain has grown to over 250...
Bill Gassett's insight:

In a crowded internet space it is harder and harder to get noticed. Are you an avid real estate blogger who writes decent content but is having trouble getting noticed? You are not alone! There are tons of Realtors everyday who start real estate blogs but get lost in a very crowded sea of competition.

It goes without saying that you need to have exceptional content or you are not going to achieve any name recognition. Great content alone however will probably not get you that far. Agents need to understand how to increase their online reach.

So how does a real estate agent go about doing that? @Karen Highland does an excellent job sharing some great tips on being noticed online. Karen writes her advice over at the RIS Media House Call Blog.

If you are looking to step up your real estate blogging game I would highly recommend you check out some of Karen's actionable advice.

Real Estate blogging takes a lot of effort. What I have found as a blogger myself is that many people are not committed to doing an outstanding job. They put out these thin pieces of content that are very sales orientated and not designed to help a consumer.

People go to the internet to get their questions answered not to be sold. Sales come when someone looks at your content and says to themselves "I want this real estate expert in my corner".

You don't get hired by saying look at me I am awesome or don't you love this new home I just listed. If this sounds like you take a look at the article!

Bill Gassett's comment, May 2, 2015 7:32 PM
This was great work by @Karen Highland!
Karen Highland's curator insight, May 29, 2015 2:30 PM

Blogging for your business, whether it's real estate or anything else, is a long-term process. It's a marathon. It takes dedication and consistency. It takes content creation that stands out from the crowd if you want to see a good return on your hard work. If you're trying to create online content that generates real business, you'll want to learn as much as you can and put into practice these tips and more.

Braden O'Neill's curator insight, December 9, 2015 5:04 PM

Lots of real estate agents out there have caught on to the massive potential that blogging can provide (such as Karen Highland here!). In order to separate yourself from the crowd, you need to employ some creativity and hard work. Don't just follow the herd. You need to play to your strengths. Show why you deserve their attention and reward them for it! Karen's tips are a great way to get this done.

Scooped by Bill Gassett
April 23, 2015 2:40 PM!

The Top Social Media Fails in Real Estate By Realtors

The Top Social Media Fails in Real Estate By Realtors | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Bill Gassett By Bill Gassett It’s no secret that social media is a must in the world of real estate. Today’s buyers and sellers turn the to various...
Bill Gassett's insight:

Everyday when I log into some of the top social media sites such as Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+ there is one consistent theme from real estate agents - not know what the heck they should be doing!

Most real estate agents have not gotten the concept down when it comes to social media. The word "social" escapes them. Instead the word "sell" is put in its place. This of course is a huge social media blunder because nobody wants to be sold.

Social media is all about building relationships with people. Once this happens your business makes sales naturally. People want to do business with those they have built a foundation with.

The best analogy of how real estate agents fail with social media is comparing it to a cocktail party. Most people wouldn't walk into a party where they barely know anyone and start asking everyone in the room if they want to buy a house. It would look pretty stupid and everyone there would be looking at you like you were the strangest person on the planet.

Unfortunately this is what many Realtors do on the popular social platforms. The mindset is all about selling. Of course it rarely ever works. Instead many of their peers are shaking their head in disbelief.

In the article you will see all of the mistakes real estate agents are making in each of the popular social sites. Examples are referenced on what an agent should be doing and what not to do.

Even if you a real estate agent who knows what they are doing when it comes to social media you should be able to glean a few tips.

Bill Gassett's comment, April 23, 2015 7:28 PM
Thanks for sharing you are the man @Connor with HONOR!
Connor with HONOR's comment, April 23, 2015 7:44 PM
You make it easy Bill Brother...
Bill Gassett's comment, April 23, 2015 7:45 PM
Aww thanks:)
Scooped by Bill Gassett
March 16, 2015 8:28 PM!

How to Get More Business From Real Estate Marketing

How to Get More Business From Real Estate Marketing | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Want to know every option out there for you to do real estate marketing? This guide will illuminate all the potential sources of leads for you! Learn how..
Bill Gassett's insight:

If you are a Realtor and are not getting any business from your online efforts it is possible to change than and fairly quickly. One of the best ways to obtain business is by having a real estate blog.

This is just one means of generating business but it's a good one if you enjoy writing at all. In this excellent article you will see some excellent tips surround starting a blog with some good examples including one from @Kyle Hiscock and myself.

I have been blogging for over ten years and have seen countless real estate deals that I would otherwise not have if it wasn't for my blog.

There are other means of obtaining clients of course and these are mentioned in the article. Have a look and see if you can glean some worthwhile tips that could improve your real estate business.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
February 28, 2015 4:39 PM!

How a Real Estate Agent Can Master LinkedIn

How a Real Estate Agent Can Master LinkedIn | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Bill Gassett By Bill Gassett What do you think LinkedIn is for? Is it just for people who are trying to find a new job? Should you only visit it if you want to...
Bill Gassett's insight:

Linkedin is a little bit different than most of the other social media platforms out there. While most of the other social sites business and pleasure are mixed, this is NOT what you want to do at Linkedin.

Linkedin has an audience of business professionals. This is not a place to share a funny picture of your dog rover or gossip about the latest news in town. When you come to Linkedin you should be prepared to be all business.

There are a number of ways a real estate agent can master Linkedin. In the article you will see ten tips that should help improve your time spent on Linkedin.

One of the biggest blunders that real estate agents make in numerous social channels is not engaging with other members. Their whole stick is to "link dump" and then move on to the next social media site.

Folks this gets you nowhere fast! If you are a real estate agent that constantly thinks about pasting your listings into social media sites then you are going about it all wrong.

People do not go to Linkedin to buy a home. Please think about what I just said. So many Realtors are dumping their listings into professional Linkedin groups and they look like absolute fools.

It is annoying and unprofessional. Frankly it makes you look like a fool in front of your peers, especially when the rules clearly state not to do it.

Being a moderator for one of the largest Linkedin real estate groups I see this all the time. It happens everywhere not just in Linkedin. Real Estate agents are one of the worst groups who have gotten the reputation of being spammers.

In the article you will find tips on what you should be doing at Linkedin and as I just mentioned what you shouldn't be.

If you are a real estate agent take the time to read this post. If you want to increase the traffic to your blog from Linkedin some of the guidance here is going to help you.

Feel free to reach out if you need help on using Linkedin for real estate!

Bill Gassett's comment, September 24, 2015 7:33 PM
Appreciate the scoop @Braden O'Neill! I see you are taking my advice:)
Braden O'Neill's comment, September 24, 2015 7:48 PM
Ha! Indeed I am, @Bill Gassett. I'd be a fool to ignore it!
Braden O'Neill's curator insight, September 24, 2015 8:40 PM

For me, one of the main benefits of LinkedIn is the fact that it is a professional network. So unlike Twitter and Facebook, you don't have to worry about invading private lives with your content marketing messages. This stigma is gone. But, with that being said, you still need to approach it in a genuine, personable (non-spammy) way. And as always, listen to Bill.  

Rescooped by Bill Gassett from Modern Real Estate Agent: Top Tips + Advice
January 26, 2016 8:56 PM!

How to Generate Leads in Real Estate

How to Generate Leads in Real Estate | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |

Whether you’re a new realtor or a seasoned vet, here are 15 proven ways to generate leads in real estate.

Via Braden O'Neill
Bill Gassett's insight:

You just got your real estate license and boy are you pumped up to go out and make a few hundred thousand. Why not after all don't all real estate agents make a killing? Fat chance!

The average real estate agent makes far less than what would be considered a "bread winner"!

In order to make it in real estate you have to understand how to generate leads both online and off! In her excellent article @Lynn Pineda

provides some exceptional tips to do just that. Lynn's article is featured by @Braden O'Neill

on the RESAAS real estate network and deservedly so. This is in fact one of my favorite articles so far this year.

If you are a real estate agent looking to take your business to another level make sure you check out the 15 tips to generate real estate leads in this article.

One of my favorite of course is having a blog and also creating excellent community pages which are mentioned in the article.

Take a look and if you find it helpful give it a scoop!

Braden O'Neill's curator insight, January 26, 2016 5:12 PM

In order to find success in real estate, you need to be diverse.


It requires you to extend your efforts over multiple channels in order to find those hidden leads. In many cases what works for you won't work for someone else. But there are several channels that work for everyone - it just depends how exactly you exercise your talents within that specific channel. 


So take a look at what Lynn Pineda has offered here. It may shed some light on which channels you've been ignoring. These may very well prove to be the tipping point between another average year and your best year yet!

Portugal Real Estate's curator insight, January 27, 2016 9:47 AM

Good insights

Scooped by Bill Gassett
January 18, 2016 7:18 PM!

How a Real Estate Blog Can Win Business

How a Real Estate Blog Can Win Business | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Having a blog allows you to present your experience as an agent, show you understand the local market, drive business to your agency, and more.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Do you have a real estate blog but have found you are not getting much traction with it? Do you enjoy writing but have not had any buyers and sellers calling your for your real estate expertise?

There are a lot of bloggers who do a great job publishing content but miss the boat when it comes to proper promotional efforts. This is in fact where many real estate bloggers fail.

You can't possibly hope to be successful with a blog without having it exposed to the masses. The space is far too competitive without being seen by a ton of people.

In the article I explore why you should have a real estate blog to win business and how you can promote your blog to reach more people that you ever thought possible.

I take you through some of the more well known social channels you can promote your blog with along with others you are probably not familiar with.

There are some outstanding references in the article to other top sites as well including Point2, Placester and Active Rain.

Take a look and if you enjoy the article please consider scooping it.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
December 18, 2015 5:47 PM!

Real Estate Social Media is Not About Listings

Real Estate Social Media is Not About Listings | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Bill Gassett's insight:

So many real estate agents do not get the concept of how to be successful on social media. The average Realtor uses social media as their personal dumping ground for their latest listing.

Those Realtor's who do this see one thing on their social media profiles - one big echo chamber of talking to themselves. People do not going to social media sites looking to buy a home yet many real estate agents think social media is about advertising.

If you want to be successful with social media you need to take the first part of the word and do it. Do what you ask? Be SOCIAL!

Social media is about building relationships with others in your industry. It is about sharing helpful content that others will enjoy.

It is about reciprocating with those people who do the same for you. This is how great relationships are formed using social media!

In the article you will see what real estate agents should be doing in social media to win business. Those who do nothing but share real estate listings look like fools.

Take it from someone who knows - you can get business online if you know what your doing. Advertising your listings in NOT the way to do it.

Bill Gassett's comment, December 21, 2015 7:42 PM
Thanks for the scoop @Sri Ram
Scooped by Bill Gassett
October 7, 2015 4:06 PM!

Ramp Up Your Real Estate Content Marketing

Ramp Up Your Real Estate Content Marketing | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Creating great real estate content is just one part of the puzzle when you
are trying to build a profitable real estate business. Using these
platforms, you can promote your content without spending an arm and a leg.
Bill Gassett's insight:

One of the biggest mistakes I see constantly being made from real estate agents who have a blog is publishing an article and then doing little else.

Folks this is a huge mistake! If you are a real estate blogger today and expect to get noticed you need to market your content! I don't mean a couple of shares to Facebook and maybe a couple of other places you like visiting!

If you want to get business from your real estate blog you need a full fledged content marketing assault. So how do you go about making your real estate content more visible? This is exactly what you will see in the comprehensive article I have put together highlighting how a Realtor can become far more visible.

You will see how and where you should be using social media. I will take you through each of the tops sites and give you tips on how to grow an active audience.

Want to take your game even further? I will give you some of the lesser know content marketing platforms that are not just good as social channels but will move the needle on SEO for your content as well?

Sound interesting? Make sure you get on your way to reading the post over at the Resaas Real Estate Blog!

Boston Logic Technology Partners Inc.'s curator insight, October 13, 2015 8:42 AM

It is so important to select the right technology and platform to bring your business to success. 

Scooped by Bill Gassett
July 8, 2015 4:17 PM!

How a Real Estate Agent Can Master Social Media Marketing

How a Real Estate Agent Can Master Social Media Marketing | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Master social media for real estate with these must-use tactics for top social networks Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Are you are real estate agent who is looking to take your blogging efforts to another level? Are you using social media to promote you blog but have not been able to get any real meaningful traction?

The goal of most Realtors who blog and use social media is to get real business from their efforts. Wouldn't it be great if more people were finding your writing online to be super helpful?

These people would be reading your blog and loving what you have to say. They would pick up the phone and ask you to come over to be interviewed because they want to sell.

Folks this is what happens to me all the time and it can happen for you too! What you need to do is figure out what works. Most real estate agents use social media as an advertising vehicle. You know what happens? Nobody listens to you!

In the article on how to use social media as a real estate agent I take you through some of my best blogging and social media tips. I explain in detail how to make each of the major social media networks work for gaining business.

Are you currently using Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Linkedin as part of your real estate business? If not you should be!

If you are I promise if you take a look and use the advice your social media prowess will increase five fold. While looking at the article just make sure you explore all of the links within the article as they take you to some of the better social articles I have written.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
June 24, 2015 7:54 PM!

Top Google Plus Real Estate Articles June 2015

Top Google Plus Real Estate Articles June 2015 | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
The Very Best Of Real Estate on Google Plus Google Plus is an excellent place to research the latest trends in real estate. You'll find top Real Estate pros
Bill Gassett's insight:

Are you an avid fan of good real estate articles? Every month we have one person take a look at all of the real estate articles found in the most popular Google+ real estate communities and have them select the best of the best real estate articles.

This month was no different as @Debbie Drummond took the honors of choosing the best articles for June. There were certainly some exceptional real estate articles on Google Plus for June! In fact there were some new authors that have never been featured on Massachusetts Real Estate News before.

It was good to see some fresh blood. If you have never seen the compilation of top Google+ real estate articles I would have a look. There is a wide range of topics mostly centered around advice that can help both buyers and sellers.

Some of the best real estate bloggers that have been featured on numerous occasions for their fantastic work include @Kyle Hiscock, @Andrew Fortune, @Karen Highland and @Lynn Pineda.

One of the new featured bloggers who did a terrific job with their article was @Raleigh Realty.

Take a look and share if you enjoy it!

Bill Gassett's comment, July 19, 2015 8:00 PM
Thanks for sharing @John Heithaus!
Scooped by Bill Gassett
June 13, 2015 4:42 PM!

Tips For Making an Incredible Real Estate Flyer

Tips For Making an Incredible Real Estate Flyer | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
If you want your flyer to avoid the trash, you’ll need to step it up and create something worth bringing inside to the kitchen counter.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Do you want some of the most incredible tips you will ever find for creating the best real estate flyers? If you are shaking your head YES then make sure you have a look at this kick ass article!

It happens to be one of the most comprehensive posts I have seen on creating real estate brochures. You will see I was quoted in the article as well. I shared some of my thoughts on what makes a real estate flyer great including using high quality stock, having a headline that gets noticed by using a different font as well as bold print.

Ironically the author mentions one of my favorite sites for making incredible real estate brochures which is Not only can you design great brochures with Canva but the also have great tools for making online graphics.

This is one of the sites I use to make images for my blog that people are always asking about. Canva makes it easy to create professional quality material.

This is just one of many tips you will find in how to make stunning real estate brochures.

Remember people hire real estate agents based upon their marketing material. Homeowners want their property to stand out from the competition. One way of doing this is to have high quality marketing material.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
June 7, 2015 4:06 PM!

How to Master Real Estate Social Media

How to Master Real Estate Social Media | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Bill Gassett was winning the Internet and social media before it became a must-use tool. Find out how he’s turned it into a lead-generating machine for the long haul.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Since as long as I can remember social media has been something I have enjoyed as a tool to communicate with those in my industry along with others I can help along the way.

What become crystal clear to me early on was how to engage with people to be able to grow a loyal following. Properly using social media for real estate has come easy to me.

Most real estate agents fail when it comes to social media because they don't have a plan or do what it takes to be successful. Instead of seeing social media as two way conversation they use it as a platform to sell. Most of the time their message goes unheard.

What most Realtors don't seem to get is that people don't go to social media for the chance to be sold. They are looking for valuable information and people that can help them in some way.

Those that understand this concept will do far better with using real estate social media for business. In the article I share some of my best tips on how to use social media for real estate. How can a Realtor increase their visibility online? How can social media be used as a tool to form solid relationships? Where can these relationships be formed?

These are some of the questions I answer in the article. You will also see some helpful article I have written on prestigious sites such as The National Association of Realtors, Inman News, RIS Media and of course my own blog Maximum Real Estate Exposure.

If you are a real estate agent looking to use social media properly have a look at the article and see if you can glean some tips that will help your real estate business grow.

John M. Holland's curator insight, June 8, 2015 2:15 PM

How to Master Real Estate Social Media

Scooped by Bill Gassett
May 9, 2015 5:42 PM!

How to Gain Online Business as a Real Estate Agent

How to Gain Online Business as a Real Estate Agent | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Learn five essential marketing tips to prioritize to become a successful real estate agent and top producer in real estate.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Whether you are a new real estate agent or a veteran that has been in the business for quite a few years, the internet now plays an unmistakable role in buying and selling a home.

Given this fact it makes sense that if you want to increase your business from being online you need to be in front of more people. So how exactly do you go about doing that? It actually is not that hard if you have a solid plan in place.

In the article I share five solid tips on how a real estate agent can go about increasing their online business.

Without a doubt one of the top ways to get more online business as a Realtor is to establish a credible blog. Think about it - more and more people are online daily searching for answers to their questions by going to Google and other search engines.

Guess who gets the lion share of that business? If you guessed those who can answer the questions well then you are correct! A blog is a great way to establish your real estate expertise in a very non threatening way or coming across as a salesman.

People love working with those who are knowledgeable! Another perfect addition is having community pages on your website or blog. There are tons of people looking for local real estate information. Real Estate community pages establish you as a local expert.

You can have a blog and community pages but you need a solid plan in place to make sure people can find your information you are putting out there.

There are three great ways to make this happen including:

1.) Using social media.

2.) Understanding at least the basics of on and off page SEO.

3.) Crafting a solid content marketing plan.

In the article you will see an in-depth discussion on how you can do all three of these things to your advantage.

When following the advice there is no doubt you will be able to ramp up your online visibility as a real estate agent.

Bill Gassett's comment, May 11, 2015 12:12 PM
Thanks for sharing the tips @Sohail Kaisar!
Scooped by Bill Gassett
April 27, 2015 7:25 PM!

5 Top Real Estate Blogs

5 Top Real Estate Blogs | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Need blogging inspiration? Check out these 5 popular real estate blogs
Bill Gassett's insight:

I am proud to say I have been mentioned again in another real estate resource as a blog that should be followed. It is always nice to be recognized from your peers.

The author takes note of the fact that much of my content is built around helping both buyers and sellers. The articles are written to help numerous people and not just that are local to my area.

This is what many real estate bloggers do, however, my site is more geared to the masses. Two other real estate bloggers that I think highly of were mentioned as well including @Kyle Hiscock and Teresa Boardman who has been writing real estate articles for a very long time!

If you have never visited my real estate blog take a look at let me know what you think. Make sure you also check out the other four popular real estate sites as well.

Kyle Hiscock's comment, May 1, 2015 11:53 AM
Thanks @Bill Gassett for the mention! Means a lot to me to be mentioned in the same "Class" as your blog!
Kyle Hiscock's curator insight, May 1, 2015 11:55 AM

Blogging has played a huge role in the success of my real estate business.

From time to time it can be tough to find the inspiration and drive to write great content but powering through the tough times leads to huge rewards.  Pipeline ROI has put together a list of 5 popular real estate blogs.

My blog, Rochester's Real Estate Blog, was lucky enough to be selected as one of the popular real estate blogs to follow for inspiration.  Included as well is my friend and fellow Realtor, @Bill Gassett.  To be included in the same "class" as Bill is a huge honor for sure!

Check out the article from Pipeline ROI at

Bill Gassett's comment, May 1, 2015 12:00 PM
You bet @Kyle Hiscock congrats!
Scooped by Bill Gassett
March 27, 2015 11:23 AM!

Why Real Estate Community Pages Are a Must For Realtors

Why Real Estate Community Pages Are a Must For Realtors | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |

Creating your own local community pages is a great way to differentiate yourself as a real estate agent. While it can take a little work to compile something that is informative and useful, community ...

Bill Gassett's insight:

If you are a real estate agent one of the things you may think about is what to have on your website. What are the things that are helpful to consumers? Most Realtors have the property search feature. Can you say Ho Hum? Sure this is an essential element of having a real estate website but when everyone has it there is nothing to distinguish you from any other agent!

From experience I know one of the best things a Realtor can have on their website are real estate community pages. Real Estate community pages are like having your own Wikipedia built into your website for a specific town or city. These kind of pages do wonders for a Realtor looking to showcase their local expertise.

In the article I talk about five things that real estate community pages do for an agent including:

1.) Establishing your local expertise as a real estate agent. Of course consumers want to work with knowledgeable people!

2.) They help buyers learn about a community. For example look at this real estate agent page for Ashland Massachusetts. If you knew nothing about Ashland and were moving into the area would this not be helpful? Of course it would! It is jam packed with local information that a buyer would love to have at their finger tips!

3.) Help sellers choose an agent who knows the town in which they will be selling a home.

4.) Helps an agent be found online. As a Realtor you should always be striving to become more visible online. A real estate community guide does just that!

5.) Makes you become a better real estate agent - yes it helps to do the research on your community. You will learn things you did not already know.

Knowledge is always power. People like to work with a real estate agent who knows what they are doing and talking about.

Take a look and see why real estate community pages are a must for those looking to increase their business.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
March 8, 2015 4:28 PM!

Use Storify to Magnify Your Real Estate Content

Use Storify to Magnify Your Real Estate Content | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Have you heard of the social site called Storify? If not this is something you should check out right away. Why? Storify is a great place to get a new set of eye balls on your content!Don't we all strive to have our content seen by more people? Most bloggers I know work to create the most compelling content and then once their master piece is created they begin marketing it.What is neat about Storify is you can take an article you have written and add it to a Storify page you put together. Here is where Storify really becomes a winner - take content from other people you know who have written
Bill Gassett's insight:

Have you heard of the social media site called Storify? If not it is well worth checking out. As the name suggests Storify allows you to take your content and create a unique story that can become an exceptional guide to whatever the topic.

Lets say you just wrote a great post on the best tips to sell a home. You would take this article and post the URL to storify. Your post would be front and center of course. What comes next however is really where Storify shines.

You can add unlimited articles, tweets, pinterest pins, Youtube videos and anything else you can think of to add to your page.

To make your story the best it can be don't just add your own content! Add other peoples content as well. This will not only make your page better unless you think you are the only one who produces good content - NOT!

Once you have put your Storify page together let the folks who you have shared on your page know you featured them. Do you think you will end up getting more social shares? You probably will as most people love being in the spotlight.

This is an article I shared on Linkedin explaining how Storify works but what I really want you to see is this working in action.

Take a look at this Metrowest Mass real estate guide to see what I mean. If you were researching whether or not you wanted to live in the Metrowest area would this not be a fantastic resource? It sure would! You can learn about the whole area in one handy place.

There are endless uses for Storify. Check it out and see what you think.

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