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Scooped by Bill Gassett
November 20, 2023 5:19 PM!

What is The Most Common Cost of a House Inspection?

What is The Most Common Cost of a House Inspection? | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Do you know the home inspection cost and whether it is worth it? Even though no one wants to spend more fees than they need to, saving money by not having your new home inspected isn't recommended. The home inspection report will reveal the property's condition and uncover what you need to know before buying. A thorough examination could save you from making an unfortunate mistake that could take your finances years to recover. But in a seller's market, you might be under pressure not to have the home inspected. While this could improve your chances of buying the property
Bill Gassett's insight:

The cost of a home inspection can vary depending on several factors, such as the size and age of the property, location, and the complexity of the inspection.


On average, a standard home inspection can range from $300 to $800. However, it's important to note that this cost can increase if additional services are required, or the property is more significant or complex.


Some home inspectors may offer additional services like radon testing, mold inspections, or termite inspections, which can come at an extra cost. These services are often recommended if there are specific concerns, or the property is in an area prone to specific issues.


Another factor that can affect the cost is the location of the property. Home inspection prices can vary depending on where you are located.


In areas with a higher cost of living or where home prices are generally higher, it's not uncommon to see higher inspection fees.


While a home inspection may seem like an additional expense, it is a crucial investment in the long run. A home inspection can reveal potential issues or defects that may not be visible to the untrained eye. Identifying these problems early on can save you from costly repairs or negotiations with the seller.


In conclusion, the cost of a home inspection can vary depending on several factors, including the size, age, and location of the property, as well as the complexity of the inspection.


It's important to consider the potential benefits of a thorough inspection to uncover any hidden issues and provide peace of mind before making a significant investment in a property.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
September 18, 2017 12:32 PM!

What Do Realtors Expect From a Home Inspector

What Do Realtors Expect From a Home Inspector | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Find out what a real estate agent wants from a home inspector including accuracy as well as timely and proper delivery of information.
Bill Gassett's insight:

When you are buying or selling a home the inspection can be a significant hurdle to getting to the closing table. Some homes are picture perfect and the home inspection reveals the same. Other properties can be major disaster areas.


For a buyer it is obviously important not to purchase a lemon. An exceptional home inspector can be a god send in a real estate transaction. There are some really good home inspectors out there. Unfortunately, there are also some bad apples as well.


From a real estate agents perspective delivering accurate facts is very important. A close second, however is how the information is delivered to a buyer.


Some inspectors understand that how they say something can have a major impact on a buyers decision process. The great inspectors will go out of their way to explain issues in a way that buyers understand exactly what they are getting themselves into.


There are some inspectors, however, that enjoy making small problems seem like the end of the world. You would call this being unprofessional.


In my latest article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, I take a look at what real estate agents want from a home inspector.


Take a look and see if you agree with what a home inspector should be doing. The best inspectors are very clear in their delivery and have a strong knowledge base of common issues.


The best home inspectors are not drama queens.

Bill Gassett's comment, September 23, 2017 8:11 AM
Thanks for the scoop!
Scooped by Bill Gassett
September 21, 2016 11:13 AM!

What Are Reasonable Home Inspection Repair Requests?

What Are Reasonable Home Inspection Repair Requests? | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
See the home inspection repair requests a buyer shouldn't make. What issues are reasonable to ask a seller to fix when buying a home?
Bill Gassett's insight:

When purchasing a home it is a critical practice for a buyer to get a home inspection. Unless you get a professional home inspection by a licensed inspector you'll never know if you are buying a lemon or not!


A great inspector will do a thorough investigation of the property checking for all types of flaws. The most important of these flaws being structural or mechanical in nature.


It stands to reason that you want to be purchasing a home that does not have any major flaws. In the process of buying a home there are times when buyers and their respective real estate agent lose sight of the fact that this is why you do a home inspection.


A home inspection is NOT for the purpose submitting a list of things to make the home perfect before the buyer moves in! Over the years it seems like it has become more and more common for a buyer to submit unreasonable home inspection requests. In the article you will see all of the home inspection items that a buyer should not be looking for a seller to fix.


These include some fairly obvious things like issues you saw BEFORE making your offer like a fogged window or a stain in the carpet. It is silly when buyers request things to be fixed that the clearly knew about and did not have a problem with before making an offer.


The home inspection should NOT be an opportunity to try to renegotiate the contract. In a sellers market you are really setting yourself up for failure and could lose the house to someone else.


Buyers should always consult with their Realtor on what is a reasonable inspection request and what is not. Agents that don't help buyers make these decisions are not quality agents! This is part of a good real estate agents job.


Take some sound advice from someone who has been selling homes for thirty years. Read the article and think twice before you start making unreasonable demands.


If you find the article helpful please consider sharing it with your social networks or giving it a scoop.

Bill Gassett's comment, October 12, 2016 8:15 AM
Thanks for the Scoop @Nick Erieau!
Scooped by Bill Gassett
January 29, 2014 11:51 AM!

How To Negotiate Issues After A Home Inspection

How To Negotiate Issues After A Home Inspection | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |

 How To Negotiate Issues After A Home Inspection by Bill Gassett. Enjoy This Real Estate Article? "Subscribe To My Blog - It's FREE and No Spam EVER!" Get my blog articles in your inbox as soon as they are published!

Bill Gassett's insight:

When selling a home one of the big hurdles that you have to get past is the home inspection. Often times an uneducated buyer will over react to issues discoved during the inspection. There are also times where a sly buyer will try to use the home inspection as a tool to re-negotiate the transaction. I am not talking about legitimate repair items but benign things that the buyer was aware of before making their offer. Given these circumstances it makes it really important that a seller know how to negotiate home inspection repairs and also have a good Realtor in their corner who is also good at navigating the home inspection requests.

Bill Gassett's comment, September 7, 2014 5:36 PM
Thanks very much for sharing how to negotiate a home inspection.
Rescooped by Bill Gassett from Real Estate
February 18, 2014 2:28 PM!

Why sellers should get a pre-listing home inspection report ...

Why sellers should get a pre-listing home inspection report ... | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Three reasons why home sellers should consider getting a pre-listing home inspection report.

Via MC2 Home Inspections Denver Colorado Home Inspectors
Bill Gassett's insight:

Probably one of the most underutilized things that home sellers could be doing in preparation of selling their home is getting an inspection themselves before the buyers inspector comes in and rips their home apart.

Far too many sellers focus on making their home "pretty" than by looking over the most important components that offer serve either as deal breakers or bones of contention that come up during home inspection negotiations. Getting a home pre-inspected allows a home owner the opportunity to correct known issues so that the chances of their sale going by the wayside go down substantially.

Even if there are no major issues, a seller can take care of all the little things that come up like double tapped circuit breakers, a non function ground fault interrupter (GFI), a rotted piece of trim or a broken window seal. Spend the time doing a pre-inspection will be well worth it.

Take a look at the article which delves into this topic even further.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
January 24, 2018 10:17 AM!

Should I Have My Home Inspected Prior to Selling

Should I Have My Home Inspected Prior to Selling | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
See all the pros and cons of a pre-listing home inspection. Getting a home inspection done prior to putting your home on the market can be a smart thing to do. There aren't many downsides for a seller finding out any issues with their home prior to sale.
Bill Gassett's insight:

One of the questions many homeowners will ask their real estate agent is whether they should have a home inspection prior to putting it on the market.


Many home buyers of course are going to get a home inspection. Home sellers on the other hand rarely ever do it. This can be a big mistake!


If more sellers did a pre-listing home inspection there would be fewer sales that fell apart. The home inspection quite often is a point in the transaction where a buyer will back out.


Problems are often identified by their inspector that causes them to be fearful of continuing the purchase. There are many benefits for a seller getting a home inspection. In the latest article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, you'll learn all the reasons why getting a home inspection prior to placing a property on the market makes so much sense.


A seller conducting a home inspection takes away many of the fears a buyer will have about the home they are buying. Not only that it gives sellers a piece of mind as well.


Some people will ask if there are any big downsides to a seller getting a home inspection done. There are very few drawbacks. Really the only downside pertains to disclosure of issues found.


If you live in a state where disclosure of issues is mandatory and you can't afford to fix the problems then you might of opened a can of warms.


My viewpoint is the same - the buyer's inspector would have found the problems anyway.


Take a look at the article and see all the pros and cons of getting the inspection before listing for sale. If you enjoy the advice, give the article a share socially or Scoop it!

Bill Gassett's comment, March 13, 2018 8:36 PM
Thanks for the scoop!
Scooped by Bill Gassett
October 11, 2016 12:09 PM!

How to Choose a Home Inspector

How to Choose a Home Inspector | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
See how to select a home inspector. Picking a home inspector is an important consideration when buying a home. Don't choose the wrong inspector!
Bill Gassett's insight:

When you set out to buy a home one of the most important steps along the way will be to have the property inspected. The home inspection allows the buyer the opportunity to make sure there are no serious structural or mechanical defects.


As a buyer you certainly don't want to be stuck purchasing a home that will end up being a money pit! This makes it vital that you know how to pick a home inspector that is extremely thorough. Just like any other industry there are home inspectors that can be considered exceptional and others not so much.


When buying a home you want someone in your corner that is a PRO when it comes to identifying problems. So how do you go about choosing the best home inspector?


In the article referenced above you will see some of the best tips for picking an inspector who you will be extremely satisfied with.


Having been in the business for the past thirty year I can tell you with certainty there a wide gap from the best to the worst home inspectors. Some do their job very well and others not so much!


There is no reason a buyer should pick the wrong inspector! In my article you will see how to go about making the right choice. The tips offered are from observing home inspectors for three decades of home sales.


Take a look and if you find the article helpful, please share it with any buyers who you know will be getting a home inspection in the near future.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
July 7, 2014 2:34 PM!

Top Home Inspection Issues

Top Home Inspection Issues | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Here are some top home inspection issues that every seller should be aware of. Fix these home sale problems to increase the chances of a smooth sale.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Do you know what some of the top home inspection issues that will kill a home sale? One of the greatest stumbling blocks for a home selling is the home inspection. In fact it is the biggest hurdle in a real estate transaction.

Often times a seller is aware of some of the top home inspection problems that could stop a home sale in it's tracks and other times they have no idea.

One of the smarter things a seller can do is get a pre-home inspection that will determine whether or not there are any large issues. By doing a thorough check of the property a seller has the opportunity to make repairs before a buyers home inspection ever takes place.

In the article you will some of bigger home inspection issues that could potentially cause a buyer to want to back out of the sale.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
January 27, 2014 9:38 PM!

9 ways to pass your home inspection

9 ways to pass your home inspection | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
Getting your home inspected before it has been listed for sale can help expedite your sale as any problems can be addressed prior to closing. Here are some steps to keep in mind.
Bill Gassett's insight:

If you are selling a home getting it inspected before you put it on the market often times can make a lot of sense. Discover and fix problems before they ruin your sale.

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Scooped by Bill Gassett
January 22, 2014 12:21 PM!

How To Negotiate Issues After A Home Inspection

How To Negotiate Issues After A Home Inspection | Real Estate Articles Worth Reading |
How to negotiate issues after a Real Estate home inspection including whether you should make repairs or offer the buyer a credit.
Bill Gassett's insight:

Getting past the home inspection is one of the biggest hurdles in a real estate transaction. If you are selling or buying a home you need to understand the home inspection process and have proper expectations. Take a look at the article for insights into negotiating issues found during a home inspection. When you understand what is to be expected from a home inspection you stand a better chance of moving forward.

Lynn Pineda's comment, January 22, 2014 1:59 PM
I was just alerted of your Scoop it join Bill. Glad to see you here.
Bill Gassett's comment, January 22, 2014 2:35 PM
You as well - just getting my feet wet.