for Real Estate. See real estate articles worth reading about buying and selling a home from many sources from around the internet including the blog.
While Facebook is one of my least favorite social media channels because of how difficult it is to get in front of people who follow you and actually want to read your content, there are ways of improving your chances. This article on Facebook business page marketing provides some insight on how to get more people visiting and liking your page.
When it comes to social media, there are two platforms that are no longer optional: Facebook and Google Plus. Yes, Twitter is cool and Pinterest is fun, but they can’t do for your real estate business what Facebook and Google Plus can -- at least not yet.
Bill Gassett's insight:
If you are a real estate agent and you are looking to grow your business through social media channels then you will want to take the time and go through this article that offers advice on how to use Google Plus, Facebook and Pinterest for your real estate business. There are many real estate agents who are using Facebook but have not caught on to the power of Google Plus for business. In comparing Google Plus vs Facebook for Real Estate there are a number of things to consider. Google Plus is the only social network that is also integrated with Google search. In other words if you are logged into Google and someone has connected with you on Google Plus and has either shared or +1 your post they will more than likely see it when they do an online search. By claiming Google authorship (see the article) you can also get your picture in search results. This has been shown to increase CTR dramatically! Facebook and Pinterest also should have a place in your social media arsenal. Take a look at the article and be sure to follow some of the links as well.
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10 of the best ways real estate agents can get more likes on Facebook is actually a lot easier than you might think. Here are some tips and tricks.