Raspberry Pi
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Raspberry Pi
A complete ARM GNU/Linux computer for $25.
(also covering Arduino and BeagleBone)
Curated by F. Thunus
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 19, 2015 5:39 AM

Wino Board €10 Arduino Wireless Stackable Header

Wino Board €10 Arduino Wireless Stackable Header | Raspberry Pi | Scoop.it
The Wino micro-controller has been designed to use very little power and is equipped with the latest ARM Cortex technology, watch the video below to learn more.
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Scooped by F. Thunus
June 18, 2015 1:19 AM

Wino board - The tiny, 10€ Arduino with WiFi!

Wino board - The tiny, 10€ Arduino with WiFi! | Raspberry Pi | Scoop.it
The perfect Internet of Things development platform. It´s cheap, small, wireless, stackable, and easy to use.
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