Since I published my book KNOWN, I’ve had an incredible amount of fun coaching dozens of people through a process to create a profound online presence. I’m starting to see that there are three specific issues where people get stuck when embarking on their personal brand strategy. Today, I’m going to name these three areas and propose some ways for you to get “unstuck” if you’re experiencing these problems.
The building blocks
Before we go through the three common problems. Let’s review the primary process behind the book, as a reference. Every person who becomes “known” in their field follows four steps:
“PLACE” — Not necessarily a “passion,” but a sustainable interest — it’s your story, what you want to be known for.
“SPACE” — Where do you tell this story? Can you find a niche that is uncontested or under-served?
“CONTENT” — The fuel of a personal brand strategy is consistent content — written, audio, or video.
“ACTIONABLE AUDIENCE” — In the book I show how a social media audience is passive and I demonstrate how to build a tribe that can help support your goals....
Mark Schaefer says people are bumping up against three hurdles as they try to determine their personal brand strategy. Here are some ideas to overcome and break though!