... Sales lift, impact, and retention are just a few of the key measurements for any return-on-objective (ROO) program. (Note: I like to use ROO instead of ROI [return on investment] because it focuses content marketers on the real objectives.)
Sometimes ROO can be determined with one metric, while other times four or five are needed to show an impact on your organization’s business goals.ROO measurements come in all shapes and sizes, and usually include multiple items to give you the complete answer to your question. The important aspect to remember is you aren’t measuring just for the sake of measurement.
The tools and tactics below are used to directly determine what a project’s objectives should be. If you keep that in mind, you’ll get your ROO. Here are a few measurement initiatives to get you started...
Interesting approach to measurement that provides a useful framework. Like the focus on ROO (return on ibjective) vs. the more typical ROI.