As digital and mobile become ever more pervasive in our lives as consumers, so marketers need to tap into that and meet the demands of today’s connected consumer.
This is where the adoption of the Four Ms of Influence Marketing needs to be embraced as the natural evolution of the Four Ps, particularly when it comes to lead generation and understanding the customer life cycle via social media.
Why the Need for the Four Ms of Influence Marketing?
For all intents and purposes, any marketing via today’s multiple digital channels is influence marketing. The problem is, influence today is defined by social scoring platforms like Kred and PeerIndex.
While these platforms offer a decent starting point for who could potentially influence your customers to move along the purchase life cycle from awareness to intent to purchase, there have been too few success stories shared to show this is the case.Instead, brands are left with impressive amplification metrics, but no real ROI....
Danny Brown explains how the Four Ps of marketing have evolved into the Four Ms of Influence Marketing, what they are, and why they are important to driving sales and measuring social media ROI.