Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
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Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
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Curated by Jeff Domansky
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
July 18, 2017 10:47 AM!

How to Write Engaging B2B Headlines: Analysis of 10 Million Articles Shared on LinkedIn

How to Write Engaging B2B Headlines: Analysis of 10 Million Articles Shared on LinkedIn | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

“If you use a poor headline, it does not matter how hard you labor over your copy because your copy will not be read.” John Caples

A good headline is one that resonates with your audience not one that resonates with someone else’s audience. This is why copying a viral headline format that worked on BuzzFeed or Facebook is a bad idea, particularly if you write for a B2B audience.

Our latest research reveals the headlines that resonate with B2B audiences including:

The top phrases that start B2B headlines

The most engaging phrases in B2B headlines

The most shared numbers in business headlines

The top words and topics that resonate with B2B audiences

The optimum length of B2B headlines

Key lessons for business content writers

The research is based on an analysis of 10 million articles shared on LinkedIn. See our methodology note at the end of this post.

Jeff Domansky's insight:

BuzzSumo research will help you write more effective B2B headlines.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
April 2, 2016 11:55 PM!

How to Effortlessly Write Captivating Headlines

How to Effortlessly Write Captivating Headlines | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Do you know what the average attention span of a reader is today? It’s 8.2 seconds. You read that right. The average attention span of someone visiting your page is less than it takes you to drink a glass of water. You have less than 10 seconds to convince your readers that your content is more than good; you have to convince them that it’s remarkable.

Luckily, you can make your headlines way better if you pay attention to a couple of simple rules....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Better headlines get better readership – a simple blogging truth.

GwynethJones's curator insight, April 3, 2016 3:29 PM

"Better headlines get better readership – a simple blogging truth."


As long as they don't dip TOO HARD into Clickbait!

rodrick rajive lal's curator insight, April 4, 2016 4:20 AM

Better headlines get better readership – a simple blogging truth. Great article that differentiates between headlines and titles. Apparently what drives SEO is not just key-words, but also better headlines that direct readers to specific articles. Amazed to know that the attention span of adults has come done to 8.2 seconds! A good headline would have to grab the attention of the reader in less time than it takes you to dring a glass of water!

Meg Basilio's curator insight, April 4, 2016 7:31 AM

Better headlines get better readership – a simple blogging truth.

Scooped by Jeff Domansky
July 25, 2015 3:14 AM!

How to Write a Headline People Will Want to Click

How to Write a Headline People Will Want to Click | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Your headline will determine the success of your article.This is something that Vincent Musetto, a former editor of the New York Post who passed away in June, knew to be true -- even when newspapers were only products of paper and ink. He was a master at structuring sentences and organizing words into wacky, surprising, and memorable ways. 

Consider his most famous headline: Headless Body in Topless Bar

Or his personal favorite from his work: Granny Executed in Her Pink Pajamas

I wouldn't hesitate to click. According to a study from Upworthy -- a site with a polarizing headline formula -- traffic to an article can vary by 500% based on the headline. ...

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Learn how to cut through the clutter by writing better headlines.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
April 9, 2015 10:19 AM!

How to Write a Headline That Keeps on Earning Clicks

How to Write a Headline That Keeps on Earning Clicks | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Our tweets average 100 to 150 clicks each. These headlines? They routinely pull in 200+ clicks every time we share them.

Here’s a peek at the Twitter Tips for Beginners headline, shared in the past 90 days....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Buffer has found a handful of headlines that get clicks on Twitter no matter how many times we share. Kevan Lee shares the factors that make these headlines so clickable.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
March 9, 2015 1:44 PM!

The way to capitalize a headline (all right, several ways)

The way to capitalize a headline (all right, several ways) | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

When in doubt, the government printing office offers a helpful general rule. Capitalize everything except for “the articles a, an, and the; the prepositions at, by, for, in, of, on, to, and up; the conjunctions and, as, but, if, or, and nor; and the second element of a compound numeral,” such as One Hundred Twenty-three Years (if spelled out).

Note that prepositions of four letters or longer, such as from or among, are capitalized. Also, up, which is both an adverb and an adjective, can be an exception. Your government offers this example: “Built-Up Stockpiles Are Necessary (Up is an adverb here).”...

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Huge pet peeve of mine. AP style rules or follow the trend and use "sentence case."

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
January 31, 2017 11:17 PM!

How to Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines in 2017 - NewsWhip

How to Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines in 2017 - NewsWhip | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The most direct way is to catch readers’ eyes is with a provocative headline. We’ve looked at headlines before, looking at how publishers can optimize theirs for social and the best practices for headlines on Facebook.

Knowing the headlines that work gives your content the best possible start to attracting attention on social.

Armed with years of social media metrics, we turned to NewsWhip Analytics to analyze how headlines of ten top publishers has changed in just the past two years. Let’s take a look....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Valuable headline writing tips and examples from NewsWhip research and analysis of 10 big publishers.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
August 19, 2015 12:04 AM!

Increase Content Marketing Success With Helpful Headline Tips & Tools

Increase Content Marketing Success With Helpful Headline Tips & Tools | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

To clear the confusion and help you create headlines that will capture the interest of your target audience, we’ve put together a new guideHow to Cook Up a Killer Content Marketing Headline. In it, you’ll find an outline of the most important rules, along with some suggestions for  spicing up your efforts once you’ve mastered the basics.

But to get you started off on the right foot, I’ve put together some additional tips and tools that you can use to generate unique headlines, evaluate how well they perform, and attract your target audience without having to resort to sneaky tactics that may turn off readers....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Here's how to get your headlines working.

wagglerfat's comment, August 21, 2015 11:05 PM
Scooped by Jeff Domansky
July 16, 2015 11:49 PM!

7 Headline Elements You Need for Content Marketing Success

7 Headline Elements You Need for Content Marketing Success | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Headlines are more important now than they've ever been. According to research by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 51 percent of all U.S. online readers identified a compelling headline as the reason why they clicked on a given story.

The quality of the article's source was only responsible for motivating 37 percent of people to click. What that means for you, as a content marketer, is that the strength of your headline is responsible for whether or not the rest of your article gets read. You could have a landmark piece of research written in eloquent, captivating style, but without a strong headline to bring someone in, it won't matter.

These seven headline qualities will help you craft the great titles necessary to attract that initial traffic...

Jeff Domansky's insight:

Lots to learn about headline writing from Larry Alton.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
March 24, 2015 4:00 AM!

Headline Advice to Confuse You & Kill All Creative Impulses

Headline Advice to Confuse You & Kill All Creative Impulses | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The 28-page paper reports findings on clickthrough rates, engagement and conversion drawn from a number-crunching study of 3.3 million headlines from paid links. (Outbrain is a content discovery platform, meaning it puts sponsored content in the path of website readers. It’s new media advertising, basically.)

The data is pretty damn shocking…… and confusing… and frustrating… and counter-intuitive…

It flies in the face of much of what I teach. And it makes the question I asked in th ase first line of this article, “What do I know about writing headlines?” take on a whole new inflection....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

HubSpot and Outbrain collected data to help you write effective headlines. Barry Feldman disproves it and encourages you to write headlines that invoke feelings. Data be damned!

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
September 1, 2014 11:58 PM!

Need a Headline For Your Story or Blog? 19 Fab Formulas

Many people have found headlines that work wonders, consistently, time after time. And they go well beyond the saturated listicle or clickbait. Why not take so…
Jeff Domansky's insight:

Great headline writing tips via storyteller Karen Dietz.

Ken Dickens's curator insight, August 27, 2014 1:56 PM
Non-Profit fundraising is about telling your story in a compelling way. Here's help! -Ken
malek's curator insight, August 27, 2014 5:45 PM

Headline today Or Headline news,

We're more likely to read Headlines not the post body.