Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
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Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
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Curated by Jeff Domansky
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 23, 2017 11:43 AM!

4 Ways the Email Newsletter Is Making News Better

4 Ways the Email Newsletter Is Making News Better | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The sheer amount of Internet content—true or not—is one of the reasons 62 percent of people use social media as a news source, but it’s also part of why more discerning audiences are retreating to the humble email newsletter.


While the post-election surge of interest in reputable journalism led to subscription surges at many major publishers, it also leaves readers with an overabundance of news.


People want real news but need it fast, and newsletters provide the convenience of Facebook with less noise.


Meanwhile, the email newsletters publishers have long relied on to boost engagement and ROI are now being recognized as a means to hold onto these new subscribers. Though derided and routinely declared dead, email remains a favorite of audiences and publishers alike simply by playing to its strengths: delivering easily-digestible content that increases traffic....

Jeff Domansky's insight:

The email newsletter may have a new life as a trusted source for "real" news as well as a filter for all the news and social media "noise" around us. Of course, it could also be used for fake news too.

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Rescooped by Jeff Domansky from Content Curation World
July 21, 2014 11:10 AM!

A Curated Showcase of the Best Email Newsletter Designs: Really Good Emails

A Curated Showcase of the Best Email Newsletter Designs: Really Good Emails | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
The Best Email Designs in the Universe (that came into my inbox)

Via Robin Good
Jeff Domansky's insight:

This email archive is categorized by types of emails and is a useful resource for marketers. Shared by Robin Good and recommended reading. 9/10

Caren Taubman Glasser's curator insight, July 25, 2014 10:36 AM

Thanks @Robin Good for sharing this amazing resource. 

Caren Taubman Glasser's curator insight, July 25, 2014 10:38 AM

Thanks @Robin Goodfor a great resource.

Christian Habermann's curator insight, August 8, 2014 10:55 AM

Very nice!