Facebook has tweaked its New Feed algorithm many, many times in its attempt to keep the posts you see relevant, but the change it’s rolling out today may be the most important one yet: Facebook is vowing to kill clickbait.
Facebook has tweaked its New Feed algorithm many, many times in its attempt to keep the posts you see relevant, but the change it’s rolling out today may be the most important one yet: Facebook is vowing to kill clickbait.
It’s a potentially huge move, and one that makes journalism better for almost everyone involved.
How it works
Now Facebook is filtering out clickbait much like Gmail hides spam. It’s detecting specific words, structures, and styles in titles which “intentionally leave out crucial information, forcing people to click to find the answer.”
Here are some Facebook-provided samples of titles you will be seeing a lot less of:
“When She Looked Under Her Couch Cushions And Saw THIS… I Was SHOCKED!”
“He Put Garlic In His Shoes Before Going To Bed And What Happens Next Is Hard To Believe”
“The Dog Barked At The Deliveryman And His Reaction Was Priceless.”...
The Donald's campaign strategy? Clickbait! You read it here first.