78% of social sellers outsell peers who don’t use social media.
Go to where the buyers are. Build a strong network with prospects and customers by offering value. It’s simple. It makes sense.
For speaker, advisor and sales leader, Jill Rowley, social selling is one of the most important tactics a salesperson can employ. It also happens to be one of the most haphazardly applied and misunderstood concepts in the industry today.
Building a strong network by listening to individual’s needs and providing solutions means they will turn to you when they are ready to buy. They will also be more willing to spread your message. As it turns out, your best salespeople aren’t always on your payroll.
LeadGenius sat down with Jill Rowley, to discuss how social selling is effectively applied at leading companies such as GE and Affinio.
Jill Rowley says social selling is one of the most important yet misunderstood tactics a salesperson can employ. Valuable insight!