Yes, it is a slide deck, but it's also one of the most eagerly anticipated collections of facts in Silicon Valley. Mary Meeker is ready with her 2016 internet trends report, which she is delivering today at this year's Code Conference.
At 213 pages, there's a ton of data, but here are our Top 3 takeaways.
1) The internet itself is seeing slowing growth. In the past two decades, the internet economy was affected by macroeconomic trends, but it was external issues like the housing crisis and the financial crisis that were driving the slowdown. Now it is global internet growth itself that is slowing down.
2) Typing text into a search bar is so last year. In five years, at least 50 percent of all searches are going to be either images or speech.
3) The home screen has acted as the de facto portal on mobile devices since the arrival of the iPhone and even before. Messaging apps, with context and time, have a chance to rival the home screen as the go-to place for interaction....
The internet is slowing down, messaging is taking on the home screen, and voice search is big. There, I just saved you more than 3 hours of your life that you will never get back if you do attempt to read the whole 213 slide presentation. Let me refer you a second time instead to Josh Bernoff's brilliant description of this way overblown presentation:
"Mary Meeker’s annual Internet Trends Report for Kleiner Perkins is a comprehensive and provocative collection of data about technology change. It’s also the most cluttered, visually jumbled 213-slide pileup in the history of PowerPoint. Reading this deck is like walking through a construction site in which the Hell’s Angels are putting on three simultaneous Cirque de Soleil shows during a Green Day concert. In a snowstorm."