Let's not overlook one splashy announcement at NYC Advertising Week last week, which might be highly significant or the adtech space -- or might not.
The Weather Company's back story is intriguing, and in many ways emblematic of the data-driven marketing and advertising environment which surrounds us. Offering personalized meteorological updates, especially via a popular mobile app, put TWC in a position to aggregate an enormous set of first-party data, and — of course — location data. Swifty, a weather company became an adtech company, and a powerful one.In partnership with IBM, it launched a series of initiatives — for example, JOURNEYfx, a platform for first-party data-based location targeting.
Last week, IBM Watson entered the picture with the re-branding of TWC as IBM Watson Advertising. This not only acknowledges TWC's central mission — using data to power campaigns — but also signals the use of AI to analyse and optimize these vast tracts of customer information: some 25 billion data transactions per day....
Programmatic ads ahead via IBM Watson.